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CL - The Clothworkers' Company Archive
A - Records under which the Company Functioned
B - Minutes and other Records relating to the Government of the Company
C - Records relating to Company Apprentices, Members and Officers
D - Accounts and other Financial Records
E - Records of Trade, Craft or Professional Activities
F - Records relating to Administration and other Miscellaneous Activities
G - Records of Gifts, Charities and Estates and other Property
001 - Minutes of the Estate Committee and other related Committees
001A - Indexes of the Estate Committee and other related Committees
002 - Committee Records regarding Clothworkers' Hall, Fenchurch Street and Angel Court
002A - Indexes of Sub-Committees
003 - Registers of Leases
004 - Registers of Licenses to Assign
005 - Registers of Documents sealed
007 - Plans, Surveys, Inventories etc
008 - Rent Records
009 - Donations, Bequests and Scholarships
010 - General Charity Records
011 - Object files
Charity - Records of Individual Trusts and Charities
Estates - Records of Individual Properties
Irish - Irish Estate Records
MSS - Collected and donated material
Angell - Papers collected by Charles Frederick Angell
Autographs - Clothworker autographs
Beachcroft - The Beachcroft papers
Clothworkers - Clothworker Items
Gregory - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory
001 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 1
002 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 2
003 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 3
004 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 4
005 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 5
006 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 6
007 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 7
008 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 8
009 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 9
010 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 10
011 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 11
012 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 12
013 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 13
001 - Arms of William Thwaytes, pencil and ink
002 - Gregory's biographical notes on William Thwaytes, Citizen and Clothworker, Master 1833; his will and charities established in his name
003 - Handwritten extract from William Thwaytes' will, made from the Registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury
004 - Printed extract: description of the church of Allhallows [All Hallows] Staining, Mark Lane
005 - Cutting from 'Gentleman's Magazine': notice of death of William Thwaytes, 88, and abstract of his will
006 - Mary Elizabeth Burroughs petition to receive support from the John and Frances West, Thomas Newnam, William Thwaytes and Mrs Hannah Acton Charity for the Aged Blind
007 - Samuel Gregory's invitation to dine at Clothworkers' Hall in honour of the late William Thwaytes, 26 Dec 1836
008 - Particulars of the wine used at Mr Thwaytes' dinner, Clothworkers' Hall
009 - Letter inviting recipient to a dinner in commemoration of William Thwaytes, at the Crown and Sceptre, Greenwich
010 - Engraving: Allhallows Stayning [All Hallows Staining] Church, printed
011 - Six newscuttings regarding Mr and Mrs William Thwaytes
012 - Newscutting from Punch: describing a caricature of Mrs Thwaytes
013 - Engraving: 'The Hearn Bay Clock Tower', printed
014 - Number not used
015 - Small engraving of Charman Dean near Worthing, the marine residence of Mrs Thwaytes
016 - Gregory's notes on Mrs Anne Thiscross, widow of Francis Thiscross, Citizen and Clothworker and St Benedict or St Benet Fink
017 - Cartouche bearing arms of John Tollous, Citizen and Clothworker. Alderman and Sheriff of London in 1543, died 1548; handcoloured
018 - Gregory's biographical notes on John Tollous, Citizen and Clothworker. Alderman and Sheriff of London in 1543
019 - Newscutting about and small engraving of St Michael's Church, Cornhill
020 - Engraving: 'The original antient Steeple of St Michael in Cornhill, London'
021 - Printed article: St Michael's Church, Cornhill
022 - Four newscuttings and a small engraving relating to St Michael's, Cornhill
023 - Cartouche bearing arms of Barlow Trusthick [Trecothick], Citizen and Clothworker; Alderman of London 1764; Sheriff of London, 1766; Mayor of London, 1770
024 - Gregory's biographical notes on Barlow Trusthick [Trecothick], Citizen and Clothworker; Alderman of London 1764; Sheriff of London, 1766; Mayor of London, 1770
025 - Small engraving and description of London Lying-in Hospital, printed
026 - Signed examination of Hugh Fulton of Dublin, swearing that he is Protestant, and voluntarily engaged as a private soldier serving the East India Company at St Helena for five years
027 - Printed map of Queen Hith and Vintry Wards, divided into Parishes from a late survey; handcoloured in part
028 - Engraving of Addington Place, Surrey, seat of James Ivers Trescothick
029 - Engraving of Addington Place, Surrey, seat of James Trescothick
030 - Engraving of Addington Place, Surrey, seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury
031 - Printed extract: Survey of Addington from 'A History of Surrey; comprising every object of topographical, geological or historical interest' by Thomas Allen
032 - Rubbing of a heraldic shield on the monument of John Leigh Esq. in Addington Church, Surrey
033 - Rubbing of a heraldic shield on the monument of Thomas Hatteclyff in Addington Church, Surrey
034 - Four newscuttings relating to meetings attended by Mr Trecothick
035 - Eight newscuttings relating to Barlow Trecothick; election as Lord Mayor; meetings attended; death of
036 - Nine newscuttings relating to Barlow Trecothick; election as Sheriff of London in place of Mr Alderman Blunt 1764, and Benjamin Charlwood 1766; meetings attended; donation of £100 to Corsica in 1769
037 - Twelve newscuttings relating to Barlow Trecothick
038 - Canvassing card of Barlow Trecothick, seeking votes to become a Member of Parliament
039 - Canvassing card of the Right Hon Thomas Harley, Lord Mayor; Sir Robert Ladbroke, Knight and Alderman; Barlow Trecothick, Esquire and Alderman; and John Paterson, Esquire, to become Members of Parliament
040 - Satirical political flyer: 'Now or Never. Old England for ever, and the Four Old Members. The Lord Mayor, Sir Robert Ladbroke, Sir Richard Glyn, William Beckford Esq. Or, New England and Barlow Trecothick, Esq'
041 - Satirical political flyer against the opponent Barlow Trecothick: in the form of four questions put before the 'American Merchants who canvassed for the Boston Alderman' [Barlow Trecothick]
042 - Political flyer posted against the opponent, Barlow Trecothick, 'Mr Alderman Trick-a-Trick'
043 - Satirical political flyer against the election of Barlow Trecothick: 'A Second Dialogue between Mr Commerce and Mr Wholsale'
044 - Satirical political flyer: 'Reasons why Mr Alderman T[re]c[othic]k should NOT be chosen Member for the City of London, very proper to be read by every Man who has either Vote or Interest'
045 - Satirical political flyer 'City Races'
046 - Two printed flyers from Barlow Trecothick, thanking voters and recording poll totals of the seven candidates
047 - Printed flyer from Barlow Trecothick, thanking voters and recording poll totals of the seven candidates, himself fourth with 1134 votes
048 - Canvassing leaflet for Sir Robert Ladbroke, Sir Richard Glyn, William Beckford and Thomas Harley, Lord Mayor
049 - Two printed flyers from Barlow Trecothick, thanking voters, soliciting further votes and recording poll totals of the seven candidates, himself fourth with 1572 in the former and 2050 votes in the latter
050 - Printed flyer from Barlow Trecothick, thanking voters and recording election totals, himself fourth of seven with 2564 votes
051 - Canvassing flyer for Sir Richard Glyn, Alderman and Salter, to become Member of Parliament
052 - Political flyer: 'Instructions. Given to Sir Robert Ladbroke, Knt. William Beckford, Esq; th Right Hon. Thomas Harley, Esq; and Barlow Trecothick, Esq; Representatives of the City of London: By their Constituents.'
053 - Periodical or book article: 'A circumstantial Account of the Proceedings at Guildhall, etc'
054 - Public Advertiser article: 'Authentic Account of the Proceedings at Guildhall' for the election to the office of Lord Mayor, 1769 - 1770
055 - Seven short newscuttings: reporting the election of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, 1769
056 - Political pamphlet in the form of a letter to Barlow Trecothick, Lord Mayor, from Stephen Theod. Janssen, regarding encroachment of the River Thames
057 - Five newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: Common Council motion of statue to be erected in the name of the Right Hon. William Beckford, Lord Mayor; new streets planned from Blackfriars bridge; ships anchored in the Hope, bound to St James' Bay, including Trescothick's 'The London'
058 - Twelve newscuttings covering Trescothick's mayoral year, including: Lord Mayor holding Courts of Conservancy at Essex and Kents; assize of bread; Mr Moore of Cheapside travelling to Margate in a machine without horses, in nine hours; attempt to steal bodies hung at Bow Common
059 - Four newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: Common Council meeting, King's Answer to the late Address of the City to his Majesty on the Birth of a Princess, conduct of the Recorder and no books, papers or muniments belonging to the Corporation to leave the City Office; proposal to exchange the site of Fleet Prison with ground in St George's Fields
060 - Thirteen newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: Common Council resolution to erect statue of William Beckford; Annual feast of the Committee of City Lands held at the London Tavern; 'On the Debate of a learned Body about the Alteration of their Caps'
061 - Eleven newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: a 'card' from a Liveryman questioning the Lord Mayor's 'doubtful' political character; publication of sheets containing trials of 'all the murderers' sentenced at the Old Bailey, 6d; 'Hot press' on the river clearing ships, houses and taverns
062 - Seven newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: John Thomas, Waterman, rowed from Blackfriars Bridge to Erith in eight hours one minute; three Bakers convicted for making bread short of weight; 'the Trimmer trimmed, adapted to the Genius of all patriotic Taylors'
063 - Fourteen newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: Royal College of Physicians power to burn defective medicines at Apothecaries' doors; Committee appointed to investigate encroachment of Thames; 'The fashionable toast of the day is, 'The Independent and Uncorrupt Juries of the City of London'
064 - Fifteen newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: order to press seamen; Scotchman loses 80,000l by the fall of Bank Stock; mails to be guarded from the General Post Office
065 - Twelve newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: Mr Russell impressed at his own door but discharged at his pleading as a freeman of London; satirical letter re 'masks' of Patriotism lost at the London Tavern; Office of City Marshal to be sold or given away
066 - Thirteen newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: infringement of Goldsmiths' Company rights; Grand Council to be held with respect to the critical situation with Spain; Grand Entertainment given by the Sheriffs elect at Goldsmiths' Hall
067 - Six newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: transcript of Sir William Blackstone's comments on the subject of impressing men for sea service; Lord Mayor's defence having been charged with making 'a faint and forced' declaration
068 - Two newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year: impressed man discharged by Alderman Wilkes; 'The Liveryman's Lamentation, on the late Loss of City Hospitality' printed in the London Evening Post
069 - Six newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: debate in Common Council between Lord Mayor and Alderman Wilkes regarding pressganging of men for sea service; men with false press warrants extorting money from men paying for their liberty; oath of John Standbank, master of The Britannia, that he had no knowledge of the plague being in Dunkirk or France when he set sail for London
070 - Eleven newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: Press Warrant, the case of John Cock a Freeholder impressed on board a tender off Tower Wharf; mad dog attacked several persons at Fleet-market before being killed by the Butchers; Lord Mayor's Court of Conservancy at Cecil Street Coffee House regarding encroachment of Thames, followed by elegant entertainment at The Clothworkers' Company
071 - Nine newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: letter to Lord Mayor from 'an Advocate of the Poor' re price of bread; Lieutenant of a press-gang repremanded for impressing without presence of a Constable; press gangs impressing men from houses of 'ill repute'
072 - Ten newscuttings covering Trecothick's mayoral year, including: new streets and pavement repairs upwards of 80,000l being carried out in London; Hon. Artillery Company attending Lord Mayor from St Paul's Cathedral to Mansion House; anniversary of his Majesty's accession to be celebrated with bonfires and illuminations; Mr Spinnage, Showmaker, attacked and robbed at pistol point
073 - Newscutting covering Trecothick's mayoral year: copy of letter from Barlow Trescothic, Lord Mayor, reassuring against apprehension of being impressed, with response E. Hawke, C. Spencer, C.J. Fox
074 - Newscutting: 'On the Practice of Pressing'
075 - Eight [10?] newscuttings relating to Trecothick's mayoral year, including 60 men uniting as a body to not pay Land Tax; swearing in of Brass Crosby as Mayor Elect, by the Court of Aldermen; gambling in 'the neighbourhood of the Change'
076 - Printed list of the Magistrates of London, divided into Wards, covering 1714 to 1769 and including dates of death
077 - Five newscuttings: Corn Bill and list of persons appointed to Committee for enquiring into state of British Affairs in the East Indies; illness of Alderman Trescothick; ship 'The Trescothick' arriving from Jamaica; names of men elected to act for the east and west hundreds of Brixton and for the City (including James Trescothick of Croydon)
078 - Certified copy of burial entry for Barlow Trecothick, 55, at Addington Church
079 - Watercolour of monument erected for Alderman Trecothick in Addington Church, Surrey
080 - Monumental inscription of Barlow Trecothick
081 - Gregory's notes on the wives of Barlow Trecothick, Grizzel and Ann Margaritta
082 - Certified copy of burial entry for Mrs Grizzel Trecothick, wife of Barlow Trecothick, buried 6 Aug 1769
083 - Grave rubbing showing carved arms within heart shape, from the monument of Mrs Grizzel Trecothick
084 - Monumental inscriptions of members of the Trecothick family buried at Addington Church, Surrey
085 - Gravestone rubbing/sketch of arms on the monument of Mrs S.M. Trecothick, wife of James Trecothick, in Addington Church, Surrey
086 - Print of Addington Church from the south east, with grave being dug in the foreground
087 - Two prints of engravings of Addington Church
088 - Description of Addington Church printed in the 'Gentleman's Magazine'
089 - Letter, envelope and seal returning Lord Chief Justice Abbott's letter. Addressed to T.M. Grimwood
090 - Letter sent from Lambeth Palace, signature illegible, remarking upon possible improving health
091 - Newscutting: Death of the Archbishop of Canterbury, to be interred at Addington Church
092 - Newscutting: Funeral of of the Archbishop of Canterbury, to be interred at Addington Church
093 - Printed engraving from 'The Illustrated London News' of the Archbishop of Canterbury's funeral procession at Addington
094 - Transcript of deed to which Barlow Trecothick was party, Feb 1845
095 - Certified copy of burial register entry: Lady Viscountess Curzon, wife of Lord Viscount Curzon
096 - Letter to Samuel Gregory from James Knollis, enclosing burial register copy in CL/G/MSS/Gregory/13/95
097 - Gregory's notes on Edward Trussell, Citizen and Clothworker, Master 1654-1655
098 - Monumental inscription to Edward Trussell in the Chapel of St Faith, St Paul's Cathedral
099 - Arms and autograph of Samuel Turner
100 - Gregory's notes regarding Samuel Turner, Citizen and Clothworker, Master 1763-1764, Lord Mayor, 1768-1769
101 - Watercolour: arms of Samuel Turner, Citizen and Clothworker
102 - Engraving: cut from the 'Oxford Magazine', Samuel Turner, Lord Mayor of London
103 - Stipple engraving: Samuel Turner, Lord Mayor of London
104 - Newscuttings: relating to elections of Samuel Turner as Alderman and Sheriff of London
105 - Newscuttings: Samuel Turner's petitions to be elected as Chamberlain of the City, in place of Sir Thomas Harrison, deceased
106 - Newscuttings: relating to Samuel Turner, Lord Mayor
107 - Copy of letter from Francis Gosling to City Liveryman: resigning from Court of Alderman due to ill health, 24 Sep 1768
108 - Copy letter: from Henry Bankes to the City Liverymen, requesting that he be not put forward for election of Lord Mayor due to serious illness, 24 Sep 1768
109 - Newscuttings: four small cuttings regarding Samuel Turner's election as Lord Mayor
110 - Newscuttings: Lord Mayor Thomas Harley's Lord Mayor's Day procession
111 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
112 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
113 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
114 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
115 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
116 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
117 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
118 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
119 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
120 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
121 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
122 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
123 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
124 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
125 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
126 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
127 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
128 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
129 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
130 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
131 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
132 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
133 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
134 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
135 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
136 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
137 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
138 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
139 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
140 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
141 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
142 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
143 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
144 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
145 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
146 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
147 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
148 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
149 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
150 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
151 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
152 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
153 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty
154 - Assorted newscuttings relating to the year of Samuel Turner's mayoralty; notice of death of Samuel Turner
155 - Printed engraving: 'The Addressers'
156 - Newscuttings: 'Political Essays. A Political Bllad. To the tune of Chevy Chase' by Marcius
157 - Printed engraving: 'The Battle of Temple Bar''
158 - Printed engraving: 'Sequel to the Battle of Temple Bar'
159 - Notice of Aldermen and Gentlemen recommended to Common Council for positions on Committees of: the Irish Society, City Lands, Gresham Committee, Mansion House, New Bridge Committee, General Purposes for Blackfriars Bridge, Commissioners of Sewers, Lamps and Pavements
160 - Article: 'Proceedings at the King's Arms'
161 - Article: 'True State of Squabbles at the King's Arms'
162 - Article: 'The Monthly Chronologer' regarding the meeting of Liverymen at the King's Arms
163 - Pamphlet: printed engraving of the presentation of the petition of the Livery to the King, by Samuel Turner, Lord Mayor, and copy of text of same
164 - Article: 'The Livery of London's Petition to the King'
165 - Printed engraving: 'The City Carriers'
166 - Printed engraving: portraits of James Townshend, Sheriff; William Beckford, Lord Mayor; and John Sawbridge, Sheriff
167 - Gregory's copy of the 'Public Advertiser's obituary for Samuel Turner, 25 Feb 1777
168 - Assorted small newscuttings following Samuel Turner's political appointments
169 - Two newscuttings: public letter from the 'Oxford Magazine' to Samuel Turner, on the death of his son; public letter, supposedly from William Turner, thanking Common Council for support in his bid to be elected to the Office of City Garbler
170 - Gregory's monumental inscriptions form Samuel Turner's grave at St Dunstan in the East Church
171 - Copy of burial register entry for Samuel Turner, buried 1 Mar 1777 at St Dunstan in the East
172 - Sketch, description and inscription of Thomas Turner's monument in St Dunstan in the East Church
173 - Watercolour of Samuel Turner's vault; small engraving of the exterior of St Dunstan in the East
174 - Printed description of St Dunstan in the East
175 - Brass rubbing of plate under Alderman Samuel Turner's monument in St Dunstan in the East Church
176 - Brass rubbing with watercolour of the arms of Alderman Samuel Turner
177 - Brass rubbing from the vault of Alderman Samuel Turner, St Dunstan in the East Church
178 - Journal article: 'Some account of the Church of St Dunstan in the East in the City of London'
179 - Ink drawing of St Dunstan's in the East Church, signed R.B. Schnebbelie
180 - Printed engraving of St Dunstan's in the East
181 - Printed engraving of interior of St Dunstan's in the East
182 - Engraving of large painted window in St Dunstan's in the East
183 - Engraving: Street scene looking towards tower of St Dunstan's in the East
184 - Article: 'New Church of St Dunstan's in the East' taken from the 'Gentleman's Magazine'
185 - Three newscuttings: obituary of Rev. Dr. Jortin, Archdeacon of London, Vicar of Kensington and Rector of St Dunstan's in the East; rookery at St Dunstan's; description of Parish of St Dunstan's
186 - Examination of Edward Udall, Citizen and Clothworker of London aged 58 years on behalf of Edward Birkhead, one of the defendents of the bill of complaint of John Shorey, Complainant
187 - Examination of Samuel Wall
188 - Two letters from John Ward, Master of the Clothworkers' 1824 - 1825, to Mr Hughesden, Beadle of the Clothworkers, regarding addresses to send communications from the Hall
189 - Signature of Samuel Ward, Citizen and Clothworker
014 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 14
Reed - Programmes etc. collected by John Reed
Rutt - Volume of cartoons by Henry Rutt, Master 1783-1784
Sumner - Papers collected by Philip Sumner
TURNES - Printed pamphlet: 'The Duke and Duchess of Leeds at Hornby Castle'
Turner - Turner papers
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