Description | Individuals: John Machell (Alderman of London, testator); Johan Machell (wife of John Machell, beneficiary, overseer); John Machell (first son of John Machell, beneficiary, executor); Mathew Machell (second son of John Machell, beneficiary, executor); Thomas Machell (third son of John Machell, beneficiary, executor); Kateren Machell (daughter of John Machell, beneficiary); Anne Machell (daughter of John Machell, beneficiary); Jane Machell (daughter of John Machell, beneficiary); Leonarde Machell (brother of John Machell, beneficiary); Rowlande Machell (son of Leonarde Machell, beneficiary); Antony Machell (son Leonard Machell, beneficiary); William Wygyngton (beneficiary, witness); wife of William Wygyngton (beneficiary, witness); Thomas Pigott (beneficiary); Mr Avenon (Alderman, beneficiary); wife of Mr Avenon (beneficiary); John Machell (of Hatfield, beneficiary); William Wey (chapman, beneficiary); Rafe Machell (beneficiary); Rychard Condy (beneficiary); George Dyamonde (beneficiary); Robert Bate (late servant of John Machell, beneficiary); Austen Ryckkes (servant of John Machell, beneficiary); Launce Bostock (servant of John Machell, beneficiary); William Clement (beneficiary); William Robinson (beneficiary); John Hales (Alderman, beneficiary); Sir Marten Bowes (Knight, beneficiary); Sir William Garret (Knight, beneficiary); Thomas Leigh (Alderman, beneficiary); Lady Laxon (mother of John Machell, beneficiary); Anne Lane (cousin of John Machell, beneficiary); Edwarde Gylbert (beneficiary); William Caroo (beneficiary); wife of William Caroo (beneficiary); Roger Caroo (of Grays Inn, beneficiary); Simonde Caroo (beneficiary); Thomas Shelbery (beneficiary); wife of Thomas Shelbery (beneficiary); Peter Osborne (beneficiary); Thomas Lodge (Alderman. brother in law of John Machell, overseer); Richard Folkes (Alderman, overseer); John Southcott (Gentleman, trustee for the children of John Machell, beneficiary, overseer); Michael Lodyngeton (brother in law of John Machell, overseer); Rowlande Heywarde (overseer); Nicholas Caroo (son in law of John Machell, overseer); John Loves (Mercer, overseer); John Whithorne (overseer); John Browne (Clothworker, overseer); Adam Hochenson (Clothworker, beneficiary, overseer); William Perison (Scrivenor, beneficiary); Thomas Mayhewe (beneficiary, witness) |