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CLC - Clothworkers' Company Works of Art
AF - Antique Furniture
BB - Designer Bookbindings
001 - The Memoirs of Samuel Pepys, esq. R.R.S., Secretary to the Admiralty in the reigns of Charles II. and James II. : comprising his diary from 1659 to 1669 / deciphered by the Rev. John Smith, A.B. of St. John's College, Cambridge, from the original short-hand MS. in the Pepysian Library, and a selection from his private correspondence. Edited by Richard, Lord Braybrooke
002 - St Paul's the Cathedral Church of London, 604-2004
003 - The Deluge of Time : an illustrated history of The Clothworkers' Company
004 - Encyclopaedia of Textiles
005 - The Golden Ram : A Narrative History of The Clothworkers' Company 1528-1958
006 - The story of Mary Datchelor School 1877-1977
007 - The Charters and Letters Patent granted by the Kings & Queens of England to The Clothworkers' Company translated from the originals in the possession of the Company & The Ordinances of the Clothworkers' Company, together with those of the ancient guilds or fraternities of the Fullers & Shearmen of the City of London / transcribed from the originals in the possession of the Company
008 - Death in the Loving Cup
009 - The Halls of the Livery Companies of the City of London, based on an original manuscript by the late W.A.D. Englefield and rewritten and edited by Peter J.A. Lubbock, with illustrations by Howard Panton
010 - The Annals of St Olave's Hart Street and All Hallows Staining
011 - London churches before the Great Fire
012 - British Textiles: 1700 to the present
013 - The costume of Yorkshire = Costumes du comte d'York : illustrated by a series of forty engravings, being fac-similes of original drawings, with descriptions in English and French
014 - Piper in Print: John Piper's Books, Periodicals, Ephemera and Textiles
015 - Chris Ofili
016 - The Great Plague: A People's History
017 - By permission of heaven: the story of the Great Fire of London
018 - Chris Ofili: Weaving Magic
019 - London: A Pilgrimage
020 - Mr Kilburn’s Calicos: William Kilburn’s fabric printing patterns from the year 1800
021 - The Revelation of St John the Divine
022 - London Scenes: wood engravings by Hellmuth Weissenborn
023 - The Lord Mayor’s Show: 800 years 1215-2015
024 - On Weaving
CG - Ceramics and glass
CK - Clocks
CT - Coins and Tokens
DR - Drawings
FA - Facsimiles
ME - Medals, decorations, badges, coins
MO - Models
OB - Objets d'Art
PA - Paintings
PH - Photographic Archive of the Clothworkers' Company
PO - Portraits
PR - Prints
ST - Statuary/sculpture
SV - Staffs/Staves
TN - Textiles
VB - Visitors' Books
W - Plate
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