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DA - Domestic Archive
COL - Collections
ENG - Engagement
1 - Fellowship
2 - Linnean Society Meetings and Events
1 - Receipts, Notices and Information Relating to Linnean Society Meetings
2 - Evening Meetings, Anniversary Meetings and Special Meetings
3 - Day Meetings, Symposia and Conferences
4 - Specialist Groups
5 - Conversazione
6 - Celebrations
7 - Bicentenary
8 - Tercentenary of Linneaus' Birth
9 - General Meetings Indexes and Agenda
GM - General Minutes of the Linnean Society
SP - Society Papers
1 - 'Plantae Bedfordiensis' - C. Abbot
2 - [Description of a Cerambyx] - Charles Abbot
3 - 'Papilio nymphalis' Georgius' - Charles Abbot
4 - Remarks on a species of clay, of which a specimen has just been exhibited to the Meeting, in a letter to the Secretary - Joseph Chamberlyne Acherley
5 - 'On the osteological relations observable among a few species of the Bovine family' - Walter Adam
6 - 'The specific characters of some minute shells discovered on the coast of Pembrokeshire' - John Adams
7 - 'Description of some marine animals found on the coast of Wales' - John Adams
8 - 'The botanical history of 'Trifolium alpestre', medium and pratense' - A. Afzelius
9 - 'Errata in the paper on Pausus' - A. Afzelius
10 - 'Flora of the Jhelum District of the Punjab' - Aitchison, J. E. Tierney
11 - 'On the leaf of 'Guarea grandifolium' DC' - Richard Chandler Alexander
12 - 'Extract from a Memoir on the origin and development of vessels in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants' - Francisco F. Allemao
13 - 'Experiments upon a substance called Dapéche from South America' - William Allen
14 - 'On the skeleton of the Apteryx' - Thomas Allis
15 - 'Extract of a letter from the Earl of Altamont to A. B. Lambert' [on Irish Wolf dogs] - Earl of Altamont
16 - Letter on the two kinds of 'Dianthus' usually called by gardeners Pink & Carnation - A. Anderson
17 - 'An account of a species of 'Brownea' by the late Dr. Anderson of St. Vincents' - Alexander Anderson
18 - 'Description of a new British 'Rubus'...' - George Anderson
19 - 'On a new species of 'Aberia' - T. Anderson
20 - [On the identification of the Acanthaceae of the Linnean Herbarium...] - T. Anderson
21 - 'An enumeration of the species of Acanthaceae of India, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], Burmah [Myanmar] and the Malay Pensinsula' - T. Anderson
21a - On two Species of Guttiferae - T. Anderson
22 - 'On East Indian Salices' - N.J. Andersson
23 - 'On the branched Palms in southern India' - S. Pulney Andy
24 - Letter about specimens of 'Phalaena atlas' L. - Capt. R. Annesley
25 - Letter on the taxonomic position of the Cormorant - R. Anstice
26 - Letter on the 'Night Heron' or 'Night Raven', Ardea nyctocorax. - R.Anstice
27 - Extract of a letter on Copals brought from Western Africa - Thomas C. Archer
28 - 'On the value of hairs, as a character, in determining the limits of subordinate groups of species ... genra 'Eurybia' (Cass) and 'Olearia' (Möuch) of Compositae' - William Archer
29 - 'Azores gatherings' - William Archer
30 - 'Observations ... on the effects produced by a wound inflicted by the spur of the male Ornithorhynchus; extracted from a letter to Dr. Leach' - Robert Armstrong
31 - 'History of an Eruption from the Tomboro Mountain on the Island of Sumbawa' - Joseph Arnold
32 - 'Description of a volcanic mountain on the Island of Java, called Tankubanprau' - Joseph Arnold
33 - 'Remarks on fossil Alcyonites found at Beccles in Suffolk' - Joseph Arnold
34 - Letter on fossils found in Suffolk & Norfolk - Joseph Arnold
35 - 'Specimen of Belemnite embedded in flint' - Joseph Arnold
36 - 'Additional observations of fossil Alcyonites' - Joseph Arnold
37 - 'On fossil bones found near Beccles in Suffolk' - Joseph Arnold
38 - Watercolour drawing of "Fossil found at Ringsfield in Suffolk" - Joseph Arnold
39 - 'Note on 'Samara lata', Linn.' - G.A. Walker-Arnott
40 - 'Sinapis virgata mihi' - Antoninus Arrosto
41 - Letter on beetles found in a mummy at Thebes - John Atkinson
42 - Answers to thirty-one queries about the silk industry in Bengal - Michael Atkinson
43 - 'Remarks on British Lichens' - C. Babington
44 - [Fragment of a paper] - Charles C. Babington
45 - 'On the structure of 'Cuscuta europaea' - Charles C. Babington
46 - 'Description of a new genus of Lineae' - Charles C. Babington
47 - Note on Fir cones from beneath peat in Mayo - Charles C. Babington
48 - 'On the 'Neottia gemmipora' of Smith' - Charles C. Babington
49 - 'On the 'Fumaria capreolata' of Britain' - Charles C. Babington
50 - Letter transmitting specimens of Spergula stricta - James Backhouse Jr.
51 - Watercolour drawing of Polychaete worms - W. Baird
52 - 'Notes on the stamens of 'Saxifragus' - J.G. Baker
53 - Presents a specimen of Fucus elminthoides - William L. Baker
54 - Letter proposing a co-operative flora [i.e. herbarium] to be formed by members of the Linnean Society - William L. Baker
55 - 'On the structure and fertilization of 'Liparis Bowkeri' - Mrs M.E. Barber
56 - 'On the Stone Grasshopper of Grahamstown, S. Africa' - M.E. Barber
57 - 'On the fertilization and dissemination of 'Duvernoia adhatoides' - M.E. Barber
58 - 'On the fertilisation of a species of 'Salvia' - M.E. Barber
59 - Letter about "the instances in which the high temperature of 1857 has affected" the flowering of 'Stephanotus floribunda' and 'Physianthus albens' - D. Barclay
60 - Letter about the possible destruction of the Sea Cocoa Nut Tree in the Seychelles and the report on the situation - Sir Henry Barkly
61 - 'Memoranda transmitted to Aylmer Bourke Lambert (Esq) with Mrs Barter's drawings of the vegetable specimens found in the Coal Pits of the neighbourhood of Camerton' - [Mrs Barter?]
62 - Letters on the vegetation of tropical Western Africa - Charles Barter
63 - Extract of a letter on the botany of the Niger Expedition - George Barter
64 - Letter describing a new species of Proteus - Benjamin Smith Barton
65 - 'Some account of the 'Tantalus ephauskyka', a rare American bird' - Benjamin Smith Barton
66 - 'An account and description of a new species of 'Malaxis' - William P. C. Barton
67 - 'On some helminthological experiments by Professor Leuckart, and on the relationship existing between the free and parasitic nematodes' - H. Charlton Bastian
68 - 'Monograph of the Anguillulidae, or free Nematoides &c.' - H. Charlton Bastian
69 - 'On the importance of an examination of the structure of the integument of Crustacea in the determination of doubtful species - applied to the genus 'Galathea', with a description of a new species' - Charles Spence Bate
70 - Large brush and ink drawing of the carapace and other details of some Crustacea - Charles Spence Bate
71 - Four sheets of pencil drawings of organs of 'Galathea nexa' - Charles Spence Bate
72 - 'Contributions to an Insect fauna of the Amazon Valley, Lepidoptera - Helicornidae' - Henry W. Bates
73 - 'Subscription for a pharmacological Collection of Druggs &c. for the Use of Lectures on 'Materia medica' - John B. Batka
74 - 'New variety of 'Senna ovalifolia Batka' - John B. Batka
75 - A letter communicating records of twelve Scottish plants - James Beattie
76 - 'History and descriptions of four new species of 'Phalaena' - John Beckwith
77 - Letter on exhibited specimens of three undescribed species of land Tortoises - Thomas Bell
78 - 'Description of a new species of 'Agama' brought from Colombia by Mr. Douglas' - Thomas Bell
79 - Address at the Anniversary Meeting - Thomas Bell
80 - '... notes ... in illustration of some botanical specimens ... collected during a late voyage to the Pacific Oceans & Indian Archipelago' - Frederick Bennett
81 - 'Description of the Kobo-tree, a new genus of 'Leguminoseae' collected by Dr.W.F. Daniell in Sierra Leone' - John Joseph Bennett
82 - 'Note on the species of 'Croton' described by Linnaeus under the names of 'Clutia elateria' and 'Clutia cascarilla' - John Joseph Bennett
83 - 'Observations on the genus 'Hosachia' and the American Loti' - George Bentham
84 - 'On the structure and affinities of 'Arachis' and 'Voandzeia' - George Bentham
85 - 'Account of two new genera allied to 'Olacineae' - George Bentham
86 - 'Notes on Loganiaceae' - George Bentham
87 - "Memorandum on the principles upon which genera should be adopted..." - George Bentham
88 - 'Synopsis of the genus 'Clitoria' - George Bentham
89 - 'On the genus 'Henriquesia' of Spruce' - George Bentham
90 - 'Note on 'Homalium' - George Bentham
91 - 'Synopsis of 'Dalbergiae', a tribe of Leguminoseae' - George Bentham
92 - 'Note on 'Omphalocarpon procerum' - George Bentham
93 - 'Note on the embryo of 'Ancistro cladus' - George Bentham
94 - Addendum sheet to paper on Compositae - George Bentham
95 - Notes on specimens of 'Larix europea', 'Tanacetum vulgare' - Prof. Bentley
96 - 'On a gall gathered in Cuba by W.S. Macleay Esqr. upon a leaf of a plant belonging to the order 'Ochnaceae' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
97 - 'On an edible fungus from Tierra del Feugo, and an allied Chilean species' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
98 - 'On 'Agaricus crinitus', Linn. and some allied species' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
99 - 'On two new genera of fungi' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
100 - 'A note on the recent discoveries in relation to the microgonidia of freshwater algae' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
101 - 'Note on a fungus found imbedded in the Fens of Cambridgeshire' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
102 - 'Note on the development of the fungi upon Patna Opium' & 'Supplemental Observations in a letter to J.D. Hooker Esq.' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
103 - 'On some entomogenous Spheriae' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
104 - 'Note on the use of the rhizome of 'Pteris aquilina' as an article of food' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
105 - 'On two tuberiform vegetable productions from Travancore' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
106 - 'On the spiral markings of the Flocci in the genus 'Trichia' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
107 - Report "on specimens of Take all" in a letter - Miles Joseph Berkeley
108 - Watercolour drawing in illustration of 'On some new fungi' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
109 - Drawings in illustration of M.J.B.'s paper, 'Obervations on a particular mode of fructification in Chionyphe Carteri, Berk' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
110 - 'Enumeration of fungi from Ceylon [Sri Lanka]' - Miles Joseph Berkeley & Chris. E. Broome
111 - 'Enumeration of the fungi collected during the expedition of H.M.S. Challenger, February 1873' - Miles Joseph Berkeley
112 - 'Observations on the Orchis militaris of Linnaeus' - J.E. Bicheno
113 - 'On the siliceous armour of 'Equisetum hyemale', with an account of its hitherto undescribed stomatic apparatus' - Golding Bird
114 - Notes on 'Ophioglossum Lusitanum' and 'Asplenum morinum' - John Birkett
115 - 'Notes on the Flora of N.E. Tasmania' - Walter K. Bissill
116a - 'Notice of several recent discoveries in the structure and economy of spiders' - John Blackwall
116b - 'The difference in the number of eyes with which Spiders are provided proposed as a basis of their distribution into Tribes: with descriptions of newly discovered species, and the characters of a new Family and three new Genera of Spiders' - John Blackwall
117 - 'Descriptions of newly discovered Spiders' - John Blackwall
118 - 'A catalogue of Spiders either not previously recorded or little known as indigenous to Great Britain, with remarks on their habits and economy' - John Blackwall
119 - 'Experiments and observations on the poison of the Order Araneidea' - John Blackwall
120 - 'On the relations of Tanalia, Philopotamis, and Paludamus, with a review of the Cingalese species of the latter genera' - H.F. Blanford
121 - Letter on "some observations I have made this Spring on the Gooseberry leaf caterpillar" - W.P. Blissett
122 - 'Some remarks upon the Llama, Alpaca, Vicuna and Guanaco' - William Bollaert
123 - 'Observations on the Botany of Texas' - William Bollaert
124 - Report on 'A new systematic report on vertebrated animals' by Richard Owen - Charles Lucien Bonaparte
125 - 'Caricis species novae vel minus cognitae' - Francis Boott
126 - 'Description of two new species of Phalaena' - Louis Bosc
127 - 'Description of Paspalium stoloniferum' - Louis Bosc
128 - Cassia marginata - Louis Bosc
129 - Monochrome watercolour drawing of 'Cenchrus geniculatus' - Louis Bosc
130 - 'Heterocerus marginatus' - Louis Bosc
131 - Insect descriptions - Louis Bosc
132 - Extract from John Ashton Bostock's letter, describing the flight of Locusts in Allahabad - J. Bostock
133 - 'Observations referred to in the foregoing letter, on the temperature of the earth and of forest trees, made at Fort Carlton, on the Saskatchawan' - M. E. Bourgeau
134 - Note on exhibited specimens of Saxifrages from Kerry - J.S. Bowerbank
135 - 'Remarks upon the drawings of Palymyrah trees and the account given of them' - Major H. J. Bowler
136 - 'Description of 'Enerthetrichia pterilepta' a new genus of fungi belonging to the order Gastromyci' - John Eddowes Bowman
137 - 'On the parasitical connection of 'Lathraea squamaria', and the peculiar structure of its subterranean leaves', in a letter to Robert Brown - John Eddowes Bowman
138 - 'Account of the Flustra arenosa and some other marine productions' - Henry Boys
139 - Dr Lindley's Report on Mr. Bradford's paper [on Trinidad Orchids] - John Lindley
140 - 'On the occurrence of 'Gyrodactylus elegans' on sticklebacks in the Hampstead Ponds, Jan 1860' - C.L. Bradley
141 - 'On the Latin terms used in natural history' - John Brand
142 - 'Descriptio insectorum Hymenopterorum et Dipterorum ineditorum' - Loius Alphonse de Brebisson
143 - 'Comparative investigation of the organa genitalia masculina Blattae Germanicae and Periplanetae orientalis' - Z. Brehm
144 - Letter on a third specimen of Tachydromus isabellinus (Leach) shot in Great Britain and now on exhibition in his Museum - Joshua Brookes
145 - 'On a new genus of the order Rodentia' - Joshua Brookes
146 - 'A description of six species of Haliotis' - Samual Brookes
147 - 'On the primary arrangement' - Samuel Brookes
148 - 'An account of the fructification of 'Lycopodium denticulatum' - Felix de Avellar Brotero
149 - 'Description of 'Caccicocca ipechacuanha' - Felix de Avellar Brotero
150 - Letter regarding his paper on 'Passiflora racemosa' and 'Araujia sericofora' - Felix de Avellar Brotero
151 - 'Furcraea', Generis character essensialis' - Felix de Avellar Brotero
152 - Description of two new species of Erythrina - Felix de Avellar Brotero
153 - 'Novarum & aliarum minus cognitarum stirpium, quae in Lusitania sponte veniunt, descriptiones' - Felix de Avellar Brotero
154 - 'Some observations on the parts of fructification in Mosses; with characters & descriptions of two new genera of that order' - Robert Brown
155 - 'On 'Woodsia', a new genus of Ferns' - Robert Brown
156 - Notes relating to the stuffing and mounting of bird specimens incl. Brown's Australian collections, by Mr. B. Leadbeater - Robert Brown
157 - 'Some account of an undescribed fossil fruit' - Robert Brown
158 - "The natural order of Cinnarocephala, &c" - Robert Brown
158a - Artworks: 'Observations on the organs and mode of fecundation in Orchideae and Asclepiadeae' - Robert Brown
159 - Account of the work of John Bartram and introduction to lecture on Bartram - Carlotta Herring-Brown
160 - 'A curious fact in the natural history of the common mole, 'Talpa europaea', Linn.' - Arthur Bruce
161 - 'A short description of some phenomena upon the Water of Airdle taken on the spot, in July 1792' - Arthur Bruce
162 - 'Some observations on the colour of horned cattle' - Arthur Bruce
163 - 'Description of the 'Vespertilio plicatus' - Francis Buchanan
164 - 'An account of some plants belonging to the natural order called by Dr Jack, 'Cyrtandraceae' - Francis Hamilton
165 - 'Notes on the botany of Mt. Egremont and neighbourhood, February 1867' - J. Buchanan
166 - [Botany of Marlborough, N.Z.] - J. Buchanan
167 - 'The effects of selection in the cultivation of plants' - James Buckman
168 - 'On a new species of Hawk in New Zealand' - Walter L. Buller
168a - On two new British fungi - Jean Baptiste François Pierre Bulliard
169 - 'An account of four rare species of British Birds' - William Bullock
170 - Letter transmitting "perhaps the finest example of Fossil Turtle hitherto discovered ... Swanage" - William Bullock
171 - Letter transmitting a specimen of Cinclidium stygium, a new addition to the flora of Suffolk - C.J.F. Bunbury
172 - Letter on a variety of Viola canina found some years before in Lincoln - Robert J. Bunch
173 - 'Enumeration et description des Bignoniacées observées et recueillies par M. Joaquim Correa de Méllo dans la province de Saint-Paul, au Brésil' - Edouard Bureau
174 - 'The organography and evolution of the Dioscoreaceae' - I.H. Burkill
175 - 'Description of the Mus castorides, a new species' - E.J. Burrow
176 - 'Observations on the natural history and anatomy of 'Pelecanus aquilus' - Edward Burton
177 - Seven water colour drawings of birds from the Himalayas presented to the Museum of the Army Medical Dept. at Chatham - Edward Burton
178 - 'Supplementary note respecting the use to be made of the Cheilostomata with diagnosis of species, and more particularly in the genus 'Cellepora' - G. Busk
179 - A letter on the management of bees - W. Butler
180 - A review of the natural order Myrsineae - Alphonse de Candolle
181 - 'Remarks on two genera of plants to be referred to the family of the Rocaceae...' - Augustin Pyramus de Candolle
182 - Notes on the structure and physiology of Tenia - Anthony Carlisle
183 - Letter offering "a specimen of the Lacerta Iguana" - Anthony Carlisle
184 - 'Some account of the Island of Tristan da Cunha and of its natural productions' [Drawings only] - Dugald Carmichael
185 - 'On Pandanus' - Dugald Carmichael
186 - 'Flora of tristan da Cuhna' - Dugald Carmichael
187 - 'On 'Tomopteris onisciformis', Eschscholtz' - W.B. Carpenter
188 - 'Further researches on 'Tomopteris onisciformis', Eschscholtz' - W.B. Carpenter
189 - 'On 'Combretum butyrosum', a new kind of Buttertree from South-Eastern Africa' - Teodore Caruel
190 - 'Note on the variety of Potamogeton trichoides, Cham. found in England' - Robert Caspary
191 - 'The Primate nasal fossa' - A.J.E. Cave
192 - 'Culebras su dos manos' - Vincente Cervantes
193 - 'Cyprinus viviparus' sp.n. Mexclapique vulgo' - Don Vincente de Cervantes
194 - 'Salamandra mexicana [Vulgo Axolote]' - Don Vincente de Cervantes
195 - 'On the flight of insects' - J. Chabrier
196 - 'The Ternstroemiaceous plants of Hong Kong' - J.E. Champion
197 - Extract from a paper to the Royal Geographical Society - Captain Chimmo
198 - 'Exocoetus volitans' - Captain Chimmo
199 - Water colour drawings of a mass of ova in fresh and salt water - Captain Chimmo
200 - 'On the power of penetrating the skins of animals possessed by the seed of 'Stipa spartea' ['Hesperostipa spartea'] - Robert Miller Christy
201 - 'Observations on the genus 'Oestrus' - Bracy Clark
202 - Comment on W.S. MacLeay's paper 'Remarks on the identity of certain general laws & c' - Bracy Clark
203 - 'An appendix or supplement to a treatise on the Oestri and Cuterebrae of various animals' - Bracy Clark
204 - 'Sketch of excessive growth in the female flowers of 'Atriplex angustifolia' - Benjamin Clarke
205 - 'On the embryos of endogens and their germination' - Benjamin Clarke
206 - 'On the structure and affinities of Batideae and Callitrichaceae' - Benjamin Clarke
207 - 'On the affinities and alexipharmic properties of Aristolochiaceae' - Benjamin Clarke
208 - 'On the Commelynaceae of Bengal' - Charles Baron Clarke
209 - 'Note on 'Hydrotrophus', a new genus of Hydrocharideae' - Charles Baron Clarke
210 - Pencil drawing in illustration of his paper 'On 'Hieracium silhetense' DC' - Charles Baron Clarke
211 - 'Note on the preservation of specimens of natural history' - Hyde Clarke
212 - Letter transmitting a specimen of Crepis - Joshua Clarke
213 - 'Notes on the African grain called Fundi or Fundiniger' - Robert Clarke
214 - Letter transmitting "a small box, containing seventy four specimens, of what I believe, is a new Patella" - James Clealand
215 - 'Note on 'Capparis divaricata' Lam. & 'C. Heyneana' Wall' - H. Cleghorn
226 - 'Remarks concerning the 'Fasciola hepatica' - Mrs J. Cobbold
227 - 'Observations on Entozoa, with notices of several new species' - Thomas Spencer Cobbold
228 - 'List of plants found in flower at Epping from the 25th to the 29th of December, 1857, inclusive' - Thomas Spencer Cobbold
229 - Artworks: 'On some new forms of Entozoa' - Thomas Spencer Cobbold
230 - 'Note on Coenerus, Rud.' - Thomas Spencer Cobbold
231 - 'Observations on the growth, and time of appearance of some of the marine algae, &c.' - J. Cocks
232 - 'Remarks accompanying a specimen of gold-bearing quartz from Nova Scotia' - Charles Cogswell
233 - 'On the Indian species of 'Mennisperum' - Henry T. Colebrooke
234 - 'On Indian Annonaceae' - H.T. Colebrooke
234a - 'Description of Select Indian Plants' - H.T. Colebrooke
234b - 'On 'Boswellia' and certain Indian Terebinthaceae' - H.T. Colebrooke
235 - Letter to F. Currey on a luminous fungus from Borneo - C. Collingwood
235a - 'Notes relating to botany, collected from the manuscripts of the late Peter Collinson' - Peter Collinson
236 - 'On the preservation of vegetable productions' - W. Cooke
237 - Paper on Caapiba - Joaquim Correa de Mello
238 - 'Notes on some Brazilian plants from the neighbourhood of Campinas' - Joaquim Correa de Mello
239 - Paper on 'Myrocarpus frondosus' - Joaquim Correa de Mello
240 - 'On a Menispermaceous plant, called by Velloz 'Cissampelos Vitis ...' - Joaquim Correa de Mello
240a - Observations on 'Alibertia', with description of a New Species of that Genus - Joaquim Correa de Mello
241 - 'On two genera of plants, belonging to the natural family of the Aurantia' - Joseph Correa de Serra
242 - 'On the Doryanthes, a new genus of plants from New Holland, next akin to the Agave' - Joseph Correa de Serra
243 - 'On the Structure and Development of the Gynostegium, and the Mode of Fertilization in 'Asclepias Cornuti', 'Decaisne' - Thomas H. Corry
244 - On a fourty pound fish caught in Cornwall near Newlyn Quay - Jonathan Couch
245 - 'On the migratory Birds of the West of England' - Jonathan Couch
246 - 'Some particulars of the natural history of fishes found in Cornwall' - Jonathan Couch
247 - 'Description of a new species of the genus 'Phalangium' - Jonathan Couch
248 - 'On the occurence of 'Procellaria Wilsoni' on the British coast' - Jonathan Couch
249 - 'Account of a fish nearly allied to the genus 'Hemiramphus', taken in Cornwall' - Jonathan Couch
250 - 'On the occurence of 'Sepia biserialis' in Cornwall' - Jonathan Couch
251 - 'Discovery of 'Alpheus Edwardsii' on the coast of Cornwall' - Jonathan Couch
252 - 'Note on the occurrence of the Crustacean 'Scyllarus Arctus' in England' - Jonathan Couch
253 - Letter communicating a specimen of fucus, of the genus 'Alaria' - Jonathan Couch
253a - Three letters from Jonathan Couch, Graham at Couch & Co. and to Thomas O'Grady regarding Jonathan Couch manuscripts.
254 - 'Note on tracheal pouch of the Emu, 'Dromaeus novea-hollandiae' - Millin Coughtry
255 - 'Observations on some fungi or Agarici...' - John Redman Coxe
256 - Letter transmitting a specimen of Saw fly, sent to him by Lt. Gov. Bruce of Dominica - Patrick George Cranford
257 - 'On the floral structure of 'Osyris peltata' - Eyre Champion de Crespigny
258 - 'Note on the seed vessel of 'Trewia nudiflora'...' - Eyre Champion de Crespigny
259 - Description of a plant believed to be new ['Nat. Order Euphorbiaceae'] - Eyre Champion de Crespigny
260 - 'Notes on the germination of certain species of Cyrtandreae' - C.W. Crocker
261 - Lists of plants of the neighbourhood of Saffron Waldon, Essex - William Cumming
262 - Three highly finished water colour drawings of 'Mycoidea parasitica', in illustration of his paper - David Douglas Cunningham
263 - Fragment of a letter - Robert O. Cunningham
264 - 'On a new species of 'Peziza', being a full development of 'Sclerotium roseum', Kneiff' - Frederick Currey
265 - 'On a species of Pilobolus' - Frederick Currey
266 - Note on the long retention of life in a torpid state of some land shells - John Curtis
267 - 'On the economy of a new species of Sawfly' - John Curtis
268 - 'On the genus 'Myrmica' and other indigenous Ants' - John Curtis
269 - 'Remarks relative to the affinities and analogies of natural objects, more particularly of Hydrocephalus, a genus of Coleoptera' - John Curtis
270 - 'Descriptions &c. of the insects collected by Captain P. P. King in the survey of the Straits of Megallan' - John Curtis, Alexander Henry Haliday & Francis Walker
271 - Description of a species of Thrush killed at Heron Court, Hans, in January 1828, by Lord Malmsbury - Hon. C. A. Harris [MISSING]
271a - A note on the larva of the Larder Beetle, 'Dermestes lardarus' - William Curtis
272 - 'Some obsevations on the natural history of 'Curculio Lapathi' and 'Silpha grisea' - William Curtis
273 - 'Some account of a mode of taking the 'Anas ferina', Dun-Bird or Easterling as practised in some parts of Essex' - William Curtis
274 - 'Observations on Aphides, chiefly intended to show that they are the principal cause of Blight in plants, and the sole cause of the Honey-dew' - William Curtis
275 - Pencil drawing of the metamorphosis of two species of Coleoptera - William Curtis
276 - Watercolour drawing of the Onion fly, and its effects on the Onion - William Curtis
278 - 'Natural history of ye 'Perca scandens' - Lieut. Daldorff
279 - Letter transmitting various items for exhibition - Hew Whitefoord Dalrymple
280 - 'A new genus of 'Asclepiadeae' - N.A. Dalzell
281 - 'Remarks on the genus Moringa' - N.A. Dalzell
282 - 'Oolichus unifloris', Lamarck - N.A. Dalzell
282a - Note on 'Althaea Ludwigii' and 'Oystanche tubulosa' - N.A. Dalzell
283 - 'New Leguminoseae from Western India' - N.A. Dalzell
284 - Extract from a letter from Dr. Daniell, Staff Surgeon to Mr Kippist - Dr. Daniell
285 - 'On the action of sea-water on the germination of seeds' - Charles Robert Darwin
286 - 'Memoir on the degree of selection exercised by plants with regard to the earthy constituents presented to their absorbing surfaces' - Charles Giles Bridle Daubeny
287 - Descriptions of four new British Lichens - Hugh Davies
288 - Note describing 'Cancer bufo' Herbst, and 'Phalangium grossipes' Linn. of which drawings were sent to the Society - Hugh Davies
289 - 'Remarks on Lichen scaber and some of its allies' - Hugh Davies
290 - 'Some observations on the Sea-long-worm of Dr. Borlase, 'Gordius marinus' of Mr. Montagu' - Hugh Davies
291 - Letter with an account of a Canadian quadruped and a Jamaican Actinarian, 'Urtica Marina' - Thomas Davies
292 - Letter to accompany some natural history drawings - Thomas Davies
293 - Castor Rostratus of New South Wales, or Duck billed Beaver - Thomas Davies
294 - 'Description of Menura superba, a bird of New South Wales' - Thomas Davies
295 - Letter transitting a watercolour drawing of two mammalian teeth, an Elephant tooth from a well bored at Woolwich & a Mammoth tooth from Miami - Thomas Davies
296 - Letter describing a Mammoth skeleton and Phoca - Thomas Davies
297 - Letter describing two Canadian mammals - Thomas Davies
298 - 'Essai sur les changemens du liquide séreuse ou albumineux en fluide aërifirme ou Gaz(?) du même nom et de ses usages' - A.N. De Rongé
299 - Two packets of specimens of 'Spermosira atlantica', 'Kallonema pellucidum', and two other unamed specimens, all collected in the Atlantic Ocean by Capt. T. Mitchell - George Dickie
300 - Memoir of Dr. George Dickie - [George Dickie?]
301 - 'Notes on Mosses &c. collected by James Taylor on the shores of Davis' Straits' - George Dickie
302 - 'Enumeration of the Algea collected at St. Paul's Rocks by H.N. Moseley, HMS Challenger' - George Dickie
303 - Twenty-four watercolour figures comprising the original drawings for 'Plantarum Cryptogamicarum Britanniae' - James Dickson
305 - 'An account of 'Polypodium oreopteris' accompanied with a specimen from Scotland' - James Dickson
306 - 'An account of some plants newly discovered in Scotland' - James Dickson
307 - Anatomy of African Glassworts - D.M. Digby
308 - Note on the addition of 'Syssymbrium minale' of Linné to the British flora - Lewis Weston Dillwyn
309 - 'Catalogue of the more rare plants found in the environs of Dover ...' - Lewis Weston Dillwyn
310 - Note on "a remarkable variety of the Common Linnet" - Lewis Weston Dillwyn
311 - 'A systematical catalogue of the Coleopterous insects ... of Swansea' - Lewis Weston Dillwyn
312 - Note on some exhibited specimens of Janthina - Lewis Weston Dillwyn
314 - Description of nine new species of the genus 'Carex', natives of the Himalaya Alps of Upper Nepal - David Don
315 - Monochrome water-colour drawing of 'Cowania mexicana' - David Don
316 - 'On the origin and nature of the ligulate rays in 'Zinnia', and on a remarkable multiplication observed in the parts of fructification of that genus' - David Don
317 - 'Additions and corrections to descriptions of the new genera and species of the class Compositae belonging to the floras of Peru, Mexico, & Chile' - David Don
318 - 'On the plant which yields the gum Ammoniacum' - David Don
319 - 'Descriptive catalogue of the Compositae contained in the Herbarium of Dr. Gillies with some additions from other sources' - David Don
320 - 'On the modifications of aestivation observable in certain plants formerly referred to the genus 'Cinchona' - David Don
321 - 'Remarks on a few rare Scottish plants, chiefly from the Clova Mountains' - David Don
322 - 'Descriptions of five new species of the genus Pinus discovered by Dr. Coulter in California' - David Don
323 - Four pencil drawings by Richard Kippist, in illustration of Don's paper 'Descriptions of two new genera of ...Coniferae [Cryptomeria and Athrotaxis]' - Don David
324 - Two pencil drawings by Richard Kippist, in illustration of Don's paper "Description of a new genus of plants belonging to Bignoniaceae [Catophractis]" - Don David
325 - A review of the species Combretum - George Don
326 - 'Observations on the structure and economy of some curious species of Aranea' - (Mons.) Dorthes
327 - 'Observations on some species of the genera 'Tetrae' and 'Ortyx', natives of North America ...' - David Douglas
328 - 'Description of a new species of the genus 'Pinus' ['Pinus Sabiniana'] - David Douglas
329 - 'On the fossils of the Trap Formation' [April Fool's Day prank] - C.T. Druery
330 - 'Contributions to Organographic Botany' - Christopher Dresser
331 - 'Observations of the germination of Mosses, in a letter to William Jackson Hooker' - James Drummond
332 - Note on an exhibited specimen of "an imperfect 'Buprestis'" from Bengal - Jonas Dryander
333 - 'Observations on the genus of 'Begonia' - Jonas Dryander
334 - 'On genera and species of plants which occur twice or three times, under different names, in Professor Gmelin's edition of Linné's System Naturae' - Jonas Dryander
335 - 'Lindsea', a new genus of Ferns' - Jonas Dryander
336 - Report on the development of the gynalcium of, and the method of impregnation in 'Primula vulgaris' - P.M. Duncan
337 - On the naturalised weeds of Kaffraria - R.S.M. D'Urban
338 - 'Notes on 'Phoronis hippocrepia' - F.D. Dyster
339 - 'Description of some unpublished species of plants from North Western India' - M.P. Edgeworth
340 - Letter on some specimens of three of the Utricularias, &c. - Micheal Pakenham Edgeworth
341 - 'Florula Mallica' - Micheal Pakenham Edgeworth
342 - Letter on the Table Chestnut - J. Edwards
343 - 'Observations on some remarkable strata of flint in a chalk pit in the Isle of Wight...' - Sir Henry Englefield
344 - 'Additional observations on some remarkable strata of flint in the Isle of Wight...' - Sir Henry Englefield
345 - Letter on two introduced plants in New Zealand - John D. Enys
346 - 'Rapport concernant le squelette incrusté dans une pierre que l'ou trouvé au bord de la mer dans le quartier du Moule' - Lieut. General Ernauf
347 - 'Libanothamnus, novum Compositarum genus e Venezuela proponit &c.' - Adolphus Ernst
348 - Sabadilla from Caracas [Asagraea officinalis, Lindl.] - A. Ernst
349 - Four lists of plants presented to the Linnean Society - John Fairbairn
350 - 'Description of the 'Aucklandia', a new genus of Compositae believed to produce the Costus of Dioscorides' - Hugh Falconer
351 - 'On a reformed character of the genus 'Cryptolepis', Brown' - Hugh Falconer
352 - On 'Athalamia', a new genus of Marchantieae - Hugh Falconer
352a - Description of the 'Asafœtida' Plant of Central Asia - Hugh Falconer
352b - Account of 'Gamoplexis', an undescribed Genus of Orchideous Plants - Hugh Falconer
352c - On 'Edgeworthia', a new Genus of Plants of the Order Myrsineae - Hugh Falconer
353 - Letter to Sir Joseph Banks - C. Romain Feburier
354 - 'On the Tremandraceas of Asian Flora' - Boris Fedtschenko
355 - 'Linné aurait-il dans une intention mauvaise dénaturé l'orthographe de nom de genre 'Buffonia'?' - Antoine Laurent Apollinaire Fee
356 - Letter transmitting specimens of Cotton pods of Sea Island plant grown from seed in Manchester - William Felkin
357 - A description of some plants growing on the Islands of Guernsey and Jersey - Major John Finlay
358 - Extract of a letter to Richard Kippist on the pouch of Marsupials - Robert David Fitzgerald
359 - Watercolour drawing in illustration of 'Observations on the septum of the Caecidae and remarks on the subject of the suppression of the genera 'Brochina' and 'Strebloceras' or 'Phleboceras' - Marquis Leopold de Folin
360 - Letter transmitting a specimen of 'Falco rufipes' "killed near Doncaster in April 1830" - H.S. Folijambe
361 - 'On the radiata of the Eastern Mediterranean, Order Echinidnae' - Edward Forbes
362 - 'Notice of some Peloria monstrosities of the 'Viola canina' - Edward Forbes
363 - 'Notice on the 'Encephalartos horridus'...' - Thomas Forrest
364 - 'Observations on the 'Vicia angustifolia' of the English Flora of Sir James Edward Smith' - Edward Forster
365 - Letter transmitting "some specimens of an 'Elatine' which I found in abundance at Virginia Water, 'Elatine triandra'" - Thomas Furly Forster
366 - 'On the permanent varieties of 'Papaver orientale' - Thomas Forster
367 - 'On the migration of the Swallow' - Thomas Forster
368 - 'On the present season in relation to the migration of birds and other natural phenomena' - Thomas Forster
369 - 'On the irregularity in the return of Swallows and other vernal migratory birds this season (1857)' - Thomas Forster
370 - 'On the phenomena of the present season on the French coast' - Thomas Forster
371 - 'Description of a now new species of 'Viola' - Thomas Furly Forster
372 - 'Account of a new British species of 'Caltha' - Thomas Furly Forster
373 - Report on an unpublished paper of Fotherby's 'On the significance of floral colours' - S.H. Vines
374 - 'Hints towards the natural history of the Toad' - William Fothergill
375 - 'Description of the Swallow-tailed Falcon, 'Falco furcatus' - William Fothergill
376 - 'On the birds of Iceland' - George T. Fox
377 - 'On the marine plants described in the 'Flora Anglica' - Sir Thomas Frankland
378 - Note on a horn found growing on the loin of a Ewe sheep - Henry [Noel], Earl of Gainsborough
379 - Notes of plants collected on a journey from Rio de Janeiro - George Gardner
380 - 'Description of 'Peltophyllum', a new genus of plants allied to Triurus of Miers, with remarks on their affinities' - George Gardner
381 - 'On the shell-bearing molluscous animals, particulary with regard to structure and form' - Robert Garner
382 - 'On the formation of Pearls' - Robert Garner
383 - 'On the nervous system of molluscous animals' - Robert Garner
384 - 'On a hybrid 'Vaccinium' between the Bilberry and Cowberry' - Robert Garner
385 - 'Account of a cavern discovered on the north west side of the Mendip Hills in Somersetshire' - George Smith Gibbes
386 - On the discovery of 'Spergula stricta' [Sw.] &c. new to Britain, "near the top of Widdy Bank Fell" - George Stacy Gibson
387 - 'Descriptions of views in photographic album given to librarian (1900)' - Walter Gill
388 - 'On an organic substance found in thermal waters, in a letter to John Murray' - Charles de Gimbernat
389 - 'Account of a singular conformation in the wings of some species of Moths' - Esprit Giorna
390 - 'A brief account of those papers in the the Amoenitates Academicae, which relate to the study of natural history' - Samual Goodenough
390a - Letter transmitting a specimen of Falco subbuteo, the Hobby Hawk, one of a pair shot by his son - Samuel Goodenough
391 - 'The venation in the leaf of 'Conium maculatum' - John Gorham
392 - 'Description of 'Peachia hastata', a new genus and species of the class zoophyta, with observations on the family Actiniadae' - Philip Henry Gosse
393 - 'Descriptions of three new species of plants natives of New Granada' - M. Goudot
394 - Note to Joseph D. Hooker regarding specimens of Copal varnish exhibited at the Linnean Society on the 27 Apr. 1870 - Col. James Augustus Grant
395 - On the use of 'Symphytum asperrimum' as a fodder crop for sheep - T. Grant
396 - 'Notes on the 'Obolaria virginiana' L.' - Asa Gray
397 - 'A short exposition of the structure of the ovule and seed-coats of Magnolia' - Asa Gray
398 - 'Notes on the species of 'Nissolia' - Asa Gray
399 - 'Characters of a new genus consisting of two species of parasitic 'Gentianae' - Asa Gray
400 - 'Revision of the genus 'Symphoricarpos' - Asa Gray
401 - 'Some account of a collection of cryptogamic plants formed in the Ionian Islands' - Robert Kaye Greville
402 - Letter on a Wasp's nest - John Wynn Griffith
403 - Three pages of drawings of 'Osyris napalensis' and explanation of the drawings - J.W. Griffith
404 - Six plates of a 'Viscum orientate' or 'oralefolium' seen in Malacca 1 Feb 1841 - J.W. Griffith
405 - Letters to Richard H. Solly - William Griffith
406 - 'Corysadenia' - William Griffith
407 - 'On a new genus of plants of the order Anarcardiaceae ['Swintonia']' - William Griffith
408 - Notes on the development of the ovula of 'Loranthus' and 'Viscum', and on the mode of parasitism of these two genera - William Griffith
409 - 'On a new genus of plants of the order Temstramiaceae ['Erythrochiton']' - William Griffith
410 - 'On the development of the ovulum in 'Avicennia' - William Griffith
411 - 'On the Indian species of 'Balanophora' and on a new genus of the family Balanophoreae' - William Griffith
412 - 'On the root parasites referred by authors to 'Rhizanthaceae', and on various plants allied to them' - William Griffith
413 - Letter to Griffith by M. Killan concerning "a parasite growing on the Nua Nomica tree in the jungles of [?] called "Kuchita Mulung"- William Griffith
414 - Notes on Overium liberum biloculare 'Calotropis gigantea', 'Lumnityiera collinen' and other plants - William Griffith
415 - 'On the ovulum of 'Santalum', 'Osyris', 'Loranthus', and 'Viscum' - William Griffith
416 - 'On the 'Ambrosinia ciliata' of Roxburgh' - William Griffith
417 - 'On the anatomy of Eriocaulaceae' - William Griffith
418 - 'On the seeds of 'Careya' - William Griffith
419 - 'On the structure of the ascidia and stomata of 'Dischidia Rafflesiana', Wall' - William Griffith
420 - 'On the impregnation of 'Dischidia' - William Griffith
421 - A quantity of manuscripts for Griffith's several papers was presented to the Linnean Society, by John McClelland - William Griffith
422 - 'Remarks on 'Gnetum' - William Griffith
423 - 'The natural history of a new species of 'Amphitrite' - Lansdown Guilding
424 - 'The natural history of 'Lamia amputator' of Fabricius' - Lansdown Guilding
425 - 'The natural history of 'Xylocopa Teredo' and 'Horta maculata' - Lansdown Guilding
426 - 'Observations on the genus 'Ascalaphus', with the description of a new species' - Lansdown Guilding
427 - 'Description of a new species of 'Onchidium' - Lansdown Guilding
428 - 'Additions to some former papers' - Lansdown Guilding
429 - 'The natural history of 'Oiketicus', a new and singular genus of Lepidoptera' - Lansdown Guilding
430 - 'The natural history of 'Petrophila', a lepidopterous genus, in its larva state inhabiting rivers, and furnished with branchiae' - Lansdown Guilding
430a - 'An Account of 'Margarodes', a new Genus of Insects found in the Neighbourhood of Ant's Nests' - Lansdown Guilding
430b - 'Observations on Naticina and Dentalium, two Genera of Molluscous Animals' - Lansdown Guilding
431 - Letter about a singular case of colouring of the human hair - William A. Guy
432 - 'On the Cynipidae, order Hymenoptera' - Hammett Hailey
433 - Drawings in illustration of the paper 'Iapyx', a new genus of insects belonging to the stirps Thysanura in the order Neuroptera' - Alexander Henry Haliday
434 - Letter on resin of Locust Tree - Sidney M. Hamilton
435 - Natural history notes and drawings of "Sea Snails", one of which had fish living in it - Sir William Hamilton
436 - 'Notice on a specimen of insect-wax from China' - Daniel Hanbury
437 - 'Note on two insect products from Persia' - Daniel Hanbury
438 - 'Remarks on 'Sclerotium stipitatum' Berk. et Curr., 'Pachyma cocos' Fries, and some other similar productions' - Daniel Hanbury & Frederick Currey
439 - 'Memorandum on a presumed case of parthenogensis in 'Zanthoxylum alatum' Roxb.' - Daniel Hanbury
440 - 'On the silk-worm Oaks of Northern China' - Henry Fletcher Hance
441 - 'On the 'Fagus castanea' of Loureiro's 'Flora Cochinchinensis'; with descriptions of two new Chinese Corylaceae' - Henry Fletcher Hance
442 - 'Supplementary note on Chinese Silkworm Oaks' - Henry Fletcher Hance
443 - 'On the source of the 'Radix Galangae' minoris of pharmacologists - Henry Fletcher Hance
444 - 'Notes on some plants from northern China' - Henry Fletcher Hance
445 - Note of an exhibited specimen of 'Polygonum dumetorum' - J. Hankey
446 - Note of exhibited specimens of 'Fritillaria meleagris' taken at Finchley - J.A. Hankey
447 - Letters to Alexander McLeay listing presentations of books and specimens to the Linnean Society - Lieut. Col. Thomas Hardwicke
448 - 'Description of a species of Jerboa found in upper provinces of Hindustan...' - Lieut. Col. Thomas Hardwicke
449 - 'An account of the Indian Badger, the 'Ursus indicus' of Shaw's Zoology' - Lieut. Col. Thomas Hardwicke
450 - 'Description of 'Corvus leucolophus', or White Crowned Crow of India' - Lieut. Col. Thomas Hardwicke
451 - Letter to Sir Joseph Banks with supplementary note on a Wild Cow or Buffalo - [Lieut. Col.] Thomas Hardwicke
452 - 'Descriptions of the Wild Dog of Sumatra, a new species of 'Viverra' and a new species of Pheasant' - Col. Thomas Hardwicke
453 - "...description of a large species of rat..." - Capt. Thomas Hardwicke
454 - Four short papers sewn together - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
455 - [Description of a mammal] - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
456 - 'Description of a quadruped, a native of the Himalayan Chain between Nepal and the Snowy Mountains' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
457 - Description of 'Buceros hydrocorax' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
458 - 'Description and drawing of the small Indian species of ... 'Moschus meminna' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
459 - 'Description of 'Buceros gularis' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
460 - 'Description of a tail-less Deer, native of the Snowy Mountains...' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
461 - 'Description of 'Bucerus galeatus' from Malacca' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
462 - Paper: 'Description of 'Sciurus petaurista' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
463 - 'Description of a Serpent hitherto supposed of the genus Boa, and the Boa Phrygia of Shaw, a Coluber [Coluber Phrygia]' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
464 - 'Description of the skeleton head of the long snouted Alligator of the Ganges, or 'Lacerta Gangetica' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
465 - 'Description of a new species of tailed Bat found in Calcutta' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
466 - Letter to William Elford Leach - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
467 - Three letters to the Linnean Society regarding a plagiarised drawing of the 'Antelope Quadricornus' - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwick
468 - Letter to A.B. Lambert, regarding trees found embedded in Peat Bog in Armagh - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
468a - Description of two new birds from Nepal - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
468b - Artwork: Male Pheasant - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
468c - Artwork: Female Pheasant - Maj. Gen. Thomas Hardwicke
469 - 'On the effects of various poisons on living vegetables' - Richard Harlan
470 - 'On 'Secale cornutum' and 'On a species of 'Asplenium' related to 'A. trichomanes' - A. Haro
471 - 'Description of a species of Thrush killed at Heron Court, Hants [Hampshire] in January 1828 by Lord Malmesbury' - C. A. Harris
472 - Letter to A.B. Lambert, describing a Gyall from N. E. of the East India Company's provinces of Chittagong - George Harris
473 - 'Descriptions of two new species of Didelphus from Van Diemen's Land' - George Harris
474 - Sketch of a "Lobated Duck" - George Harris
475 - 'Account of the trees producing Myrrh and Frankincense...' - Major William Cornwallis Harris
476 - 'Observations upon the Nightingale...' - Joseph Harrison
476a - Brief extract of a letter from Cape Town concerning 'Trichomanes cormophilum' - William Henry Harvey
477 - 'Observations on the growth and reproduction of 'Enteromorpha intestinalis' - Arthur Hill Hassall
478 - 'Account of a species of bark, the original Quina Quina of Peru...' - John Hawkins
479 - 'A new arrangement of the genus 'Narcissus' - Adrian Hardy Haworth
480 - 'Observations on certain species of 'Sedum Mesembryanthemum', 'Aloe', 'Cacalia', and two new species of 'Kalenchoe', recently figured in the "Plantes Grasses" [Redoute & De Candolle]' - A. H. Haworth
481 - 'A new arrangement of the genus 'Aloe'...' - A. H. Haworth
482 - Letter requesting return of papers if not published - A. H. Haworth
483 - 'A botanical description of the genus 'Crocus' - A. H. Haworth
484 - 'An account of a many headed Serpentlike animal found alive at Hull, in the Spring of the year 1812' - A. H. Haworth
485 - Letter transmitting for exhibition a case of Sphingidae taken in different provinces in India - J. Hearsey
486 - 'On the muscles of the tail of the Peacock [On the elevation of the feathers of birds in special relation to their passions' - G. O. Heming
487 - 'On the reproductive organs of 'Equisetum' - Joseph Henderson
488 - Letter transmitting two photos of large tailed sheep of the Punjab - George Henderson
489 - 'On the development of the ovule in 'Orchis Morio' - Arthur Henfrey
490 - 'On the development of spores and elaters of 'Marchantia polymorpha' - Arthur Henfrey
491 - 'On the development of Ferns from their spores' - Arthur Henfrey
492 - 'Note on the elaters of 'Trichia' - Arthur Henfrey
493 - 'On the development of the ovule of 'Santalum album' - Arthur Henfrey
494 - 'On the monstrous development in 'Habenaria chlorantha' - Rev'd John Stevens Henslow
494a - 'Note on the structure of 'Genista tinctoria' as apparently affording facilities for the intercrossing of distinct flowers' - George Henslow
495 - On the self-fertilization of Plants - George Henslow
496 - 'Note on 'Caelebogyne ilicifolia', Smith' - Robert Heward
497 - Letter to Col. Hardwicke describing "Genus novum inter Pterospermum & Hibiscum" [?Pterospermum ?Gordini] from Mysore & Condaphilly [?] hills - Benjamin Heyne
498 - 'On the deoxydation of the leaves of 'Cotyledon calycina' in a letter to A. B. Lambert' - Benjamin Heyne
499 - 'On the classification and nomenclature of the species and varieties of 'Hedera' - Shirley Hibberd
500 - 'On a new organ in insects' - John B. Hicks
501 - 'Description of a new British species of 'Draparnaldia' - John B. Hicks
502 - 'On the new structure in the antennae of insects' - John B. Hicks
503 - 'Further remarks on the organs of the antennae of insects' - John B. Hicks
504 - 'On the nerve proceeding to the vesicles at the base of the Halteres' - John B. Hicks
505 - 'On the similarity between the genus 'Draparnaldia' and the conferoid filaments of Mosses' - John B. Hicks
506 - 'On the otolites of fish and their value as a test in verifying recent and fossil species' - E.T. Higgins
507 - 'Sphaerobolus stellatus' - Henry H. Higgins
508 - 'On the cultivation of Mosses' - Henry H. Higgins
509 - 'On Vegetable Affinities' - T.C. Hilgard
510 - 'On a new species of Deer from N. America' - Robert Hills
511 - A letter on "vegetable monstrosities" - W. Hincks
512 - 'On the causes of disjunctions of vegetable substance especially those which are horizontal' - W. Hinks
513 - 'Further observations on 'Cygnus passmori' and 'C. buccinator' - W. Hinks
514 - 'Classified catalogue of Nepalese Mammals' - Bryan Houghton Hodgson
515 - 'On the nature of the marine production commonly called 'Flustra arenosa' - John Hogg
516 - 'Description of a new species of Cherleria' - John Hogg
517 - 'Description of a new species of Scleranthus' [S. etraeus, Hogg] - John Hogg
518 - Report on the paper 'Observations on Spongilla fluviatiliis, & c.' by Richard Owen - John Hogg
519 - 'On a double variety of 'Matricaria chamomilla' - John Hogg
520 - Letter transmitting a branch of a Vine with some bunches of grapes - John Hogg
521 - 'On the artificial breeding of Salmon and the distribution of certain species of freshwater fish' - John Hogg
522 - 'On the artificial breeding of Salmon' - John Hogg
523 - 'On the external membrane of the unimpregnated and impregnated ova of the common Salmon' - John Hogg
524 - Letter to accompany a packet of seed-pods of Astragalus - John Hogg
525 - 'Notes on some English plants' - John Hogg
526 - Postscript to a paper on 'Eggs with double yolks' - John Hogg
527 - Letter transmitting a specimen of a cone from a young Wellingtonia - John Hogg
528 - 'Note on some photographed Wasps' Nests' - John Hogg
529 - 'Observations on seedling Firs ... and young Beech ...' - T. Holliday
530 - Letter to Walter Butler on the discovery of a new shell - J. Holloway
531 - 'An analysis of Satin Spar from Alston Moor, in Cumberland' - John Holmes
532 - 'Observations on Arragonite, together with its analysis' - John Holme
533 - 'Notes sur les cachets du Linne' - Baron L.A. d'Hombres-Firmas
534 - Fragment from an unidentified paper apparently concerning the species of 'Acalypha' - Joseph Hooker
535 - An enumeration of the plants of the Galapagos Archipelago with descriptions of those which are new - J.D. Hooker
536 - 'On the vegatation of the Galapagos Archipelago as compared with that of some other tropical islands and of the Continent of America' - J. D. Hooker
537 - 'Note on the occurance of an eatable of 'Nostoc' in the Arctic Region and in the Mountains of Central Asia - J.D. Hooker
538 - 'On some remarkable spherical exostoses developed on the roots of various species of 'Coniferae' - J.D. Hooker
539 - 'On the structure and affinities of the 'Balanophoreae' - J.D. Hooker
540 - On some collections of Arctic plants chiefly made by Dr. Lyall, Dr. Anderson, Herr Miertsching and Mr. Rae during the expedition in search of Sir John Franklin, under Sir John Richardson ... - J.D. Hooker
541 - 'On the botany of Raoul Island, one of the Kermadec Group in the South Pacific Ocean' - J.D. Hooker
542 - 'On a new genus of 'Balanophoreae' from New Zealand, and two new species of 'Balanophora' - J.D. Hooker
543 - 'Praecursores ad Floram Indicam' - J.D. Hooker
544 - 'On 'Barteria', a new genus of Passiflora from the Niger River' - J.D. Hooker
545 - 'On 'Fropiera', a new Mauritian genus of 'Calyciflorae' - J.D. Hooker
546 - 'On the origin and development of the pitchers of 'Nepenthes', with an account of some new Bornean plants of that genus' - J.D. Hooker
547 - 'Illustrations of the flora of the Malayan Archipeligo & tropical Africa' - J.D. Hooker
548 - 'An account of the plants collected by Dr.Walker in Greenland & Arctic America, during the expedition of Sir Francis McClintock, R.N. in the Yacht Fox' - J. D. Hooker.
549 - 'On 'Welwitschia mirabilis', a new genus of Gnetaceae' - J.D. Hooker
550 - 'On a new Heliconia with the habit of a Musa, sent from New Granada to the Royal Gardens Kew by Dr. A. Antoine' - J.D. Hooker
551 - 'On the plants of the temperate regions of the Cameroon Mts & Islands in the Bight of Benin...' - J.D. Hooker
552 - 'Description of a new genus of 'Scrophulariaceae' from Martabau' - J.D. Hooker & Thomas Thomson
553 - 'On the identity of 'Pinus Peuce', Griseb. of Macedonia with the 'P. excelsa' of the Himalaya Mountains' - J.D. Hooker
554 - 'On the genus 'Euptelea' Sieb. & Zucc.' - J.D. Hooker & T. Thomson
555 - 'On the true 'Fuchsia coccinea' of Aiton - J.D. Hooker
556 - 'On the sub-alpine vegetation of Kilima'njaro, E. Africa' - J.D. Hooker
557 - 'On 'Hydnora americana' - J.D. Hooker
558 - 'On 'Dyera', a new genus of Rubber-producing plants belonging to the natural order 'Apocyneae' from the Malayan Archipelago' - J.D. Hooker
560 - Obituary of Isaac Anderson Henry - J.D. Hooker
561 - Leaf containing pasted card entries refering to 'Juncus' - W.J. Hooker
562 - 'Musci Nepalanses, or descriptions of several new Mosses from Nepal' - W.J. Hooker
563 - 'Some observations on the genus 'Andraea' with descriptions of four British species' - W.J. Hooker
564 - 'Some account of a collection of Artic plants found by E. Sabine, Esq., during a voyage in the Polar Seas in the year 1823' - W.J. Hooker
565 - Artwork: 'Descriptions of some new insects collected in Assam by W. Griffith' - Frederick William Hope
566 - 'On some rare and beautiful coleopterous insects from Silhet, chiefly in the collection of Frederick Parry Esq.,' - Frederick William Hope
567 - 'On some rare and beautiful insects found chiefly in Silhet' - Frederick William Hope
568 - Water colour of "dis[s]ection of two specimens, male and female, of the Roseate Tern. 'Sterna dougallii'..." - Thomas Hopkirk
569 - 'Linnaeus, animals and man' - Sven Horstadius
570 - A letter on 'Aristolochia Clematis' - William Houlston
571 - Daniel Hanbury's report on 'The nueva Quinologia of Pavon with introduction and notes by John Eliot Howard' - John Eliot Howard
572 - 'Notice of a floating island in Derwentwater Lake, formed by 'Lobelia Dortmanna', Linn.' - John Eliot Howard
573 - 'On 'Cinchona calisaya', var. Anglica' - John Eliot Howard
574 - 'Corrections for L. Howard's paper on the microscopical investigation of several species of Pollen' - [L. Howard?]
575 - Letter transmitting a specimen of fungus 'Boletus acaulis superne porosus' - James Barlow Hoy
576 - Notes on 'Juncus Articulatus'; 'Agaricus deliciosus'; and the deer 'Cervus elaphus' - James Barlow Hoy
577 - Letter transmitting a specimen of 'Pyrola uniflora' for exhibition - James Barlow Hoy
578 - Account of 'Coccus alpinus' - James Barlow Hoy
579 - 'Mucor septicus' - James Barlow Hoy
580 - 'Some account of the 'Trichiurus lepturus' of Linn. found on the shore of the Moray Frith [sic]' - James Barlow Hoy
581 - Supplementary information on 'Trichiurus lepturus' - James Barlow Hoy
582 - 'Account of a spinning Limax or Slug' - Thomas [?] Hoy
583 - 'Memoire sur les Bourdons' - P. Huber
584 - 'Account of the gizzard of the shell called by Linnaeus, Bulla lignaria'...' - G. Humphrey
585 - 'Observations on 'Nauclea Gambir', the plant producing the drug called Gutta Gambeer...' - W. Hunter
585a - Reports on Huxley's papers - Thomas Henry Huxley
585b - Note accompanying a specimen of Oak - W.J. Iliff
585c - Letter to the Zoologist on migratory birds - Peter Inchbold
585d - Eighteen Watercolours - Dr. E.G. Irving
586 - Two letters to A.B. Lambert with information on 'Aeschynanthus radicans' supplementing his paper 'On Cyrtandraceae' - William Jack
587 - Artwork: 'On the Malayan species of Melastoma' - William Jack
588 - 'Account of the Lansium and some other genera of Malayan plants' - William Jack
589 - 'Account of 'Ormosia', a new genus of Decandrous plants belonging to the natural order of 'Leguminosae' - George Jackson
590 - 'On plants in which Ants make their homes' - John R. Jackson
591 - Extract of a letter to Sir William Burdett, Director General of the Naval Medical Department - H. Jameson
592 - On the Ink Plant of New Granada - William [of Quito] Jameson
594 - Extract of a letter [on 'Ornithorhynchus'] - Sir John Jamison
596 - 'A synopsis of the testaceous pneumonobranchous mollusca of Great Britain' - John Gwyn Jeffreys
597 - 'Some observations on the common Bat of Pennant...' - Leonard Jenyns [later Blomefield]
598 - 'The distinctive characters of two British species of Plecotus, supposed to have been confounded under ther name of long-eared Bat' - Leonard Jenyns [later Blomefield]
599 - 'On the abnormal germination of a species of Delphinium' - C.A. Johns
600 - 'The Alcyonium' - James Rawlins Johnson
601 - 'An account of some fossil bones of large magnitude found at Lyme, Dorsetshire in 1813' - James Johnson
602 - An account of two "Paddles or Swimmers" belonging to the animal described in his father's paper - James Rawlings Johnson
603 - 'Observations on 'Arauja sericifera' Brot' - Edwin J. Johnston & Albert C.F. Morgan
604 - 'Thoughts on the analogy between vegetables and insects' - William Jones
605 - 'Observations on Fairy Rings' - William Jones [of Chelsea]
606 - 'A new arrangement of 'Papilios'...' - William Jones
607 - Notes relative to a singular species of Passiflora found in the woods of the Island of Grenada in the West Indies in 1845 - P.W. Justyne
608 - 'On the formation of the vegetable epidermis' - Patrick Keith
609 - 'Of the cause of the sap's ascent' - Patrick Keith
610 - 'On the elongation of the Radicle' - Patrick Keith
612 - 'On the origin of buds' - Patrick Keith
613 - Letter to William Houlston, Esq., F.L.S., & A.S., &c. - James Kendrick
614 - Extract of a letter relating to a block of sandstone from Cape of Good Hope bearing dendritic impressions - B. Kennedy Jnr.
615 - Note on an exhibited specimen of Melocactus, with pencil sketches - W.P. Kesteven
616 - On a new species of Oak from the Sikkim Himalaya - George King
617 - On the existance of spiral cells in the seeds of Acanthaceae - Richard Kippist
618 - On Jansonia, a new genus of Leguminoseae from Western Australia - Richard Kippist
619 - On Acradenia, a new genus of Diosmeae - Richard Kippist
620 - Parts observable in the trunk of insects - W. Kirby
621 - Descriptions of three new specieis of Hirudo - W. Kirby
622 - A history of three species of Cassida - W. Kirby
623 - A description of three species of Curculio - W. Kirby
624 - A continuation of the history of Tipula Trtici in a letter to Thos. Marsham Esq. - W. Kirby
625 - Observations upon certain fungi which are parasites of the wheat - W. Kirby
626 - Some observations upon insects that prey upon timber with a short history of the Cerambyx Violaceus of Linnaeus - W. Kirby
627 - The genus Apion of Herbst's Natursystem considered, its characters laid down, and many of the species described - William Kirby
628 - Descriptions of seven new species of Apion - W. Kirby
629 - Strepsiptera, a new order of insects, proposed, the characters of the order and of the genera it contains laid down - W. Kirby
630 - The characters of Otocerus and Fulgorella, two new genera of Hemipterous insects belonging to the family of Cicadiadae, with a description of several species - W. Kirby
631 - Artwork: "A description of several new species of insects collected in New Holland by R.Brown Esq." - William Kirby
632 - A description of some insects which appear to exemplify Mr. Wm. S. MacLeay's Doctrine of Affinity and Analogy - W. Kirby
633 - Some account of a new specieis of Eulophus Geoffr - W. Kirby
634 - Description of a remarkable fungus - W. Kirby
635 - Dimorphism in the flowers of Monochoria vaginalis - John Kirk
636 - Copy of letter to J.D.Hooker on Trachylobium Hornemannianum shown to yield copal resin - John Kirk
637 - List of Diatomaceae collected by Dr. David Lyall, R.N. of the N.W. coast of British N. America boundary commission - F. Kitten
638 - Brief paper about fungi, Byssus candida and Riccia glauca - J.L. Knapp
639 - Eight watercolour drawings of Fungi - J.L. Knapp
640 - Notes on the Stictei in the Kew Museum - Charles Knight
640a - On some New Zealand Verrucariae - Charles Knight
640b - Artwork: "Contributions to the lichenographia of New Zealand" - Charles Knight & William Mitten.
641 - On the variegation of plants - Thomas Andrew Knight
642 - Observations on a Gray Water Wagtail which nested in his Pine Apple Stove - Thomas Andrew Knight
643 - Upon the Schreechowl - Thomas Andrew Knight
644 - Translation of a letter sent to the Home Office in London - F. Knoch.
645 - On the food of certain gregarious fishes - Robert Knox
646 - On the dentition of the Salmonidae with some observations on the relation of species to genus or natural family - R. Knox
647 - Report on Knox's paper on the ova of the Salmonidae - R. Knox.
648 - Some observations upon the structure of two new species of Hectocotyle parasitic upon the Tremoctopus violaceus and Argonauto Argo - A Kölliker.
649 - Observations on the Durion - C. König
650 - Enumeration of Indian Lemnaceae - Sulphiz Kurz
651 - Description of a new species of Warbler, called the Wood Wren, observed in May 1792 - T. Lamb
652 - Description of a Male Ibis Tantalus igneus shot near Reading, Berks., 1793 - T. Lamb
653 - Ornithologia Bercheriana - T. Lamb
654 - Short account of a flowering plant from St. Thomas in the Vale, Jamaica - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
655 - On a lightning strike on a Spruce Tree - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
656 - On a specimen of Agrostis Linearis in a collection of Indian plants from Dr. Roxburgh - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
657 - Description of Bos frontalis, a new species, from India - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
658 - Observations on the Zizania aquatica - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
659 - Note on Leea pinnata - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
660 - The Icones of Robert, a catalogue of the plates with their Linnaean names - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
661 - Some account of the herbarium of Professor Pallas - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
662 - Note on an exhibited caterpillar discovered destroying young pines - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
663 - Anecdotes of the late Henry Seymer - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
664 - Description of a new species of Psidium - Aylmer Bourke Lambert.
665 - Note on a collection of specimens of Cinchona, probably C. hirsuta - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
666 - A note on the country of origin of the Potato, Solanum tuberosem - Aylmer Bourke Lambert
667 - Observations relating to the migration of birds - Edmund Lambert
668 - On a white incrustation on stones from the bed of the Annan produced by Synedia ulna of Ehrenburg - Edwin Lankester
669 - Note on an exhibited piece of wood with an insect hole with a covering of leaves - Edwin Lankester
670 - Notice of a peculiar structure of the cell on the surface of Callitriche verna - Edwin Lankester
671 - Artwork: "On some new British Polynoia" - Edwin Ray Lankester
672 - Noct. Scutosea Fabr. historia naturalis - Jakob Heinrich Laspeyres
673 - Letter on an unusual specimen of Parus major L. sent to the Linnean Society for inspection by Mr. Lewin - John Latham.
674 - Letter on A Malformation [lusus naturae] of the feathers of a Dove-House Pidgeon in his collection.
675 - An essay on the various species of Sawfish - John Latham
676 - Artwork: "An essay on the tracheae or windpipes of various kinds of birds" - John Latham
677 - On two specimens of Sterna plumbea recently killed near Winchester, a first record of this species 'at large' in this Kingdom - John Latham.
678 - On the insects figured or sculptured on the ancient monuments in Egypt - P.A. Latreille
679 - Two pencil drawings of Wapiti, male and female, signed "R. Laurence delt." - R. Lawrence
680 - An essay on the British species of the genus Meloë, with descriptions of two exotic species - William Elford Leach
681 - Note on capture of Bombyx Pini, at Norwich Hospital - William Elford Leach
682 - Description of a new Echinus found on the coast of Ireland - William Elford Leach
683 - Note transmitting a series of a species of insect, which he proposes to name Phasia variabilis - William Elford Leach
684 - Observations on the Squalus munimus of Linnaeus, Squalus peregrinus of De Blainville with a description of a new British species - William Elford Leach
685 - On the classification of the natural tribe of insects Notonectides, with descriptions of the British species - William Elford Leach
686 - Cymothoadae, a family of Crustacea Malacostraca with sessile eyes having for its distinctive character, four antennae - William Elford Leach
687 - Characters of a new genus of Coleopterous insects of the family Byrrhidae - William Elford Leach
688 - Characters of Macrorhamphus, a new genus of birds, belonging to the natural family Tringidae, and allied to the genera Scolopax and Gallinago - William Elford Leach
689 - Artwork: "The characters of three new genera of Bats without foliaceous appendages to the nose" - W.E. Leach
690 - Descriptions of some new species of birds belonging to the genera Phytotoma Gmel., Indicator Vieill, and Cursorius Latham - Benjamin Leadbeater
691 - On "The group of Honeyguides" - Benjamin Leadbeater
692 - On an undescribed species of the genus Phasianus - Benjamin Leadbeater
693 - Notes on some rare or undescribed Fungi lately found in the vicinity of Malvern, Worcestershire - Edwin Lees
694 - Some observations on the maggot found in the Clover heads - Christian Gottlieb Lehmann
695 - Further observations on Curculio trifloliis - Christian Gottlieb Lehmann.
696 - Artwork: "Lichens collected in Arctic America by Sir J. Richardson" - William Allport Leighton
697 - Artwork: "Lichenes Amazonici et Andini lecti a Domino Spruce" - William Allport Leighton
698 - Description of two specimens of Hypericum with a packet of specimens - William Allport Leighton
699 - On two new species of the genus Mycoporum, Flotow - William Allport Leighton
700 - Observations respecting some rare British insects - William Lewin
701 - On the Tecophilaceae, a suborder of Irideae - Friedrich Leyböld
702 - On the genus Symplocos comprehending Hopea - Charles Louis L'Heritier de Brutelle
703 - On the genus Calligonum, comprehending Pterococcus and Pallasia - Charles Louis L'Heritier De Brutelle
703a - Biographical sketch of Ferdinand Bauer - J. Lhotsky
704 - A dissertation on two natural genera hitherto confounded under the name Mantis - Anthony Augustus Henry Lichtentstein
704a - On the agricultural Ant of Texas - Gideon Lincecum
705 - Contributions to British Muscology - Sextus Otto Lindberg
706 - Artwork: "Observations on the natural group of plants called Pomaceae" - John Lindley
707 - A note on Spiranthes gemmipara - John Lindley
708 - Contributions to the Orchidology of India - John Lindley
709 - Letter describing the Helix obvoluta found in Hampshire, addressed to R.I. Murchison - James Lindsay
710 - Account of the germination and raising of Ferns from the seed - John Lindsay
711 - An account of the Jamaica Bitter-Wood, a new species of the genus Quassia of Linnaeus which may be denominated Quassia polygama - John Lindsay
712 - De Ornithopi genere, observations quaedem - H.F. Link
713 - On Apocynum androsaemifolium [?] - J. Litchfield
714 - Note on some exhibited examples of some young plants of Cardaminum hirsuta growing from buds formed on the upper surface of old leaves of that plant - Miss Llewellyn
715 - Letter On specimens of Red Throated Diver and Little Auk shot near Haileybury College - E.D. Lockwood
715a - On the laws governing the production of seed in Wistaria Sinensis - Thomas Meehan
716 - Hints for a National Garden - Loudon J.C.
717 - A catalogue of recent land and fresh water mollusca found in the neighbourhood of Nottingham - Edward Joseph Lowe
718 - On Chamoemeles cornicea and Sempervivum glutinosum - Richard Thomas Lowe
719 - A list of plants observed or collected at Mogador and in its immediate environs- Richard Thomas Lowe
720 - On the distribution of trachea in insects - Sir John Lubbock
721 - On the development of Chloëon [Ephemera] dimidiatum - Sir John Lubbock
722 - Observations on Ants Bees Wasps Part IX Colours of flowers as an attraction to Bees; experiments and considerations thereon - Sir John Lubbock
723 - Note on the identity of three described species of Acacia - Charles Lush
724 - Catalogue of the British Orchideae found wild in the neighbourhood of Reigate in Surrey, with an account of a supposed new species - George Luxford
725 - Some observations upon a supposed new species of Veronica - George Luxford
726 - Letter on a A record of Polygonum dumetorum near Reigate & Epipactis pururata near Reigate - George Luxford
727 - Notice of the discovery of Cucubalus baccifer in the Isle of Dogs - George Luxford
728 - Account of a Botanical Society at Manchester, with the places of growth of some rather uncommon British plants - Robert Lyall
729 - General observations for the improvement of our knowledge of the natural history of our kingdom - John Lyon
730 - Remarks on the Sepia octopodia - J. Lyon
731 - Letter to Thomas Marsham on phosphoric insects, suggesting writing a paper on them - J. Lyon
732 - Remarks on the migration of birds and insects - J. Lyon
733 - On the artifice used by the Cancer phalangium to ensnare its prey - J. MacCulloch
734 - Artwork: "On the external anatomy and natural history of the genus of Annelida named Palolo by the Samoans and Tonguese, and Mkalolo by the Fijians" - John Denis MacDonald.
735 - Artwork: "On the probably metamorphosis of Pedicularia and other forms" - John Denis MacDonald.
736 - Artwork: "On the anatomy of Eurybia Gaudichaudi as bearing upon its position amongst the Pteropoda" - John Denis MacDonald
736a - Two Pencil drawings of microscopical structures of Stangeril paradoxa - Maxwell T. Masters
737 - On the anatomical characters of three Australian species of Tunicata referrable to Savigny subgenus Caesira - John Denis MacDonald
738 - Artwork: "On the Anatomical Characters of an Australian species of Perophora" - John Denis MacDonald
739 - Further observations on the metamorphosis of Gasteropoda, & c. - John Denis MacDonald
740 - On the homologies of the so called Univalve shell and its operculum - John Denis MacDonald
741 - A new genus of Tunicata occurring on one of the Bellona Reefs - John Davis MacDonald.
742 - On the classification of the warm blooded vertebratia and the parallelism exhibited by the different types of the Mammalia, Marsupiala and Ornithia - William McDonald
743 - On the Fig Trees of Jamaica - James MacFadyen
744 - On the hairs of the Carcinus moenas - W. Carmichael McIntosh
745 - Notes on the food and parasites of the Salmo Salar of the Tay - W. Carmichael McIntosh
746 - Habitats of new and scarce Irish phaenogamous plants - J.T. Mackay
747 - Obituary notice of J.C. Newsham 1928 - R.C. McLean
748 - Two letters to George Bentham, relating to a paper by T. Caruel - W.R. McNab
749 - Artwork: "On the developments of the flowers of Welwitschia mirabilis" - W.R. McNab
750 - Paper on the Gyall, a species of cow peculiar to the mountains which form the Eastern boundary of the province of Chittagong .. - J. Macrae
751 - On the locomotive power of the snail - James Main
752 - Remarks on vegetable physiology - James Main
753 - A brief account of the wonderful Pig which survived for 23 days under a cliff fall - T. Mantell
754 - Extract of a letter to J.E. Howard [On plant collecting in hill districts south of Bombay] - C. R. Markham
754a - Letter from J. H. Marshall to John Ring
755 - A table of the disappearance of twenty-five English migratory birds, kept for the years 1768-1783 - William Marwick
756 - Some account of the Musca pumilionis of Gmelin's Edition of the Sys.Naturae - William Marwick
757 - Additional remarks on the Wood Sandpiper, Tringa glareola - William Marwick
758 - Watercolour drawing of Tringa maritima, in illustration of his paper "Aves Sussexienses, a catalogue of birds found in the County of Sussex" - William Marwick
759 - Observations on the Hoopoe, Upupa epops - William Markwick
760 - The Harvest Mouse, Mus minimus - William Marwick
761 - A letter concerning "a species of Aphis which is now occasioning the complete destruction of many of the Cane plantations in Antigua" - Frederic Marryat
761a - Observations on the clover Weevil, a small insect which infects the heads of the cultivated Clover - William Marwick
762 - Descriptions and watercolour drawings of three species of 'Medusae' from East Bourne and the Sea Devil - William Marwick
763 - Description of two new shells - William Marwick
765 - Commentarie botanico de Serratula & Heterotricho - Friedrich Von Beiberstein
766 - An account of some fossils from Marsh's collection - Thomas O. Marsh
767 - Note on an exhibited series of drawings of Bedfordshire fossils - Thomas O. Marsh
768 - Note on a Fringilla Cardinalis, Gold Finch - Thomas O. Marsh
769 - Account of a sheep with a large growth on its neck - Thomas O. Marsh
770 - Account of a large stone taken from the colon of a Mr Bigg's gelding - Thomas O. Marsh
771 - Observations on the Phalaena [Bombyx] lubricipeda, Linn, and some other moths allied to it - T. Marsham
772 - Observations on the insects that infested the Corn in the year 1795 - Thomas Marsham
772a - Watercolour drawing in illustration of the paper "Observations on the economy of Tchneumon manifestator, Linn" - Thomas Marsham
773 - Description of Notocea, a new genus of coleopterous insects from New Holland - Thomas Marsham
774 - Extract from a letter from the Revd. Wm, Bingley of Christ Church, Hants, to Thomas Marsham, accompanied with specimens of Forficula gigantes -Thomas Marsham
775 - Some account of an insect of the genus Buprestis taken alive out of the wood of a desk - Thomas Marsham
776 - Monochrome watercolour drawing of three fossils - W. Martin
777 - Observations on the language of botany - Thomas Martyn
778 - Note on the change of colour in a specimen of Hemerocallis fulva to the flava - Thomas Martyn
779 - Extract of a letter from Mr. John Templeton ... on the effect of last winter on the plants in his garden - Thomas Martyn
780 - Monizia edulis Lowe - N. Mason
781 - Pencil drawing to illustrate a short paper on a monstrous [Dispsacus] Teazel stem - Maxwell T. Masters
782 - Note on a monstrosity of the flowers of Saponaria officinalis L. - Maxwell T. Masters
783 - On a monstrous form of the Wild Carrot Daucus Carota - Maxwell T. Masters
784 - On the morphology and anatomy of the genus Resio - Maxwell T. Masters [MISSING]
785 - Letter apropos first exhibited cone of Wellingtonia gigantea Lin, in England - Maxwell T. Masters
787 - On a species of Tellina not described by Linnaeus - William George Maton
788 - Observations on the Orcheston long grass - William George Maton
789 - A descriptive catelogue of the British Testacea - William George Maton
790 - Extract of a letter from the Revd. S. L. Jacob, on the Flying Fish [Exocatus volans] - William George Maton
791 - Watercolour drawing in illustration of his paper "Description of seven new species of Testacea" - William George Maton
792 - Notes on exhibited specimens of intestinal worm of the genus Filaria - Benjamin Maund
793 - Letter transmitting "a fragment of Porana racemosa which I have been successful in flowering" - George Maw
796 - On some new species of Chamaelauceae - Carl Friedrich Meisner
797 - Journal of an expedition to the coast and capital of Madagascar in... H.M.S. Gorgon, in a letter to Sir W. J. Hooker - C. Meller
798 - Lycoperdon L. (Geastrum Persoon). Description of a new species - Robert Hermann Schomburgk
799 - Letter transmitting specimens of fossil plants for exhibition at the Society's meeting - George Maw
800 - Description of three new animals found in the Pacific Ocean - Archibald Menzies
801 - Discours sur l'histoire naturelle - Gabriel E. Merlet de la Boulaye
802 - Letter on a sweet Melon from Naxos - Charles L. Meryon
804 - On some Brazillian plants allied to the natural order Burmanniaceae - John Miers
805 - On two new genera of plants from Chile - John Miers
806 - Artwork: "Description of a new genus of plants from Brazil [Triurus]" - John Miers
807 - On a new genus of plants of the family of Burmanniaceae - John Miers
808 - Observations sur quelques especes nouvelles o peu connus des polypiers de les terrain supracretacées d'Italie - Jean Michelotti
808a - On the family of the Triuriaceae - John Miers
809 - On two genera of plants from Chile - John Miers
810 - Remarks on the nature of the outer fleshy covering of the seed in the Clusiaceae, Magnoliaceae, &c. - John Miers
811 - On several instances of the anomalous development of the raphe in seeds ... especially in reference to Stemonurus - John Miers
812 - Detailed report on his paper on the structure of the ovules and seed coats &c. of Magnolia, by Sir Joseph D. Hooker, dated 30 Jan 1858 - John Miers
813 - Artwork: "On Myostoma, a new genus of the Burmanniaccea" - John Miers
814 - On Gotsia and Espadea - John Miers
815 - On the Symplocaceae - John Miers
816 - Abstract of a paper on Barringtoniaceae - John Miers.
817 - On the effect of female imagination on the fetus in the womb; exemplified in the case of a cat - George Milne
818 - Descriptions of several species, hitherto unpublished, of the genus Coccinella - George Milne
819 - An attempt to introduce a more precise distribution of the genus Papilio - George Milne
820 - A description of certain fishes taken in the water of North America, near New York - Samuel L. Mitchill
821 - Letter to J.E.Smith on newly discovered species of Pleuronectes - Samuel L. Mitchill
822 - Descriptions of some new species from Musci from New Zealand - W. Mitten
823 - On some new species of Musci and Hepaticae collected in tropical Africa - W. Mitten.
824 - On Anisostichum, a proposed new genus of Musci - W. Mitten
825 - Artwork: "Contributions to the cryptogamic flora of the Atlantic Islands" - W. Mitten
826 - Sixteen sheets of pencil drawings to illustrate his paper "On additional Musci and hepaticae from Japan and China" - W. Mitten
827 - New species of Musci collected in Ceylon by Dr. Thwaites - W. Mitten
828 - Note on an exhibited occurrence of a true tail or abnormal prolongation of the coccyx in a human subject - George Mivart St.
829 - Observations on some Orchids of the South of France - J. Traherne Moggridge
830 - Petalody of the sepals in Serapias - J. Traherne Moggridge
832 - Letter concerning a goat which gave birth to five kids - W. Monsey
833 - A description of the several species of heterostrophe land shells found in Great Britain - George Montagu
834 - Observations on some species of British quadrupeds, birds and fishes - George Montagu
835 - Description of several marine animals found on the South Coast of Devonshire - George Montagu
836 - Some interesting additions to the natural history of Falco cyaneus and pygargus, together with remarks on some other British birds - George Montagu
837 - Description of several new or rare animals principally marine, discovered on the south coast of Devon - George Montagu
838 - An account of some new and rare marine British shells and animals - George Montagu
839 - Some remarks on the natural history of the Black Stork, for the first time captured in Great Britain - George Montagu
839a - Artwork: Descriptions of five British Species of the Genus Terebella of Linne - George Montagu
1 - Amphiro gigantea - Eliza Dorville
2 - Amphiro cirrhata - Eliza Dorville
3 - Amphiro constrictor - Eliza Dorville
4 - Amphiro nebulosa - Eliza Dorville
5 - Amphiro venustula - Eliza Dorville
840 - Note to accompany an exhibited specimen of Myacarppaea polyandra - David Moore
841 - Artwork: "Occurrence of staminal pistillody in an Acanthad" - S. Moore
842 - On venation as a genuine character in the ferns - T. Moore
843 - On dictyocline, a new genus of ferns - T. Moore
844 - Note on some suprasoriferous ferns - T. Moore
845 - Notice of the discovery of Lastrea remota in England - T. Moore
846 - On two supposed species of Skimmia - T. Moore
847 - A description of the mammary organs of the kangaroo - J. Morgan
848 - On the anatomy of some of the organs of deglutition in the capybara - J. Morgan
849 - A further description of the anatomy of the mammary glands of the kangaroo - J. Morgan
850 - Memorandum relating to the Euphorbia phosphorescens. - A.F. Mornay
851 - Notes on plants collected at St. Pauls Rocks - H. Moseley
852 - Notes on fresh water algae obtained at the boiling springs at Furnas St. Michaels, Azores, and their neighbourhood - H. Moseley
853 - Letter to accompany a bundle of specimens of an edible Chinese Sphaeria - H. Moseley
854 - Cambodian manner of ingrafting - Henry Mouhot
855 - Die Vegetation der Gedenden um den Torrens See - Ferdinand von Müller
856 - On the Eucalypti of tropical Australia - Ferdinand von Müller
857 - An undescribed Casuarina from West Australia - Ferdinand von Müller
858 - Artwork: "Notes on some of the climbing-plants near Desterro, in South Brasil" - Fritz Mueller
859 - Letter to Charles Darwin on the modifications of stamen in a species of Begonia - Fritz Müller
859a - On the identification of the grasses of Linnaeus's Herbarium - W. Munro
860 - Notes on the secretion of the Flata limbata and its relation to the Insect White Wax of China - Charles Murchison
861 - Gum copal from Old Calabar - Andrew Murray
862 - A detail of experiments instituted with a view to ascertain the action of vegitible (sic) poisons, on animal organized matter - John Murray
863 - Remarks on some of the natural phenomena of the environs of Naples - John Murray
864 - Experiments and observations on the light and luminous matter of the Lampyris noctiluca, or Glowworm (sic) - John Murray
865 - Monograph of the East Indian Solaneae - C.G.D. Nees van Esenbeck
866 - Descriptive catalogue of the Gramineae and Cyperaceae contained in the Indian Herbarium of Dr. Royle - C.G.D. Nees van Esenbeck
867 - Note to accompany exhibited specimens of Cantharis vesicatoria, the Blister-fly of medicine - Edward Newman
868 - Letter to accompany exhibited series of Lepidoptera ... from a collection made at Trenton Falls... - Edward Newman
869 - Letter to accompany exhibited specimens of Noctua cubicularism in the larva state - Edward Newman
870 - Note on Lepidosiren annectens - Edward Newman
871 - Note on Atypus subzeri of Latreille - Edward Newman
872 - A sheet of pencil drawings in illustration of his paper "Monograph of the class Myriapoda" - George Newport
873 - On the natural history, development and anatomy of the Oil beetles - George Newport
874 - On the aqueous vapour expelled from bee hives - George Newport
875 - Note on the germination of Aphides - George Newport
876 - The natural history and anatomy and development of Meloe. Second memoir - George Newton
877 - The natural history, anatomy and development of Meloe. Third memoir - George Newton
878 - On the formation and use of the air sacs and dilated tracheae in insects - George Newton
879 - On the anatomy and affinities of Pteronarcys regalis Newm. with a postscript - George Newport
880 - The anatomy and development of certain Chalcididae and Ichneumonidae, compared with their special economy and instincts - George Newport
881 - On Ichneumon atropes Curtis - Goerge Newton
882 - Further observations on the habits of Monodontomerus, with some account of a new Acarus (Heteropus ventricosus) - George Newton
883 - Further observations on the genus Anthophorabia - George Newport
884 - On the ocelli in the genus Anthophorabia - George Newton
885 - Notes in continuation of memoirs on the anatomy and alimentary canal of the Ichneumonidae - George Newport
886 - On the natural history of the Glowworm (Lampyris noctiluca) by the late ... - George Newport.
887 - Autobiographical account, with curriculum vitae and auto-bibliography - Robert Newstead
888 - Notes on Bdellium - B.A.R. Nicholson
889 - Artwork: "Note respecting certain glandular appendages of the leaves in the autumn rosettes of Epilobium montanum" - Daniel Oliver
890 - Note on the occurrence of Rotatoria in Vaucheria - Daniel Oliver
891 - Descriptions of a new species of Utricularia from South America with notes upon the genera Polypompholyx and Akentra - Daniel Oliver
892 - A sheet of watercolour drawings to illustrate his paper "Note on the structure and mode of dehiscence of the legumes of Pentaclethra macrophylla, Benth." - Daniel Oliver
893 - On four new genera of plants of Western tropical Africa, belonging to the natural orders Anonaceae ... - Daniel Oliver
894 - On Hillebrandia, a new genus of Begoniaceae - Daniel Oliver
895 - Note on the American grasshopper Caloptenus fumur rubrum - A. Oppermann.
896 - Notes on the habits of the Box Tortoise of the United States of America - George Ord
897 - On the characters, principles of division, and primary groups, of the class Mammalia - R. Owen
898 - On the surface fauna of mid-ocean - Samuel R. J. Owen
899 - Description d'une nouvelle espece de pomme de terre, et d'une graminee - Palacio y Faxar
900 - Data accompanying the paper "Taxonomy of the genus Ephedra. Significance of stem and leaf epidermis and cuticle" - D.D. Pant and B.K. Verma
901 - Some aspects on the physiology of the egg - John Ayrton Paris
902 - Botanical notes made during a month's tour to the three pagodas and in the Shan States in the month of February 1859 - C.S.P. Parish
903 - Note on the dimorphism of flowers of Cymbidium tigrinum - C.S.P. Parish
904 - Descriptions of eight new fishes from Sumatra - Mungo Park
905 - Notes on the habits of species of ants - R. Paterson
906 - Note of two insects presented to the Linnean Society - William Dandridge Peck
907 - Letter to Sir Joseph Banks describing marine animals seen on the voyage to America - William D. Peck
908 - Note on a shower of fishes at [Monadabad?] on 29 May 1829 - William Peete
909 - Letter to accompany skins of a Delphinus Delphis and of a species of sparus, sent for exhibition - Henry Penneck
910 - Letter to J.E. Smith describing a new fungus - C. H. Persoon
911 - Account of a considerable variety of the Beech Fagus quercoides - C. H. Persoon
912 - Artwork: "Description of some fossil shells found in Hampshire" - C. H. Persoon
913 - On Meliantheae, a new natural order, porposed and defined - Jules-Emile Planchon
914 - Note by Miss Porter on a specimen of a seed of the Palo di Vaca, or Milk tree - Robert Porter
915 - Notes on a lomaria collected in the Malvern district, Canterbury, N.Z. - Thomas Potts
916 - Habits of Filices observed about the Malvern Hills near the gorge of the Rakaia river - Thomas Potts
917 - The nature and productions of several atolls of the Tokelau, Ellice and Gilbert Groups, South Pacific - Thomas Powell
918 - Observation on a snail and a black slug which devoured a dead earthworm - J. Power
919 - An excrescence found growing on a root of Mangel Wurzel in a field belonging to ... of Ashford, in Kent - Alexander Power
919a - A Prodomus of the British Hieracia - Herbert William Pugsley
920 - History and description of a minute epiphyllous Lycoperdon, growing on the leaves of the Anemone nemorosa - Richard Pulteney
921 - Note to accompany a specimen of a bird which has lately frequented the nursery garden at Blandford, querying whether it is Motacilla Hippolais Linn - Richard Pulteney
922 - On the Ascarides discovered in the Pelecanus Carbo and P. cristatus - Richard Pulteney
923 - Observations on the economical use of the Ranunculus aquatilis, with introductory remarks on the acrimonious and poisonous quality of some English species of that genus - Richard Pulteney
924 - Sketch of the characters of four new plants constituting ... a new genus - Frederick Pursh
925 - Description of Hosackia laurina - Frederick Pursh
926 - Some observations on the varieties of growth of plants belonging to the genus Chara (of Hooker) - Edwin Quekett
927 - Observations on a certain crystalline matter found on the recently cut surface of the wood of the Red Cedar - Edwin Quekett
928 - Remarks on the examination of some fossil woods which tend to elucidate the structure of certain tissues in the recent plant - Edwin Quekett
929 - On the development of starch and chlorophyll - Edwin Quekett
930 - Description of the Esox saurus - Thomas Rackett
931 - Observations on Cancer salinus - Thomas Rackett
932 - Observations on a viper found in Cranborne Chase, Dorsetshire - Thomas Rackett
933 - Description of some shells found in Canada - Thomas Rackett
934 - Remarks on Thomas Raffles' paper 'On the Birds of Sumatra' - Thomas Horsfield
935 - Memoranda respecting the Lemur Tarsier - Sir Thomas Raffles
936 - Monography of the genus Bertolonia - C. S. Rafinesque
937 - Monography of the genus Callitriche - C. S. Rafinesque
937a - Description of a new species of Echeneis - C. S. Rafinesque
938 - Descriptions of two new genera of Crustacea Heterochelus and Hyalomus with their figures - C. S. Rafinesque
939 - On the axial and ab-axial arrangement of carpels - T. S. Ralph
940 - On the structure of Viola in connection with its impregnation - T. S. Ralph
941 - List of sections of Tree Fern stems. An unpublished supplement to his paper "On the Arborescent Ferns of New Zealand" - T. S. Ralph
942 - Letter to Sir Joseph Banks on an unusual fish, Dated Minabilly, nr, Fowy (sic) - Philip Rashleigh
943 - On the calcifying functions of the Cowry, and the Olive, two genera of pectinibranchiate mollusks - Lovell Reeve
944 - Description of the Hypochondriai sandpiper (Tringa hypochondriara) a new species of bird - Gottfried Reich
945 - Enumeration of the Orchids collected by Rev. E.C. Parish in the neighbourhood of Moulmein with descriptions of the new species - H.G. Reichenbach
946 - Rough notes, tables & photos relating to the Occurrence of crystals in the skin of Amphipoda - Douglas Reid
947 - Contributiones ad floram algaram aquae dulcis Promontori Bonae Spei - Paul Reinsch
948 - Two letters concerning a fern [Decidium fuscum?] - Richard Relhan
949 - Observations on the supposed effects of Ivy upon trees, in a letter to the President - Humphry Repton
950 - De Ordinibus Piscium Linneanis momento qauedem - Anders Retzius
951 - Letter to accompany specimens of Ancylus fluviatilis and of the Nidus of some aquatic insect, sent for exhibition - H. A. T. Robinson
952 - Letter to Rev. F. Statham reporting the existence of specimens of Agaricus ulmarius in St. James's Park, Green Park, and Gray's Inn Gardens - T.M. Rodwell
954 - On several species of Chiton and Balanus - Benjamin Rolfe
955 - Brief paper on Haliotis elegans - Benjamine Rolfe
956 - A new arrangement of the plants of the Monandrian Class usually called Scitamineae - William Roscoe
957 - On artificial and natural arrangement of plants and particularly on the systems of Linnaeus and Jussieu - William Roscoe
958 - Letter on observations made on Cyclamen Europeum - William Ross
958a - Account of the Tusseh and Arrindy silkworms of Bengal - William Roxburgh
958b - Artwork: "On the Genus, Aquilaria" - William Roxburgh
959 - Description of the Cajputi Oil Tree - William Roxburgh
960 - On the Lycium of Dioscorides - John Royle
961 - Description of six species of Carex from North America - Edward Rudge
962 - Description of seven new species of plants from New Holland - Edward Rudge
963 - Description of a new species of Dimorpha - Edward Rudge
964 - A description of several new species of plants from New Holland - Edward Rudge
965 - Cereus tetragonus - Edward Rudge
966 - Letter transmitting for exhibition a specimen of supposed hybrid between Cardamine amara & C. pratensis - F. Ruffe
967 - A memoir on the birds of Greenland, with descriptions and notes on the species observed in the late voyage of discovery in Davis's Straits and Baffin's Bay - Sir Edward Sabine
968 - An account, and description, of a new species of Gull lately discovered on the West Coast of Greenland - Joseph Sabine
969 - On the Chrysanthemum indicum of Linnaeus - Joseph Sabine
970 - On the generic and specific characters of the Chrysanthemum indicum of Linnaeus and of the plants called Chinese Chrysanthemums - Joseph Sabine
971 - Note identifying two birds as 1) Gallinule pusilla, and 2) Falco furcatus - Joseph Sabine
972 - Descriptions of four species of Cypripedium - R. A. Salisbury
973 - Description of several species of Pancreatum - R. A. Salisbury
974 - Descriptio Ixia crispae - R. A. Salisbury
975 - The characters of two species of Oxalis - R. A. Salisbury
976 - Remarks on some technical terms used in botany - R.A. Salisbury
977 - Observations on the classes Icosandria and Polyandra of Linnaeus - R. A. Salisbury
978 - An illustration of the genus Solandra - R. A. Salisbury
979 - Species of Erica - R. A. Salisbury
980 - Some remarks on the Select Indian plants in the 4th volume of Asiatic Researches - R. A. Salisbury
981 - Lord Macartney's Rose - R. A. Salisbury
982 - Germinatio seminum Orchidearum (On the germination of the seeds of Orchideae) - R. A. Salisbury
983 - Observations on the perigynous insertion of the stamina of plants - R. A. Salisbury
984 - An account of a storm of salt, which fell in January 1803 - R. A. Salisbury
985 - Observations on the genera Trollius, Eranthis, Helleborus, Coptis and Isopyrum - R. A. Salisbury
986 - The characters of several genera in the natural Order of Conifera, with remarks on their stigmata and cotyledons - R. A. Salisbury
987 - Description of a new genus in the natural Order of Rubiaceae, called Rudgea - R. A. Salisbury
988 - Some remarks on the plants now referred to Sophora, with the characters of the genus Edwardsia - R. A. Salisbury
989 - On the vitality of seeds after prolonged submersion in the sea - James Salter
990 - Description of ten new species of the genus Paracupta, H. Deyrolle, and of 10 new species of the genus Conognatha, Escholtze - Edward Saunders
991 - Some very interesting remarks on the economy of procellaria pelagica - Robert Scarth
992 - Remarks on the common West Indian Lizard (Anolius bullaris? Cuv.) - Robert Schomburgk
993 - A description of the species of Lacis (Schreber) found in the River Essequibo and an account of the fish called Pacou - Robert Schomburgk
994 - On the identity of two supposed genera of Orchideous epiphytes - Robert H. Schomburgk
995 - Description of a species of monkey belonging to the tribe of Arotopitheci of Geoffroy - Robert Schomburgk
996 - On the Wooraly or Ourary Poison of the Indo-Americans, with a description of the plant from which it is extracted - Robert Schomburgk
997 - Description of a new species of Trigonocephalus - Robert Schomburgk
998 - Descriptions of several new species of Orchideae natives of British Guiana - Robert Schomburgk
999 - Description of the Mora Tree - Robert Schomburgk
1000 - Description of a new species of Cattleya - Robert H. Schomburgk
1001 - Some account of the Curata, a grass of the tribe of Bambuseae - Robert H. Schomburgk
1001a - Monochrome Watercolours, illustrating botanical species from nature in the West Indies - Robert H. Schomburgk
1002 - Descriptions of some singular Coleopterous insects - Karl von Schreibers
1003 - On the general geographical distribution of the members of the class Aves - Philip Lutley
1004 - Note on the Isoetes capsularis, Roxb - John Scott
1005 - Artwork: "Notes on tree ferns of British Sikkim, their structure and relation to Palms and Cycads..." - John Scott
1006 - Letter about a botanical excursion with his pupils on the coast of Fife, when a specimen of Chironia centarium was found by one of the pupils - James Scott
1007 - Microscopical drawings and descriptions of the stamina of the Orchis bifolia - R. Scott
1008 - Extract of a letter on a substance resembling Asphalt - R. Scott
1009 - Report of the representative of the Linnean Society of London at the Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Montreal, Canada - Berthold Seemann
1010 - Letter on three varieties of Lychnis dioica with a watercolour drawing - Alexander Seton
1011 - Description of the Stylephorus chordatus, a new fish - George Shaw
1012 - Description of the Cancer stagnalis of Linnaeus - George Shaw
1013 - Remarks on Scolopendra electrica & Sc. subterranea - George Shaw
1014 - Description of a new species of Mycteria - George Shaw
1015 - Lucernaria quadricornis - George Shaw
1016 - Description of the Tubularia magnifica - George Shaw
1017 - Description of the Mus bursarius - George Shaw
1018 - Enumeration muscorum - John Shaw
1019 - Obituary of John Rudd Leeson - A. W. Shappard
1020 - A description of some new species of British shells - from a letter to the Rev'd W. Bingley - John Sheppard
1021 - Description of the British lizards; and of a new British species of viper - John Sheppard
1022 - On the use of the Pedes scansorii of birds, in a letter to the Rev'd William Kirby - John Revett
1023 - Letter to W.G. Maton, on the blue powder found on the plumage of the Heron - John Sheppard
1024 - A letter to W. Kirby, on the relation between the appearance of the Ooze Fly and the onset of stormy weather - John Sheppard
1025 - Note on a specimen of the red Viper taken at Levington in Suffolk in 1805 - John Sheppard
1026 - On two new British species of Mytilus, in a letter to the Rev'd E.J. Burrow - John Sheppard
1027 - Descriptions of seven new British land and freshwater shells - John Sheppard
1028 - Observations upon the Motacilla hippolais of Linnaeus - John Sheppard
1029 - Zoological observations (On various animals) - John Sheppard
1030 - Description of a new British freshwater Helix - John Sheppard
1031 - Description of a huge Banyan tree (Ficus indica) in the Chingleput District - John Shortt
1032 - An account of the Sclerotum stipitatum (Berk. & Curr.) of Southern India - John Shortt
1033 - A brief account of the chief enemies destructive to the Coffee plant - John Shortt
1034 - On the White Coffee Borer, as it appeared at Dargeeling [Darjeeling] in 1858 - John Shortt
1035 - On branched palms in Southern India - John Shortt
1036 - Observations respecting a species of Phalarope and some other rare British birds - William Simmonds
1038 - Account of the Tarantula of Sierra Leone - Henry Smeathman
1039 - Letter to A.B. Lambert relating to S's collection of coal fossils presented to the Linnean Society - J. Skinner
1039a - On the locusts (species Gryllus migratorius of Linnaeus) which devastated the Crimea and the southern provinces of Russia in 1824 - Iakov Smirnov
1040 - Observations on some animals of America allied to the genus Antilope - Charles Smith
1041 - Memoir of Lieut. Colonel Charles Hamilton Smith, K.H., K.W., F.R.S., F.L.S., & c. & c.
1042 - Introductory discourse on the rise and progress of natural history - James Edward Smith
1043 - Descriptions of ten species of Lichen collected in the south of Europe - James Edward Smith
1044 - On the Festuca spadicea and Anthoxanthum paniculatum of Linnaeus - James Edward Smith
1045 - Remarks on the Abbe Wulfen's descriptions of Lichens published among his rare plants of Carniola, in Prof. Jacquin's Collectanea, vol. 2d, 112 - James Edward Smith
1046 - Remarks on the genus Veronica - James Edward Smith
1047 - An account of several plants presented to the Linnean Society, at different times, by Mr. John Fairbairn and Mr. Thomas Hoy, Fellows of the Linnean Society - James Edward Smith
1048 - Additional observations relating to Festuca spadicea - James Edward Smith
1049 - Remarks on Centaurea solstitialis and C. melitensis - James Edward Smith
1050 - Remarks on the genus Dianthus - James Edward Smith
1051 - Description of Sagina cerastoides a new British plant discovered in Scotland by Mr James Dickson - James Edward Smith
1052 - An account of two new genera of plants from New South Wales - James Edward Smith
1053 - The botanical history of Mentha exigua - James Edward Smith
1054 - Botanical characters of some plants of the natural order of Myrti - James Edward Smith
1055 - Observations on the British species of Mentha - James Edward Smith
1056 - Description of Sowerbaea juncea, a plant of New South Wales - James Edward Smith
1057 - Additional note to the observations on the British species of Mentha - James Edward Smith
1058 - Remarks on the genera Paederota, Wulfenia and Hemimeris - James Edward Smith
1059 - Remarks on some British species of Salix - James Edward Smith
1060 - Botanical characters of four New Holland plants of the natural order of Myrti - James Edward Smith
1061 - Description of the fruit of Cycas revoluta - James Edward Smith
1062 - An illustration of the grass called by Linnaeus Cornucopiae alopecuroides - James Edward Smith
1063 - Remarks on the generic characters of Mosses, and particularly of the genus Mnium - James Edward Smith
1064 - On Mr. Templeton of Belfast's drawing of Loxia falcirostra (shot near Belfast in 1802) and his discovery of Coccus cataphractus in Ireland - James Edward Smith
1065 - Biographical memoirs of several Norwich botanists - James Edward Smith
1066 - On Buvera rebioides - James Edward Smith
1067 - On the musical intervals in the notes of the Cuckoo - James Edward Smith
1068 - On some corrections to names used in Andrew's Botanists' Repository - James Edward Smith
1069 - On the incorrect inclusion of Sonchus caeruleus in the British flora - James Edward Smith
1070 - Account of the Bromus triflorus of Linnaeus - James Edward Smith
1071 - Characters of three new species of Boronia - James Edward Smith
1072 - On Davall's herbarium - James Edward Smith
1073 - Remarks on the plant called by Linnaeus Nymphaea Nelumbo - James Edward Smith
1074 - On Sonchus caeruleus, found at Lochnagore, Aberdeenshire by Mr. George Don - James Edward Smith
1075 - On some remarks by R.A. Salisbury in his Paradisus Londinensis - James Edward Smith
1076 - On Buxbaumia aphylla found growing near Norwich - James Edward Smith
1077 - A botanical sketch of the genus Conchium - James Edward Smith
1078 - An enquiry into the genus of the tree called by Pona Abelico cretica - James Edward Smith
1079 - An enquiry into the real Daucus Gingidium of Linnaeus - James Edward Smith
1080 - On the genera of ferns - James Edward Smith
1081 - An enquiry into the structure of seeds and especially into the true nature of that part called by Gaertner the Vitellus - James Edward Smith
1082 - Observations respecting several British species of Hieraceum - James Edward Smith
1083 - Specific characters of the Decandrous papilionaceous plants of New Holland - James Edward Smith
1084 - Characters of Hookeria, a new genus of Mosses, with descriptions of eight species - James Edward Smith
1085 - Characters of a new Liliaceous genus called Brodiaea - James Edward Smith
1086 - Characters of Platylobium, Bossiaea, and of a new genus named Poiretia - James Edward Smith
1087 - Remarks on the Sedum ochroleucum or Sedum orchroleucum - James Edward Smith
1088 - Some remark on the synonyms and native country of Hypericum calycinum - James Edward Smith
1089 - An account of several plants, recently discovered in Scotland by Mr. George Don, not mentioned in Flora Britannica nor English Botany - James Edward Smith
1090 - An account of a new genus of New Holland plants named Brunonia - James Edward Smith
1091 - A description of Duchesnea fragiformis, constituting a new genus of the natural order of Senticosae of Linnaeus, Rosaceae of Jussieu - James Edward Smith
1092 - On the genus Lamium - James Edward Smith
1093 - Some observations on Iris susiana of Linnaeus, and on the natural of Aquilaria - James Edward Smith
1094 - Astragalus campestris, a new Scottish plant found by Mr. George Don - James Edward Smith
1095 - Observations on the genus Teesdalia: in a letter to Robert Brown - James Edward Smith
1096 - Remarks on the Bryum marginatum and Bryum lineare of Dickson - James Edward Smith
1097 - Some information respecting the Lignum Rhodium of Pocock's travels in a letter to Alexander M'Leay - James Edward Smith
1098 - Characters of two species of Tordylium - James Smith
1099 - Remarks on Hypnum recognitum, and on several new species of Roscoea - James Smith
1100 - Note to accompany a specimen of Dapiche, a sort of Elastic gum, sent for exhibition - James Smith
1101 - Notice of a plant which produces perfect seeds without any apparent action of pollen on the stigma - John Smith
1102 - A note upon the fern known as Aspidium Baromez - John Smith
1103 - On certain species of Carduus and Cnicus which appear to be dioecious - Thomas Smith
1104 - Note on an exhibited cabinet of cedar wood which contained microscope slides - R. H. Solly
1105 - Remarks on the genera Orbicula and Crania of Lamarck - George Sowerby
1106 - Description, accompanied by drawings, of a new species of Cypraea from Port Adelaide - George Sowerby
1107 - Account of the difference of structure in the flowers of six species of Passiflora - James Sowerby
1108 - Note on some objects of wax-like substance called Asterias Arberis and Nidus Licheniformis - James Sowerby
1109 - Additional observations relative to the Mytilus lithophagus - James Sowerby
1110 - Account of the Blowing Stone on the road from Farringdon to Uffingham, and of the Farrington gravel-pit - James Sowerby
1111 - Mytilus purpureus - James Sowerby
1111a - A short account of the long diagonal fracture & c. in Carbonate of Lime - James Sowerby
1112 - Observations upon the fracture of Iceland Spar or crystallized Carbonate of Lime - James Sowerby
1113 - On rot and decaying wood - James Sowerby
1114 - Note exhibiting a fossil Venus found by Dr. Leach in Transition Clay-slate which alternates with the Limestone of Plymouth - James Sowerby
1115 - Notice relating to several gelatinous substances commonly known as Star-shot, Star-slough - James Sowerby
1116 - On a fossil shell of a fibrous structure the fragments of which occur abundantly in the chalk strata and on the flints accompanying it - James Sowerby
1117 - Some account of the spiral tubes of ligaments in the genus Terebratula of Lamarck as observed in several species of fossil shells - James Sowerby
1118 - Account of a singular branched fossil found in the Green sand formation near Warminster - James Sowerby
1118a - Short notice, in vindication of the propriety of watering fruit trees - James Sowerby
1119 - A short account of a genus of fossil shells which has been misunderstood or undetermined by Linnaeus and modern authors, accompanying drawings of three species - James Sowerby
1120 - Note accompanying specimens of Encrini - James Sowerby
1121 - Note accompanying specimens of wood from Constantinople - James Sowerby
1122 - Note accompanying specimens of fossil shells - James Sowerby
1123 - Note accompanying specimen of sulphate of Barytes - James Sowerby
1124 - Note accompanying three fragments of stones which fell from the atmosphere - James Sowerby
1125 - Note accompanying specimens of Lichen aphthosus. And note on Ulmin. And note on Byssus septica - James Sowerby
1126 - Note on an exhibited freshwater shell resembling a Mytilus - James Sowerby
1127 - Note on the use of Flustra truncata as camouflage by Cancer phalangium - James Sowerby
1128 - Monograph of the British Choleva - William Spence
1129 - Description of Brotera persica and Mustelia eupatoria - Kurt Sprengel
1130 - On Leopoldinia piassaba, Wallace - Richard Spruce
1131 - Notes of a visit to the Cinchona forests on the western slope of the Quitenian Andes - Richard Spruce
1132 - On the mode of branching of some Amazon trees - Richard Spruce
1133 - Mosses of the Amazon and Andes - Richard Spruce
1134 - Extract of a letter on a new variety of Grape vine - Squibb
1135 - Hirniaria glabra, Smooth Rupture Wort - John Stackhouse
1136 - On Motacilla ulicicola, the Slender Tailed Furzeling - John Stackhouse
1137 - Observations on preserving specimens of plants - John Stackhouse
1138 - On the larger variety ... of the Furzeplant or Gorze (Ulex Europaeus var.1.With.) John Stackhouse
1139 - Note on the mode of preserving plants - John Stackhouse
1140 - Observations made on the Weever Fish from a specimen caught near Menabilly, near Fowey - John Stackhouse
1141 - Gadus barbatus, the Glover Fish, taken at Ilfracombe - John Stackhouse
1142 - Byssus fasciculata - John Stackhouse
1143 - Account of a peculiar variety of structure in the nose of a Pointer of the Spanish breed - Chudleigh Standert
1150 - Artwork: "On a new Australian Sphaeromid (Cyclura venosa)" - Thomas Stebbing
1151 - Artwork: "Description of nine new species of plants from Caucasus" - Chevalier de Steven
1151a - On the Spicula of the Regular Echinoidea - Charles Stewart
1151b - Artworks: "Epimedium and Vancouveria (Berberidaceae), a monograph" - William Thomas Stearn
1152 - Lichens of the Challenger Expedition - J. Stirton
1153 - Lichens from western tropical Africa - J. Stirton
1154 - Letter on the mammary gland of Ornithorhynchus - C. Stokes
1155 - Description of a new species of the genus Chameleon - Samuel Stutchbury
1156 - Note on a specimen of Hoopoe Upupa Epops shot at Yarmouth - C. Sutton
1157 - Notes on the forest trees of Australia - George Suttor
1158 - Botanical history of the Canella alba - Olof Swartz
1159 - The botanical history of the genus Ehrharta - Olof Swartz
1160 - Observations on some species of Menziesia hitherto considered as belonging to the genus Andromeda - Olof Swartz
1161 - Paper on some species of Sylvia which have been successfully preserved in cages in perfect health through various winters - Robert Sweet
1162 - Letter concerning some summer birds of passage preserved in captivity - Robert Sweet
1163 - Note on an exhibited specimen of Orange - C. Sykes
1166 - Account of a vegetable substance which should seem to be a species of gelatinous Lichen - C. Taylor
1167 - Descriptions of a Palm and an Elm at Newland - C. Taylor
1168 - De Marchantieis - Thomas Taylor
1169 - Note on the Bokhara clover - William Taylor
1170 - Plantae Eboracenses - Robert Teesdale
1171 - Letter presenting a specimen of Eriophorum alpinum - Robert Teesdale
1175 - Account of some new species of birds of the genus Psittacus and Columba- C. J. Temminck
1176 - On the colours of birds - John Templeton
1177 - Animal intelligence - Johann Tepper
1178 - Note on a remarkable variegation of Banksia marginata, Cav - Johann Tepper
1179 - The evolution of the Angiosperms; historical and ecological evidence - Hugh Hamshaw Thomas
1180 - On the genus Kaempferia - John Vaughn Thompson
1181 - An account of some new species of Piper, with a few cursory observations - John Vaughn Thompson
1182 - Description of a new genus of the natural Order of Myrti - John Vaughn Thompson
1183 - Description of a new species of the genus Mus, belonging to the section of pouched rats - John Vaughn Thompson
1184 - Memoir, with first proofs of the metamorphosis in the Macroura of the Class Crustacea - John Vaughan Thompson
1185 - Watercolour drawing of a fish - W. Thompson
1186 - Note on the structure of the seeds of Barringtonia and Careya - Thomas Thomson
1187 - Note on the genus Hemigymnia Griffith - Thomas Thomson
1188 - Drawing of angiosperm, Nanothamnus. - Thomas Thomson
1189 - The botanical history of the genus Dillenia with the addition of several nondescript species - Carl Peter Thunberg
1190 - Hermionitis parasitica descripta a .... - Carl Peter Thunberg
1191 - Botanical observations on the Flora Japonica - Carl Peter Thunberg
1192 - Description of such species of Chironia as grow wild at the Cape of Good Hope - Carl Peter Thunberg
1193 - An illustration of the species of Lycium which grow wild at the Cape of Good Hope - Carl Peter Thunberg
1194 - On the structure and movements of Bacillaria paradoxa, Gmelin - George Henry Kendrick Thwaites
1195 - On the early stages of development of Lemanea fluviatilis - George Henry Kendrick Thwaites
1196 - Note on the genus Ancistrocladus of Wallich - George Henry Kendrick Thwaites
1197 - Transcribed note about the ravages of Black Sea Teredo at Sebastopol - 'Times' correspondent in Turkey
1198 - Observations on some extraneous fossils of Switzerland - Mons Tingry
1199 - Some account of the Pitch-lake on the Island of Trinidada - James Tobin
1200 - Objections against the perceptivity of plants, so far as evinced by their external motions - Robert Townson
1201 - On some whales driven ashore in Scapa Bay, in Pomona - Thomas Stewart Traill
1202 - Some observations on the bill of the Toucan - Thomas Stewart Traill
1203 - Notes on the Chatham Islands - Henry H. Travers
1204 - Artwork: "Structure and fertilisation of Bonatea speciosa Willd." - Henry H. Travers
1205 - On some remarkable mimetic analogies among African butterflies - Roland Trimen
1206 - Speculations on the sensitive powers of vegetables - James Perchard Tupper
1206a - Essay on the sensitive powers of vegetables - James Perchard Tupper
1207 - Calendarium plantarum marinarum - Dawson Turner
1208 - Catalogue of some of the more rare plants observed in a tour thro' the western counties of England, made in June 1799 - Dawson Turner and James Sowerby
1209 - Descriptions of four new species of Fucus - Dawson Turner
1210 - Descriptions of four new British lichens - Dawson Turner
1211 - Remarks upon the Dillenian herbarium - Dawson Turner
1212 - Description of a new species of lichen - Dawson Turner
1213 - A translation from Luyken's Tentamen Historiae Lichenum - Dawson Turner
1214 - Descriptions of eight new British lichens - Dawson Turner
1215 - Observations on the development of the Theca, and on the sexes of Mosses - William Valentine
1216 - On the existence of stomata in Mosses - William Valentine
1217 - Remarks on the nature and propagation of marine plants - Thomas Velley
1218 - Description of Conferva umbilicata, a new plant from New South Wales - Thomas Velley
1219 - Observations on the natural affinities that connect the orders and families of birds - Nicholas Alyward Vigors
1220 - On the quantity of tannin in the Gulls of Cynips Quercus-petioli - Edward Hart Vinen
1221 - Letter to John Curtis regarding his paper on the natural history of Ants - R. Wakefield
1222 - Letter on the Arctic Gull - William Henry Walcott
1223 - Some observations on an insect which destroys the wheat, supposed to be a wireworm - Thomas Walford
1224 - Notes on the variations of structure in the British species of Eurytomidae - Francis Walker
1225 - Descriptions of Chalcidites - Francis Walker
1226 - Preface by W.W. Saunders to Walker's Catalogue of the Dipterous insects collected at Singapore & Malacca by Mr. A.R. Wallace, & c. - Francis Walker
1227 - Preface by W.W. Saunders to Walker's Catalogue of the Homopterous insects collected at Singapore & Malacca by A.R. Wallace, & c. - Francis Walker
1228 - Catalogue of the dipterous insects collected in Borneo by Mr. A.R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species - Francis Walker
1229 - Catalogue of the Homopterous insects collected at Sarawak, Borneo, by Mr. A.R. Wallace, with descriptions of new species - Francis Walker
1230 - Synopsis of the Diptera of the Eastern Archipelago discovered by Mr. Wallace, and noticed in the 'Journal of the Linnean Society' - Francis Walker
1231 - Report on his three papers on the nocturnal Lepidoptera - Francis Walker
1232 - Description of two new genera of plants from Nepal - Nathaniel Wallich
1233 - Description of a new genus belonging to the Nymphaeaceae - Nathaniel Wallich
1234 - Some account of the botany of the provinces lately ceded by the Burmese to the Honble the E.I. Company with a description of two new genera of plants - Nathaniel Wallich
1235 - Notice concerning Linnaeus's Iter Dalecarlicum - Nathaniel Wallich
1236 - Note transmitting an exhibited specimen of Whitethorn - John Wallis
1237 - Artwork: "On the structure, development and life history of a tropical Epiphyllus lichen (Strigula complanata Fee...)" - Harry Marshall Ward
1238 - Letter relating to exhibited specimen of Sphaerica Robertsii and to the discovery of another specimen in his own collection sent by Dr. Wight from the east Indies - Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
1239 - Notice on the development of the fronds in Laminaria - Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
1240 - Letter on the transportation of specimen's in a Wardian case - Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
1241 - Note to accompany a specimen of the plant on which Coccus sinensis lives - Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
1242 - Note to accompany specimens of some Algae collected in Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope by Mr. Harvey - Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
1243 - Note to accompany specimens of Ranunculus Lingna and other plants - Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward
1244 - On the double Coconut of the Seychelles (Lodoicea Sechellarum) - Swinburne Ward
1245 - On the Coco de Mer, in a letter to Sir William Hooker - Swinburne Ward
1246 - Remarks on some varieties of Erica ciliaris and Tetralix, in a letter to Mr. Don - Hewett Cottrell Watson
1247 - Letter on a tooth taken out of the skeleton found in a large cavern in Derbyshire - White Watson
1248 - On some undescribed and imperfectly known Indian species of Primula and Androsace - Sir George Watt
1249 - Notes on the structure and fertilization of the genus Bonatea, with a special description of a species found at Bedford in South Africa - James Philip Mansel Weale
1250 - Notes on some species of Habenaria found in South Africa - James Philip Mansel Weale
1251 - Notes on a species of Disperis found on the Kagaberg, South Africa - J. P. Weale
1252 - Some observations on the fertilization of Disa macrantha - James Philip Mansel Weale
1253 - Observations on the mode in which certain species of Asclepiadeae are fertilised - James Philip Mansel Weale
1254 - The Monte Bello Islands - G.D. Wedd
1255 - Remarks on the generic name Cascarilla - Hugh Algernon Weddell
1256 - An account of... the Sylvia rubecula, or Redbreast - W. H. Weekes
1257 - Artwork: "The anatomy of two parasitic forms of the family Tetrarhynchidae" - Francis H. Welch
1258 - Some observations on the Manna of Mount Sinai and the Dragon's Blood Tree and Aloe Plant of Socotra - J. R. Welsted
1259 - Twenty-five photographs and drawings of Halopeplis Arthrocnemum and Salicornia spp. from South Africa. - D.M. Welsh
1260 - On a remarkable species of Cissus from the south of Benguella with remarks on the Asclepiadeae of Angola and Benguella - Friedrich Welwitsch
1261 - Letter offering to pay £130 towards the cost of his forthcoming paper "Sertum Benuelense" - Friedrich Welwitsch
1262 - Observations on the origin and the geographical distribution of the Gum Copal in Angola, tropical west Africa - Friedrich Welwitsch
1263 - Account of a white vegetable earth discovered in Nova Scotia - John Wentworth
1264 - Description of a new genus of Ferns - Frederick Westcott
1265 - On Diopsis, a genus of Dipterous insects, with descriptions of twenty-one species - John Obadiah Westwood
1266 - Embia... with descriptions of the species of which it is composed - John Obadiah Westwood
1267 - Artwork: "Illustrations of the relationships existing amongst natural objects usually termed affinity and analogy, selected from the class of Insects." - John Obadiah Westwood
1268 - On the family Fulgoridae, with a monograph of the genus Fulgora of Linnaeus - John Obadiah Westwood
1269 - Observations on the genus Derbe of Fabricius - John Obadiah Westwood
1270 - Synopsis of the Coleopterous family Paussidae with description of a new genus and some species - John Obadiah Westwood
1271 - Description of a new Indian species of Paussus - John Obadiah Westwood
1272 - On the Australian species of the coleopterous genus Bolboceras - John Obadiah Westwood
1273 - Description of some new or imperfectly known species of Bolboceras - John Obadiah Westwood
1274 - Description of Melittobia Audouinii - John Obadiah Westwood
1275 - Description of a new species of Paussus from central western Africa - John Obadiah Westwood
1276 - Notice of the "Borer" a caterpillar very injurious to the Sugar Cane - John Obadiah Westwood
1277 - Note on insects producing wax from Port Natal and China - John Obadiah Westwood
1278 - Letter on a female specimen of Monodon which had a 'tooth' in the upper jaw similar to, but smaller than, that of the male - W. Whatton
1279 - Letter on the habits of Pike - Anthony White
1280 - A botanical description and natural history of the Malabar Cardamom - David White
1281 - Note on the great black woodpecker - White
1282 - Remarks on the changes of the plumage of birds - William Whitear
1283 - Note of a Little Bustard (Otis tetrax) - William Whitear
1284 - Letter to Francis Boott, requesting permission to examine specimens of Asclepiadeae in the 'Indian Herbarium' - Robert Wight