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CL - The Clothworkers' Company Archive
A - Records under which the Company Functioned
B - Minutes and other Records relating to the Government of the Company
C - Records relating to Company Apprentices, Members and Officers
D - Accounts and other Financial Records
E - Records of Trade, Craft or Professional Activities
F - Records relating to Administration and other Miscellaneous Activities
G - Records of Gifts, Charities and Estates and other Property
001 - Minutes of the Estate Committee and other related Committees
001A - Indexes of the Estate Committee and other related Committees
002 - Committee Records regarding Clothworkers' Hall, Fenchurch Street and Angel Court
002A - Indexes of Sub-Committees
003 - Registers of Leases
004 - Registers of Licenses to Assign
005 - Registers of Documents sealed
007 - Plans, Surveys, Inventories etc
008 - Rent Records
009 - Donations, Bequests and Scholarships
010 - General Charity Records
011 - Object files
Charity - Records of Individual Trusts and Charities
Estates - Records of Individual Properties
Irish - Irish Estate Records
MSS - Collected and donated material
Angell - Papers collected by Charles Frederick Angell
Autographs - Clothworker autographs
Beachcroft - The Beachcroft papers
Clothworkers - Clothworker Items
Gregory - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory
001 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 1
001 - Samuel Gregory: Original Photograph in (Warden's) Robes
002 - Coloured image titled 'Historical and Biographical Notices Relative to the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers of the City of London'
003 - Image depicting the coat of arms of The Clothworkers' Company
004 - Paper regarding the appointment of a Commission to Inquire into the State of Municipal Corporations in England and Wales
005 - List of London Livery Companies whose functions have been stated in the Report of the City of London
006 - Second Report of the Commissioners appointed to Inquire into the Municipal Corporations in England and Wales, 1837
007 - Extract from 'The Mirror' regarding the Livery Companies of London
008 - Paper titled 'Origin of Guilds in England'
009 - Pamphlet 'Concise Account of the Worshipful Company of Clothworkers of London compiled from Records and Authentic Documents by William Herbert, Librarian to the Corporation of London'
010 - Page titled 'The Sign of the Elephant of Fenchurch Street'
011 - Extracts from 'The Architect and Contract Reporter'
012 - List of Lord Mayors of the Clothworkers' Company
013 - Letters Patent, Charters, Ordinances, Bye Laws in the Profession of the Clothworkers' Company
014 - Charles II and Samuel Pepys: original naval document signed early 1673 with reference to a Thomas Boylston
015 - Extracts from 'The Penny Magazine' regarding public records of Britain
016 - Uncoloured (sepia base) 'aquatint' by Rowlandson and Pugin from 'The Microscosm of London' depicting the Hall and the new Record Room at Heralds' College
017 - Authority awarded to John Evans to assign stock on behalf of the Clothworkers' Company
018 - Image of the Clothworkers' Company coat of arms with descriptions of each of its components and details of when it was granted
019 - Image of the Clothworkers' Company coat of arms with a brief decription of the Company history
020 - Image of the Clothworkers' Company coat of arms with a description of the Company's history
021 - Grant of Arms to the Clothworkers' Company, from Robert Cooke
022 - Correspondence from Allen Pering, Clerk, to Sam Gregory Esquire regarding a gift of the Company's arms
023 - Listed transactions between Mr Sam Gregory, Mr B Luxmoor, and Mr Langton, regarding the original Grant of Crest and Supporters belonging to the Clothworkers' Company
024 - Receipts authorised by Mr Sam Gregory for work undertaken regarding the Clothworkers' Company crest and arms
025 - Receipt authorised by Mr Sam[uel] Gregory for work regarding the Clothworkers' Company coat of arms, undertaken by Mr William Walker
026 - Correspondence from Mr William Walker to Mr Sam Gregory regarding details of the Clothworkers' Company coat of arms for drawing and emblazoning by Mr Walker
027 - Receipt from Mr Thomas Mooring, Heraldic Engraver and Artist
028 - Images of the Clothworkers' Company Coat of Arms with details of its design
029 - Leaflet advertising the plate presented to the Clothworkers' Company by Thomas Bower, Painter
030 - Coloured image of the Clothworkers' Company Coat of Arms, dated 1530
031 - Coloured image of the Clothworkers' Shield
032 - Extract from The Penny Magazine concerning the Teazle
033 - Extract from The Penny Magazine concerning the Teazle
034 - Image of the Hook formerly used by Cloth Manufacturers
035 - Image of the Clothworkers' Company coat of arms with a written description of the Habick
036 - Two Black and White Images of Clothmaking Factories
037 - Title Page of 'A Surveye of all the Landes and Tenementes belonginge to the Worshipfull Company of the Clothworkers of London made by Ralph Treswell the Elder'
038 - A Calendar from the Plan Book belonging to the Clothworkers' Company
039 - Statement of the Number of Livery Companies and the Number of Liveryman in the years 1501-1724 and 1832
040 - Newspaper Extract regarding a Parliamentary Commission including Discussion with Company Members
041 - Return of Livery of the Twelve Principal Livery Companies, 1841
042 - List of Cloth Workers with their Addresses
043 - List of the Clothworkers Company appointed Assistants to the Chief Butler at the Coronation of the Sovereigns of England, commencing AD 1461
044 - Names of Citizens nominated by the Common-Council to represent the City, on the Coronation of King Richard III
045 - Courts of Common Council
046 - List of the Freemen of the Company of Clothworkers AD 1537 extracted from Record in the Chapter House Westminster; Thomas Lewyn Esq. being then Sherrif of London
047 - List of Livery of Clothworkers From Audit-Day 1762
048 - Alderman Sheriffs and Lord Mayors of the Clothworkers Company
049 - List of Past Masters
050 - List of Benefactors to the Clothworkers Company
051 - Title page of the 'Further Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities'
052 - Charitable Donations arising from Land and Premises under the management of the Clothworkers' Company
053 - Charitable Donations arising from Funded Property under the management of the Clothworkers' Company
054 - List of Charities under the Management of the Clothworkers' Company
055 - Further Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities
056 - Reports into Charities and the Education of the Poor
057 - Dame Ann Packington's Charity: printed papers concerning a Chancery case against the Clothworkers' Company, 1827-1828
058 - Printed 'Terms for Letting Land on Building Leases on the East Side of North Road, Islington' and 'St Peter's Street, Lower Street, Islington'
059 - Further Report of the Commissioners for Inquiring concerning Charities
060 - Appendix to the First Report of the Commissioners on the Education of the Poor: Sutton Valence
061 - Printed notice for the Sutton Valence School
062 - Printed notice for the Clothworkers' Company
063 - Printed notice for the Freemen of the Clothworkers' Company
064 - Printed notice for the Gentry, Clergy, and Inhabitants generally of the Parishes of Sutton Valence, Leeds
065 - Heydon's Charity
066 - James Stoddart's Gift
067 - Payments by the Clothworkers' Company, 6 November to 24 December 1844
068 - Will of Sir Thomas Rowe
069 - Lord Mayor's Printed Request for a List of the Company's Liverymen, dated 8th December 1840
070 - Printed Request concerning the Wardmote, house-holders dwelling in the Ward
071 - Extract regarding Municipal Enquiries and the City Companies
072 - Extract from the Morning Herald regarding Court of Common Council
073 - A List of the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Sherrifs of London etc. between 1833 and 1834
074 - Extract regarding Municipal Inquiry
002 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 2
003 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 3
004 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 4
005 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 5
006 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 6
007 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 7
008 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 8
009 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 9
010 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 10
011 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 11
012 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 12
013 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 13
014 - Papers collected by Samuel Gregory - Volume 14
Reed - Programmes etc. collected by John Reed
Rutt - Volume of cartoons by Henry Rutt, Master 1783-1784
Sumner - Papers collected by Philip Sumner
TURNES - Printed pamphlet: 'The Duke and Duchess of Leeds at Hornby Castle'
Turner - Turner papers
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