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MS - Manuscript sequence
1 - Catalogue of plants of Bedfordshire - Charles Abbot
2 - An inquiry into the cause of the sleep of plants - J.E. Bicheno
3 - A catalogue of the plants of Jamaica and other English sugar-colonies - Pk [Patrick] Brown
4 - Faciculus Plantarum Hiberniae - Patrick Browne
5 - Remarks on the botany of Madeira and Teneriffe [Tenerife] - Charles J.F. Bunbury
6 - Annotated and hand-coloured copy of 'Illustrations of the British Flora' - D.B. Chapman
7 - Notebook on Wallich's Herbarium - C.B. Clarke
8 - Cowthorpe Oak - John Clayton
9 - The Sequoias - John Clayton
10 - A catalogue of plants observed near Hertford - W.H. Coleman
11 - Annotated copy of 'Nomenclator ex Historia Plantarum indigenarum Helvetiae' - [Edmund Davall?]
12 - A copy of 'Flora Britannica', Vol. 1 by J.E. Smith with drawings by R Dreyer
13 - A copy of 'Flora Britannica', Vol. 2 by J.E. Smith with drawings by R. Dreyer
14 - Native trees of Australia - photo album by Walter Gill
15 - Notebook with list of flowers by location - J.R.G. Gwatkin
16 - Annotated copy of John Wilson's 'Synopsis of British Plants', Vol. I - Robert Harrison
17 - Annotated copy of John Wilson's 'Synopsis of British Plants', Vol. II - Robert Harrison
18 - Botanical notebook - Thomas Lawson
19 - Interleaved and annotated copy of William Hudson's 'Flora Anglica' - Israel Lyons
20a - Papers of William Whitwell - volume 1
20b - Papers of William Whitwell - volume 2
21a - Annotated copy of W.A. Bromfield's 'Flora Vectensis', Vol. 1 - A.G. More
21b - Annotated copy of W.A. Bromfield's 'Flora Vectensis', Vol. 2 - A.G. More
22 - Author's annotated copy of 'Supplement to the Flora Vectensis' - A.G. More
23 - Author's annotated copy of 'Enumeratio plantarum quas in Australasia annus 1838-1841' - C.F. Meisner
24 - Botanical notebooks - Frank Nicholls
25 - Wild flowers of West Australia - E.F. Noel
26 - Wild flowers of S. Africa - E.F. Noel
27 - South African Wild Flowers - E.F. Noel
28 - Wild Flowers of Kashmir - E.F. Noel
29 - Some weeds of West Indies and Spanish Main - E.F. Noel
29a - Coloured drawings of some English fungi - E.F. Noel
30 - A methodical distribution of plants according to Mr Ray's method.... - R. Pulteney
31 - Plants of Loughborough - R. Pulteney
32 - A catalogue of some of the more rare plants found in the Neighboroughood of Leicester, Loughborough and in Charley Forrest [Forest] - R. Pulteney
33 - Annotated copy of William Hudson's 'Flora Anglica' - R. Pulteney
34a - Annotated copy of William Hudson's [Gulielmi Hudsoni] 'Flora Anglica', Vol. 1 - Humphrey Sibthorp and Sir Thomas Frankland
34b - Annotated copy of William Hudson's [Gulielmi Hudsoni] 'Flora Anglica', Vol. 2 - Humphrey Sibthorp and Sir Thomas Frankland
34c - Annotated copy of William Hudson's [Gulielmi Hudsoni] 'Flora Anglica', Vol. 3 - Humphrey Sibthorp and Sir Thomas Frankland
34d - Annotated copy of William Hudson's [Gulielmi Hudsoni] 'Flora Anglica', Vol. 4 - Humphrey Sibthorp and Sir Thomas Frankland
37 - Page-proofs of Compendium Flora Britannicae (1800) for 2nd edition - James Edward Smith
38 - A botanical notebook - James Edward Smith
39 - Catalogue of plants sent to Liverpool - James Edward Smith
40 - List of Lepidoptera and Common phrases collected - unknown and Sir James Edward Smith
41 - Annotated copy of Linnaeus's 'Flora Lapponica' - James Edward Smith
42 - Annotated copy of William Hudson's 'Flora Anglica' - Sir Jamed Edward Smith
43 - Author's annotated copy of 'Flora Britannica', Vol. 1- Sir James Edward Smith
44 - Author's annotated copy of 'Flora Britannica', Vol. 2- Sir James Edward Smith
45 - Author's annotated copy of 'Flora Britannica', Vol. 3- Sir James Edward Smith
46 - Album of water-colour paintings of South African flowers - Unknown
47 - Flower paintings - Henry Somerset
48 - List of botanical excursions in South America - Richard Spruce
49a - Research on the plants like the Ancients under the name of Ulva - Arsénne Thiébaut de Berneaud
49b - Report on Arsénne Thiébaut de Berneaud's 'Research on the plants like the Ancients under the name of Ulva'
49c - Research on the plants like the Ancients under the name of Cytise - Arsenne Chiebaut de Berneaud
49d - Report on Arsénne Thiébaut de Berneaud's 'Research on the plants like the Ancients under the name of Cytise'
49e - Letter from Arsénne Thiébaut de Berneaud
50 - Catalogue of the plants of the Royal Gardens of Paris - Joseph Pitton de Tournefort
51 - Transcript of Joseph Pitton de Tournefort's 'Institutiones Rei Herbariae...'
52 - Reference list to Old Authorities - F.M. Webb
53 - Notebook on Orchids - John Henry Welburne
54 - Annotated copy of Winch and other authors' 'The Botanist's guide through the Counties of Northumberland and Durham - N.J. Winch
55 - Plantae Ulyssiponensis album of drawings - William Withering Jnr.
56 - Plantae Ulyssiponensis notebook - William Withering Jnr.
57 - Travel journal - Joseph Woods
58 - Miscellaneous observations on plants - T.J. Woodward
59 - Annotated copy of A.v Haller's 'Nomenclator ex Historia Plantarum indigenarum Helvetiae' - J.S. Wyttenbach [and E. Davall?]
60 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 1) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
61 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 2) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
62 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 3) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
63 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 4) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
64 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 5) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
65 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 6) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
66 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 7)- L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
67 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 8) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
68 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 9) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
69 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 10) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
70 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 11) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
71 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 12) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
72 - Histology of British Mosses (Binder 13) - L.B.C. Trotter and J. Else
73 - Photomicrographs of Fossil Plants (Volume 1) - J.K. Spearing
74 - Photomicrographs of Fossil Plants (Volume 2) - J.K. Spearing
75 - Photomicrographs of Fossil Plants (Volume 3) - J.K. Spearing
76 - Notebooks on fungi (Volume 1) - Frederick Currey
77 - Notebooks on fungi (Volume 2) - Frederick Currey
78 - Notebooks on fungi (Volume 3) - Frederick Currey
79 - Notebooks on fungi (Volume 4) - Frederick Currey
80 - Notebooks on fungi (Volume 5) - Frederick Currey
81 - Notebooks on fungi (Volume 6) - Frederick Currey
82 - Notebooks on fungi (Volume 7) - Frederick Currey
83a - Drawings of fungi (colour) - Frederick Currey
83b - Drawings of fungi (black and white) - Frederick Currey
84 - Botanical and garden memoranda - Frederick Currey
85 - Notebook on Sphaeridae (Volume 1) - Frederick Currey
86 - Notebook on Sphaeridae (Volume 2) - Frederick Currey
87 - Notebook on Sphaeridae (Volume 3) - Frederick Currey
88 - Locality records for fungi - Frederick Currey
89 - Notes on flower collection of wife of Frederick Currey
90 - Translation notes on a Greek text - Frederick Currey
91 - Annotated copy of 'The English Flora' (Vol. V) Cryptogamia, part 2 by Miles Berkeley - Frederick Currey
92 - Russula Monographie Täublinge - V. Melzer
93a - Correspondence of James Murie (part 1)
93b - Correspondence of James Murie (part 2)
93c - Correspondence of James Murie (part 3)
94 - Annotated copy of Carleton Rea's 'British Basidiomycetes' - A.A. Pearson.
95 - Annotated copy of Carleton Rea's 'British Basidiomycetes' (Volume 1) - A.A. Pearson
96 - Annotated copy of Carleton Rea's 'British Basidiomycetes' (Volume 2) - A.A. Pearson
97 - Cape Agarics and Boleti - A.A. Pearson
98 - Annotated copy of J.E. Lange's 'Studies in the Agarics of Denmark' - A.A. Pearson
99 - Two notebooks on British lichens - J.E. Smith
100 - A catalogue of the different specimens of cloth collected in the three voyages of Captain Cook - Alexander Shaw
100a - Tapa: the bark paper of Samoa & Tonga - L. Bell and U. Brooks
101-110 - Notes on Musci and Hepaticae from Pacific islands - [W. Mitten]
111 - Notes on the history of the Linnean Society - A.T. Gage
112 - Geological map of Northumberland, Durham and parts of Cumberland, Westmoreland and Yorkshire - [Robert Benson Bowman]
113 - Drawings of Entomostraca (vol. 1) - William Baird
114 - Drawings of Entomostraca (vol. 2) - William Baird
115 - Hints on the subject of gardening - Sir Joseph Banks
116 - Dr Joseph Arnold and the discovery of Rafflesia Arnoldi in West Sumatra in 1818 - John Bastin
117 - List of plants gathered wild in the vicinity of Balmuto, Fifeshire - E. and M. Boswell
118 - A fasciculus of fifty indigenous plants collected in the vicinity of Balmuto, Fifeshire - E. and M. Boswell
119 - Drawings of birth place and death place of Robert Brown - (Mrs Btt.) Lucas ?
120a - Phytology (text) - A. Ibbetson
120b - Phytology (drawings) - A. Ibbetson
121 - Mémoire sur quelques effects du fluide électrique particuliérement sur les végétaux - [C.R.] Feburier
122 - Linnean Society papers and letters - collected by T.G. Cullum
123 - Water colour drawings of Ceylon plants - D. Fernando
124 - Statistical tables re history of Linnean society - A.T. Gage
125 - A History of the Linnean Society of London: correspondence and notes - A.T. Gage
126 - Autobiography of Albert C.L.G. Günther (photocopy) - A.L.C.G. Günther
127 - How I came to England - Louise Günther
128 - MS synopsis of Autobiography - A.C.L.G. Günther
129 - Biographical notes on Carl Theodor Gunther - A.C.L.G. Günther
130 - Letters to Albert C.L.G. Günther - Darwin, Huxley, Wallace, Sherborn, Graf
131 - Annotated copy of 'de Cochleis...' - M. Lister
132 - Notes on Zoology - Claude Morley
133 - A description of a fossil Alcyonium in a letter to A.B. Lambert - Gideon Mantell
134 - Watercolour drawings of plants for J.E. Smith - James Sowerby
134a - Controversy relating to the bye-laws - Linnean Society
135 - British Mints - William Sole
137 - Drawings of trees - William Swainson
138 - Sulle Cicerchie - Ottaviano Targioni-Tozzetti
138a - Icones Plantarum submarinarum - Pier Antonio Micheli
139 - A study in modern angiospermy - J. McLean Thompson
140a - Miscellaneous correspondence - Alfred Russel Wallace
140b - Original sketches on the Amazon - Alfred Russel Wallace
140c - Drawings and notes - Alfred Russel Wallace
140d - Exercise book - Alfred Russel Wallace
140e - Letter and notes - Alfred Russel Wallace
140f - Copies of letters by Alfred Russel Wallace to Samuel Stevens
141 - Linnaeus's Öland & Gotland Journey: Draft text - Åsberg and Stearn
142 - Linnaeus's Öland & Gotland Journey: Illustrations - Åsberg and Stearn
143 - The nature and climate and vegetation of the Arctic Regions - M. Buysman
144 - Diary of an Expedition to Abyssinia - J. Omer-Cooper
145a-c - Expedition to Abyssinia: photograph albums - J. Omer-Cooper
146 - Expedition photographs - J. Omer-Cooper
147 - The Great Tree Aloe of Damara Land - T.Baines
148 - Plants observed by Allan Cunningham - [W. McLeay]
149 - "His egg system in his handwriting" - E. Home
150 - Photograph album: Siwa - J. Omer-Cooper
151 - Annotated copy of 'Naturalist's Journal' - E. Davall
152 - Mounted letters, pamphlets and extracts re. Henry Lyte - H. Downes
153 - 'Recherches sur la Structure Comparée et le Développement des Animaux et des Végétaux - B.C. Dumortier
154 - Mémoire sur quelques effets du fluide électrique principalemens sur les végétaux - C.Romain Féburier
155 - Publications including annotations - Naturforschenden Gesellschaft [zu] Halle
156 - The Vital Force; and the manner of its Development - J. Hudson
157 - An abridgement of Monsieur Tournefort's Voyage into the Levant - Richard Pulteney
158 - A catalogue of Plants Observed by Sr. George Wheler in His Voyage into the Levant - Richard Pulteney
159 - Synopsis Avium anglicarum. Collectas ab Raii Synopsis Avium
160 - A Catalogue of Plants collected from Dodoens History of Plants - Richard Pulteney
161 - De Planta minus cognita... - Richard Pulteney
162 - A catalogue of the Fifty Plants from Chelsea Garden, presnted to the Royal Society by the Company of Apothecaries for the year 1742…
163 - An Account of Mr Isbrant's Journey From Moscow to China - Richard Pulteney
164 - A description of Mount Sinai and the Rock of Meribah - Richard Pulteney
165 - A Voyage to the South Sea & Round the World...By Capt. Edward Cook - Richard Pulteney
166 - Diminutions of Honour - Richard Pulteney
167 - Of Languages - Richard Pulteney
168 - [Pharmacopoeia] Section I: Of Balsamics - Richard Pulteney
169 - Extracts from Blair's Botanick Essays - Richard Pulteney
170 - A catalogue of Plants, Observ'd by Mr Ray in his journey - Richard Pulteney
171a - A general View of the Writings of the late celebrated Linnaeus, &c.; Vol 1 - Richard Pulteney
171b - A general View of the Writings of the late celebrated Linnaeus, &c.: Vol 2 - Richard Pulteney
171c - A general View of the Writings of the late celebrated Linnaeus, &c.; Vol 3 - Richard Pulteney
172 - Observations entomologique - F.A. Bonelli
173 - A general View of the Writings of the late celebrated Linnaeus, &c. - Richard Pulteney
174a - Tour of Lakes - John Timothy Swainson
174b - TS copy of Swainson's Tour of Lakes - J.C. Willis
175 - Sketch book - Count Paul Stryzelecki [Strzelecki]
176 - Australian Birds and Hardy Plants - A.R. Wallace
177 - Journal describing a visit to America - A.R. Wallace
178a - Malay Archipelago: Journal 1: 1856-1857 - A.R. Wallace
178b - Malay Archipelago: Journal 2: 1857-1858 - A.R. Wallace
178c - Malay Archipelago: Journal 3: 1858-1859 - A.R. Wallace
178d - Malay Archipelago: Journal 4: 1859-1861 - A.R. Wallace
179 - Malay notebook - A.R. Wallace
180 - Natural history notebook - A.R. Wallace
181 - Butterflies of Malay Archipelago - A.R. Wallace
182 - Palms of the Amazon - A.R. Wallace
183 - Annotated copy of Lindley's 'Elements of Botany' - A.R. Wallace
184 - Annotated copy of Swainson's 'Geography and classification of animals' - A.R. Wallace
185 - Annotated copy of de Boisduval's 'Histoire naturelle des insectes' - A.R. Wallace
186 - Annotated copy of 'Life of Alexander von Humboldt', Vol. I - A.R. Wallace
187 - Annotated copy of 'Life of Alexander von Humboldt', Vol. 2 - A.R. Wallace
188 - Copy of T.P.Yeats' 'Institutions of Entomology' with marginal water-colour drawings - S. Edwards
189 - Notes on the Larvae of some British Lepidoptera - H. Baines
190 - Drawings of molluscs, shells and other marine invertebrates - W. Boys
191 - MS translation of Ehrenbaum's 'Shell structure' - [B.B. Woodward]
192 - Drawings of birds on mica - unknown artist
193 - Annotated copy of Siamese and Malay Mammals - S.S. Flower
194 - The phenomena of torpidity... - G.C. Calvert
194a - Report on Holland's paper, 'The phenomena of torpidity..' - R. Owen
195 - Annotated sale catalogue of the Leverian Museum - Unknown
196 - Annotated copy of H. von Schoenfeldt's 'Catalogue der Coleopteren von Japan' - G. Lewis
197 - Lists of insects - G. Lewis
198 - Sketchbook of views in Italy - Mrs George Lewis [Julia Lewis, neé Hunter]
199 - Japan notebook - G. Lewis
200 - Watercolour drawings of moths and caterpillars - unknown artist
201 - Descriptions of Histeridae in manuscript - G. Lewis
202 - Annotated copy of Lewis' 'Systematic Catalogue of Histeridae' - G. Lewis
203 - Annotated copy of Gemminger and Harold's 'Catalogus Coleopterorum' Tom.3 - G. Lewis
204 - Correspondence re Histeridae - G. Lewis
205 - Remarks on birds - W. Markwick
206 - Monography on range of fish, birds etc. - G. Montagu
206a - Letter to George Montagu - W.E. Leach
207 - Vermes Mollusca notebook - G. Montagu
207a - 2 letters: notebook by Montagu and drawings by Dorville - H. Dorville
208 - Crustacea, Insecta &c. - G. Montagu
209 - Notebook on zoology, metereology etc. - G. Montagu
210 - Vermes Mollusca notebook - G. Montagu
211a - Author's annotated copy of 'Ornithological Dictionary...', vol. 1 - G. Montagu
211b - Author's annotated copy of 'Ornithological Dictionary...', vol. 2 - G. Montagu
212a - Author's annotated copy of 'Supplement to the Ornithological Dictionary...', vol. 1 - G. Montagu
212b - Author's annotated copy of 'Supplement to the Ornithological Dictionary...', vol. 2 - G. Montagu
212c - Letter re annotations by G. Montagu - J.H. Gurney
213 - Notes on molluscs, vermes, etc. and 2 letters - G. Montagu
213a - Two letters to George Montagu - J. Laskey
214 - Torpidity - G. Montagu
215 - Memoranda on Zoology, chiefly Mammalia - C.H. Smith
215a - Letter to James Murie - J. Dallas
216 - E.A. Minchin's Lectures on Sponges - R.T Günther
217 - Illustrations of shells - G. Henslow
218 - Catalogue of shells - T. Rackett [?]
219 - Illustrations of shells by Da Costa - T. Rackett (?)
220 - Crustacés des environs de Nice - A. Risso
221 - Catalogue of the Hymenopterous insects collected by A.R.Wallace - Frederick Smith
222 - Genera of Shells - D. Solander
223a - Catalogue of Banksian shells [?], vol. 1 - D. Solander
223b - Catalogue of Banksian shells [?], vol. 2 - D. Solander
223c - Catalogue of Banksian shells [?], vol. 3 - D. Solander
224 - Author's annotated copy of List of the Specimens of Hymenopterous Insects.... - F. Walker
225 - The Mystery Pearl Shells - B.B. Woodward and E.A. Chapman
226 - Copy of S. Clessin's 'Die Familie der Cycladeen' - B.B. Woodward (?)
227 - Notes and Extracts - S.P. Woodward
228 - Author's working copy of 'Manual of Mollusca' - S.P. Woodward
228a - Note on how to measure bivalves - P.P. Carpenter (?)
229 - Annotated copy of Bloch's 'Ichthyologie ou Histoire Naturelle des Poissons' - W. Yarrell and J. Couch
229a - Letter to J. Couch - H.W. Wheelwright
229b - Notes and index - J. Couch
230 - Autobiographical notes - D.H. Scott
231a - Annotated copy of R. Pulteney's 'Sketches of the Progress of Botany', Vol. 1 - B.D. Jackson, S. Savage, R.H. Jeffers
232 - 'A brief sketch of its origin, work, influence, and needs' re the Linnean Society - A.T. Gage
233 - 'A sketch' re Linnean Society - A.T. Gage
234a - The Linnean Society of London, its work and needs - A.T. Gage
234b - Note re attempt to write a sketch of the history of the Society - A.T. Gage
235 - Correspondence of E.M. Holmes
236 - Correspondence of George Newport
237a - Correspondence of Alexander MacLeay and William Sharp MacLeay: A-J
237b - Correspondence of Alexander MacLeay and William Sharp MacLeay: K
237c - Correspondence of Alexander MacLeay and William Sharp MacLeay: L-Z
237d - Correspondence of Alexander MacLeay and William Sharp MacLeay: Additional letters and drafts
238 - Correspondence of Richard Pulteney
238a - Correspondence of Richard Pulteney: A - G
238b - Correspondence of Richard Pulteney: H - Pic
238c - Correspondence of Richard Pulteney: Por - War
238d - Correspondence of Richard Pulteney: Wat - W.W. and Miscellaneous
239 - Details of Elizabeth Bay House - Alexander MacLeay
240 - Draft classification of mammals - William Sharp MacLeay
241 - Draft classification of mammals on quinary principles - William Sharp MacLeay
242 - On some new discoveries in Physiology - William Sharp MacLeay
243 - "On the latest device for bolstering up the dischotomous system" - William Sharp MacLeay
244 - Genera quadam Coleoptera - William Sharp MacLeay
245 - Remarks on Crustacea - William Sharp MacLeay
246 - Remarks on Birds - William Sharp MacLeay
247 - Notes on Diptera - William Sharp MacLeay
248 - Lecture: On some new forms of Arachnida - William Sharp MacLeay
249 - Lecture: Notice of a new genus of quadrupeds discovered in New South Wales - William Sharp MacLeay
250 - Lecture: On the Oestrus of Mr Bracy Clark - William Sharp MacLeay
251 - Lecture: On Systematical Arrangement with an attempt to find the natural situation of Scarabaeus Sacer - William Sharp MacLeay
252 - Lecture: Remarks on the comparative anatomy of certain birds of Cuba - William Sharp MacLeay
253 - Lecture: On the head and thorax of Squilla - William Sharp MacLeay
254 - Lecture: On the structure of the Tarsus in the Tetramerous and Trimerous Colepotera of the French Entomologists - William Sharp MacLeay
255 - Drafts for scientific papers - William Sharp MacLeay
256 - Letter to the editor of the Philosophical Magazine - William Sharp MacLeay
257 - Notice of the larvae of Diptera - William Sharp MacLeay
258 - Lecture: On the general construction of the wing in dipterous insects - William Sharp MacLeay
259 - A few remarks tending to illustrate the history of two Annulose Genera - William Sharp MacLeay
260 - Lecture: On the Linnaean genus Astrus, with the description of a British species - William Sharp MacLeay
261 - Lecture: Explanation of the comparative anatomy of the thorax of winged insects - William Sharp MacLeay
262 - Notice of an insect destructive to Oranges - William Sharp MacLeay
263 - Illustrations of Zoology of S. Africa, in SMITH, Sir A. Zoology of South Africa Vol.3 - William Sharp MacLeay
264 - Botanical manuscripts - Macleay Papers
265 - Vespae gallicae historia F. 24 pp. - MacLeay Papers
266 - Fasc. Obs. Entomol. .. Lepidopterorum F.18 pp. - MacLeay Papers
267 - Obs. Variae Entomol. Coleopterorum F. 14 pp. (+ 6 blank) - MacLeay Papers
268 - Observations sur les ailes des Hyménoptères - MacLeay Papers
269 - Xenos Vesparum - MacLeay Papers
270 - Correspondence of William Swainson: A - C
271 - Correspondence of William Swainson: D - K
272 - Correspondence of William Swainson: L - P
273 - Correspondence of William Swainson: R - S
274 - Correspondence of William Swainson: T - Z
275 - Correspondence of John Ellis: A - H
276 - Correspondence of John Ellis: J - W and miscellaneous MS
277 - Insect lists (part 1: A-W) - MacLeay Papers
278 - Insect lists (part 2: A-Z) - MacLeay Papers
279 - "Remarks upon the Linnean & Fabrician systems of entomology" by Samuel Goodenough - MacLeay Papers
280 - "Plants of Norfolk Islands" by James Backhouse - MacLeay Papers
281 - Notes on the fishes of Port Jackson by James Stuart - MacLeay Papers
282 - A taxonomic account of the fishes of New South Wales by Stuart James - MacLeay Papers
283 - Insect lists - MacLeay Papers
284 - Bills and plans of Allandale Estate - MacLeay Papers
285 - Incertae sedes & printed testimonials to T.C.Harington ca. 1842 - MacLeay Papers
286 - Miscellaneous loose papers - MacLeay Papers
287 - Drafts for papers and for "Natural History of Many Uncommon and Curious Zoophytes" - John Ellis
288 - Pocket notebook 1755-57 No. 4 - John Ellis
289 - Microscopic Animals - John Ellis
290 - Small notebook with draft letters and notes, 1758 No.1 - John Ellis
291 - "List of such plants as have been planted in Conservatories...."- John Ellis
292 - Folio Notebook: draft letters and memoranda reversing to arithmetic. Notebook 2 - John Ellis
293 - "Reasons for lowering the duty on Coffee" - John Ellis
294 - Notes on botanical structures - John Ellis
295 - Small notebook - John Ellis
296 - Small notebook on various topics - John Ellis
297 - Miscellaneous manuscript oddment, copies of letters, newspapers and specimens - John Ellis
298a - British and Foreign Autographs, Volume 1 - Mrs Isabella James
298b - British Foreign Autographs, Volume 2 - Mrs Isabella James
299 - Correspondence of Farrer and Darwin
300 - Correspondence between Sir James Edward Smith, George Don, Samuel Goodenough, and Charles Lyell
301 - Bound correspondence of Sir James Edward Smith
302 - Additional correspondence of Sir James Edward Smith
303 - Correspondence between Sir James Edward Smith and Alexander MacLeay
304 - Draft of a Lecture on the History of Botany - Sir James Edward Smith
305 - Collection of Diplomas - Sir James Edward Smith
306 - Manuscript of the "Flora Graeca" (incomplete) - Sir James Edward Smith
307 - Manuscript of "Introduction to Physiological and Systematic Botany" - Sir James Edward Smith
308 - Manuscript of "Lachesis Lapponica" - Sir James Edward Smith
309 - Manuscript of Smith's publication "Correspondence of Linnaeus and other naturalists" - Sir James Edward Smith
310a - Draft notes for 'Flora Britannica' and 'English Botany' publications - Sir James Edward Smith
310b - Misc. papers for Rees's 'Cyclopaedia' - Sir James Edward Smith
310c - Drafts for 'Considerations respecting Cambridge....' - Sir James Edward Smith
310d - Draft letters to the Editor of the Monthly Magazine - Sir James Edward Smith
311 - Miscellaneous material relating to James Edward Smith - Smith and others
312 - "Fasciculus of 16 Sicilian Plants...Palermo" by C.S. Rafinesque-Schmaltz - Sir James Edward Smith
313a - Scientific and General papers - Sir James Edward Smith
313b - Scientific and general papers - Sir James Edward Smith
314 - Lady Pleasance Smith papers
315 - Miscellaneous Correspondence - B.B. Woodward
316 - Notes for the Catalogue of the British Species of Pisidium - B.B. Woodward
319 - Correspondence of Frederick Ernest Weiss
320 - Correspondence of Henry Prestoe
321 - Correspondence of N.J. Winch
322 - Family Correspondence - George Bentham
323a - Commonplace book 1 - Peter Collinson
323b - Commonplace book 2 - Peter Collinson
324 - Letters to Professor Achille Richard - Jean Baptiste Mougeot
325 - Miscellaneous letters - N.B. Ward
326 - Letters to Warren Dawson - Lindsay Fleming
327 - Letters and papers of John Jamison
328 - Journals and letters - George Bentham
329 - Diary for 1853 - [Sarah Bentham?]
330 - Bibliography of publications and other writings - B.D. Jackson
331 - List of botanical terms - B.D. Jackson
332 - Author's annotated copy of 'Index to the Linnaean Herbarium' - B.D. Jackson
333 - Select Index to Hooker's various publications (1830-1859) - B.D. Jackson
334 - Certificate conferring Knighthood of the Royal [Swedish] Order of the Polar Star - B.D. Jackson
335 - Diploma awarding doctorate "Honoris Causa" - B.D. Jackson
336 - Photo portrait album of the Members of the Polygraphic Club - presented to B.D. Jackson
337 - Names of botanists and patrons... - B.D. Jackson
338a - Index Kewensis papers (part 1) - B.D. Jackson
338b - Index Kewensis papers (part 2) - B.D. Jackson
339 - Index Kewensis supplement - B.D. Jackson
340 - Register of names in the MS of the Index Kewensis - B.D. Jackson
341 - Botanical Collectors: codified list - B.D. Jackson
342 - Index to Curtis's Botanical Magazine - B.D. Jackson
343 - A history of the Linnean Society - B.D. Jackson
344 - Correspondents in Asa Gray's Collection of Botanical Correspondence - B.D. Jackson
345 - Transcript of a letter from Linnaeus to Philip Miller - B.D. Jackson
346 - Phrases, mottoes and intial sentences from Swedish Theses - B.D. Jackson
347 - Notes on Linnaei Centuria Plantarum - B.D. Jackson
348 - 'Names of plants' - B.D. Jackson
349 - List of dissertations from the collection of Linnaeus - B.D. Jackson
350 - List of plates from copies of Cupani Panphyton - B.D. Jackson
351 - Index to Cupani Pamphysia Sicula 1807 - B.D. Jackson
352 - Bibliographic description of 'Flora rossica' by P.S. Pallas - B.D. Jackson
353 - Miscellaneous correspondence - B.D. Jackson
355 - Draft article on Linnaeus and the Linnean Collections - B.D. Jackson
356 - List of articles on Linnaeus, Kew Gardens and Sir J.D. Hooker - B.D. Jackson
357 - Miscellaneous notes on Joseph Banks's journals - B.D. Jackson
358 - Personal correspondence, autobiographical notes and personal effects - B.D. Jackson
359 - Notebook relating to Kirkby Lonsdale and the Lake District - B.D. Jackson
360 - 'Herb Linneanum' - B.D. Jackson
361 - On a manuscript catalogue of the Linnean Herbarium - B.D. Jackson
362 - Notes relating to Linnaeus' Herbarium - B.D. Jackson
363 - A draft list of place-names for botanists - B.D. Jackson
364 - A contribution to the bibliography of the botany of voyages and travels - B.D. Jackson
365 - Plantarum Dioscorides Icones - B.D. Jackson
366 - Genera of Cryptogams - B.D. Jackson
367 - International Catalogue of Scientific Literature M. Botany - B.D. Jackson
368 - List of the Genera in the Linnean Herbarium - B.D. Jackson
369 - Manuscript catalogue of species named by Linnaeus - B.D. Jackson
370 - Index to the Linnaean Herbarium plus notes - B.D. Jackson
371a & 371b - Catalogue of the Linnaean Herbarium - B.D. Jackson
372 - Alphabetic Index to the genera contained in the herbarium of Linnaeus - B.D. Jackson
373 - Catalogue of the genera in the Smithian Herbarium - B.D. Jackson
374 - Systematic catalogue of the genera in the Smithian Herbarium - The Linnean Society
376 - Correspondence of Richard Anthony Salisbury - R.A. Salisbury
377 - Miscellaneous botanical notes and pencil sketches - R.A. Salisbury
378 - Plans of house and stove - R.A. Salisbury
379 - Fragment of a monograph on Crocus - R.A. Salisbury
380 - Fragment of a monograph on Narcissus - R.A. Salisbury
381 - "Characteres generum" - R.A. Salisbury
382 a & b - Specific characters of plants No. 1 and No. 2 - R.A. Salisbury
383 a & b - Series of Orders before the last improvements and Last Series of Orders and Genera - R.A. Salisbury
384 - Transcripts of work by A. Afzelius and C.G. de Ortega - R.A. Salisbury
385 - "Observations on the Natural Class of Pineae; with characters of its Orders, Genera, and Species" - R.A. Salisbury
386 a & b - Drafts of his Genera Plantarum - R.A. Salisbury
387 - Facts and Statistics for Linnean Society Centenary - James F. Vernon
388 - Preliminary report on the Lake of Menteith as an angling loch for trout - J.R.G. Maitland
389 a & b - Pamphlet on Stocking (4th ed.) - J.R.G. Maitland
390 - Winch Opuscula - N.J. Winch
391 - Poetry Book - Lorina Reeve
392 - Commonplace book, 1865 - Lorina Reeve
393a - Commonplace book 1 - Lady Pleasance Smith
393b - Commonplace book 2 - Lady Pleasance Smith
394 - Papers on Madagascar Charophyta - T.B. Blow
395 - Letters to W.T. Thiselton-Dyer - G.J. Romanes
396 - Copies of letters between George John Romanes and John Thomas Gulick
397 - Correspondence relating to the Linnean Society Bye-laws controversy - Henry Trimen and others
399 - Flora Nepalensis Index Slips - Francis Buchanan-Hamilton
400 - Correspondence of the Committee on Botanical Works Feb. 1900 - May 1901
401 - Flora Nepalensis material - Francis Buchanan-Hamilton
401D - Drawings of animals and plants from Nepal and Bengal - collected by Francis Buchanan-Hamilton
401F - Material relating to Bengal Fish drawings - Francis Buchanan-Hamilton
401M - Maps of Nepal - collected by Francis Buchanan-Hamilton
402 - Mysore Survey Natural History Catalogue. 'Animalium et Plantarum Descriptiones' - Francis Buchanan Hamilton
402D - Mysore plant drawings - Francis Buchanan-Hamilton
403 - Nepalese plants - Francis Buchanan-Hamilton
404 - William Borrer Papers
404a - Associated material to the William Borrer Papers
405 - Catalogues of the herbarium of the Honourable East India Company
406 - 'Fragmens d'un voyage...' - Jean Florimond Boudon de Saint-Amans
407 - 'A Natural History of the Fishes…' - Jonathan Couch
408 - 'Observations on the British Species of Carex' - Samuel Goodenough
409 - 'Observations on the British Fuci…' - Samuel Goodenough and T. J. Woodward
409a - Analysis of 'Observations on the British Fuci…' - L. M. Irvine
410 - Miscellaneous botanical notes and correspondence - T. J. Woodward
411 - Watercolour paintings of flowering plants - J.R.G. Gwatkin
412a - Drawings of nudibranchiate molluscs and other marine invertebrates - Cuthbert Collingwood and E.F. Kelaart
412b - Descriptions of marine invertebrates with illustrations - Cuthbert Collingwood
412c - Miscellaneous notes and illustrations of marine invertebrates - Cuthbert Collingwood and E. F. Kelaart
412d - Correspondence of Cuthbert Collingwood
413a - Carl Linnaeus. Journey to Öland 1741 - Marie Åsberg
413b - Carl Linnaeus. Journey to Gotland 1741 - Marie Åsberg
413c - Carl Linnaeus. Journey to Gotland 1741 - Marie Åsberg
414 - Croquis de Botanique Fossile - Bernard Renault
415a - Two annotated pamphlets and address - E. B. Poulton
415b - Correspondence to E. B. Poulton - J. F. Sleeper
415c - Miscellaneous Correspondence - E. B. Poulton et al.
415d - Correspondence and notes - E. B. Poulton et al.
415e - Miscellaneous material relating to G. W. Sleeper and J. F. Sleeper
416 - An enumeration of plants noticed…on visits to Moreton Bay and Lake Macquarie… - James Backhouse
417 - Transcription of ‘Neues Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet’ - [Friedrich] Wadzeck
418a - Journal of Vancouver’s Voyages (Vol 1) - Archibald Menzies
418b - Journal of Vancouver’s Voyages (Vol 2) - Archibald Menzies
418c - Journal of Vancouver’s Voyages (Vol 3) - Archibald Menzies
418d - Journal of Vancouver’s Voyages (Vol 4) - Archibald Menzies
418e - Journal of Vancouver’s Voyages (Vol 5) - Archibald Menzies
419a - Botanical Observations taken at Marlborough…Duration of Flowering (vol 1) - Marlborough College Natural History Society
419b - Botanical Observations taken at Marlborough…Duration of Flowering (vol 2) - Marlborough College Natural History Society
419c - Botanical Observations taken at Marlborough…Meteorological (vol 3) - Marlborough College Natural History Society
419d - Botanical Observations taken at Marlborough…Meteorological (vol 4) - Marlborough College Natural History Society
419e - Botanical Observations taken at Marlborough…Diagrams (vol 5) - Marlborough College Natural History Society
420 - Flora Pekinensis & Flora of Shanghai - Emil Bretschneider
421 - Guide to an elementary knowledge of British Fishes - Albert C. L. G. Günther
422a - Reptilia Centrali-Americana - Albert C. L. C. Günther
422b - Batrachia of Centrali-America - Albert C. L. C. Günther
423 - Collections in the British Museum Zoological Department - Albert C. L. C. Günther
425a - Spencer Savage Correspondence: Selected and Miscellaneous
425b - Spencer Savage Correspondence: Arvid Hjalmar Uggla
425c - Spencer Savage Correspondence: Robert Haynes Jeffers
426 - Material for his book on William Borlase: Spencer Savage
432 - Smithian Herbarium Correspondence and papers - Spencer Savage
488 - Commentary on the Hortus Malabaricus - Francis Buchanan-Hamilton
501 - Proofs of woodcuts of plants - W.G. Smith
505 - Correspondence and Related Papers - Thomas Henry Farrer
506 - Notes on the fertilisation of certain Passiflorae and Tacsomiae - Thomas Henry Farrer
507a - Correspondence of J.D. Hooker and T.H. Farrer on Passiflora
507b - Correspondence of J.D. Hooker and T.H. Farrer on Passiflora and Quandra
508 - Papilionacae - Thomas Henry Farrer
510 - Publications by Thomas Henry Farrer
511 - Notes on various plants - Thomas Henry Farrer
512 - Notes on the fertilisation of various plants - Thomas Henry Farrer
513 - Notes on the fertilisation of various plants - Thomas Henry Farrer
517 - Correspondence of Isaac Henry Burkill
569 - Photograph Album - A.A. Pearson
572 - List of specimens of the genus Fucus - Dawson Turner
573 - The flora of Barbados - E.G.B. Gooding
574 - Paper on the theory of geology with reference to the Lamarkian doctrine - [S.V. Wood]
575 - Handlist of loose letters - Spencer Savage
576 - Copy of the Wild Flower Society Field Botanist's Diary - D. Chapman
577 - Rules for collecting and preserving specimens of plants - Anon.
579 - Correspondence of Stanley Smyth Flower
580 - Correspondence of Claude Morley
582 - Correspondence of A.A. Pearson
602a - Correspondence between Linnaeus and J.A. Murray
605 - An account of the topographical and geographical situation of His Majesty's Botanic Garden at St Vincent - Alexander Anderson
606 - "Introduction". An account of the Island of St Vincent, the site of the Botanic Garden - Alexander Anderson
607 - Draft catalogue of the plants of St Vincent Botanic Gardens - Alexander Anderson
608 - Artocarpus incisus - John Tyley
609 - Alexander Anderson Papers: Botanical Drawings
610 - Barbados: An account of the geography, topography and natural resources - Alexander Anderson
611 - Grenada: An account of the geography, topography and natural resources - Alexander Anderson
612 - St. Lucia: An account of the geography, topography and natural resources - Alexander Anderson
613 - Guiana: An account of the geography, topography and natural resources - Alexander Anderson
614 - Journal of a visit to Trinidad in 1803 with Col. Fullerton - Alexander Anderson
615 - Observations, queries, etc. for Natural History of the Islands and St. Vincent - Alexander Anderson
616 - Medical observations & observatons on Natural History, chiefly geological and meteorological - Alexander Anderson
617 - Miscellaneous observations, queries and memoranda... Observations for the Catalogue - Alexander Anderson
618 - Deluge Papers - Alexander Anderson
621 - Watercolour drawings of Rata trees - C.D. Barraud
622 - Watercolour drawings of plants and insects - F. Bauer
623 - Watercolour drawings of plants and insects - Collected by William Carey
624a - Watercolour drawings of Orchids - unknown artists
624b - Print of "The Purse Mollusca" - unknown artist
625 - Proof plates for a work on Swiss flora - James Sowerby
626 - Watercolour drawing of a plant - Miss Drake
627 - Three watercolour drawings of British flowering plants - T. Garnett
628 - Watercolour drawings of flowers - [Mrs Gore?]
629 - Watercolour drawing of "Lithospermum ceruleo-purpureum" - [John Latham]
630 - Artwork of animals, birds and fish - John William Lewin
631a - Watercolour painting of a kangaroo - R.P. Nodder
633 - Notes on the British Roses of authors - J. Sabine
634 - Letters to Francis Bauer - Ferdinand Bauer
635 - Tracings from unpublished drawings of Plumier in the Library of the Botanic Garden, Oxford - A.B. Lambert
637 - Photographs of exhibits on the life and work of Charles Darwin - Museum Darwinianum
638 - Photographs of artwork showing scenes from the life of Charles Darwin - Museum Darwinianum
639 - Photographs of exhibits illustrating the life, work and ideas of Charles Darwin and his disciples - Museum Darwinianum
640 - Photographs of exhibits illustrating the life, work and ideas of Charles Darwin and his disciples - Museum Darwinianum
641 - Plans for building a new museum - Museum Darwinianum
642 - Photographs relating to the Darwinianum Museum and its founder, A.E. Kohts - Museum Darwinianum
643 - Photographs of artist's works relating to Charles Darwin - Museum Darwinianum
644 - Photographs of sculptures of evolutionists - Museum Darwinianum
645 - Photographs of exhibits and letter from Kohts - Museum Darwinianum
646 - Photographs showing artistic creations of Charles Darwin's life - Museum Darwinianum
647 - Table of statistics re trees, birds and crops - J.R. Dutton
654 - Letters to Dawson Turner re discovery of Rafflesia arnoldi - [Joseph Arnold]
655 - Botanical drawings - James Murie
656 - Drawing of a painted malocca - A.R. Wallace
657 - Agricultural Map of France - C. Montbret
658 - 5 watercolour drawings of Indian Irises - D. Don
659 - Impressions of Tropical Foliage - J.B. Stair
660 - Catalogue of plants in Hampshire - W. Annesley
665 - Linnean Society stamps - C. Slania
666 - Diplomas - George Bentham
670 - Annotated sale catalogue for portion of Linnean Society collections - [R. Kippist]
713 - Sketchbook - Richard Owen
715 - Sketch of a conservatory at Wellclose Square - Maria Ward
724 - Lichenographica Britannica - William Borrer and Dawson Turner
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