Description | Correspondence of James Murie (M), in 3 parts, dated 1867-1905. Correspondents have been arranged in alphabetical order (excluding letters 1-7).
PETTIGREW, J.Bell (continued from MS/93b) 482. St.Andrews. 1878, Oct 11 Happy that M is acting in the matter of St. Andrews vacancy. 483. St.Andrews. 1878, Oct 21. M's appointment to St. Andrews a moral certainly. 484. St.Andrews. 1878, Dec 31. Aberdeen election prevents M's appointment to St. Andrews. 485. St.Andrews. 1879, Oct 12. M invited to visit. 486. St.Andrews. 1880, Mar 24. Notices to appear in newspapers about deplorable financial position of St. Andrews. M asked for copies of the papers. 487. St.Andrews. 1880, Jul 19. Suggestions to M about giving lectures that pay. 488. St.Andrews. 1880, Oct 26. M congratulated on his victory in spite of animus of opposing hosts. 489. St.Andrews. 1880, Dec 10. Describes his successful lectures in Glasgow. 490. St.Andrews. 1881, Jan 10. Concern that Dundee may soon be formidable rival to St. Andrews. 491. St.Andrews. 1881, Jan 24. Visiting London. Hopes to see M. 492. St.Andrews. 1881, Feb 10. Proof of Glasgow lecture sent to M via Browne. 493. St.Andrews. 1881, Apr 13. Visiting London. Hopes to see M. 494. St.Andrews. 1882, Mar 6. Asks M for specimens. General chat. 495. St.Andrews. 1882, May 7. Chair vacancy at St. Andrews. Appointment wholly in the hands of Marquis of Ailsen. 496. St.Andrews. 1883, Jan 18. Happy New Year and chat. 497. St.Andrews. 1883, Feb 11. Cannot see M on visit to London but next time. 498. St.Andrews 1883, Mar 19. Postpones visit to London. Giving 100 lectures this winter. 499. St.Andrews. 1883, Mar 26. Thanks M for hospitality. Appointed Examiner in Anatomy in Glasgow. 500. St.Andrews. 1883, Jul 22. Invites M to travel north and stay for ten days. 501. St.Andrews. 1884, Apr 3. Thanks M for hospitality. Hopes things going well at the Lin. 502. St.Andrews. 1884, Jun 3. Sorry M has failed to secure Examinership. 503. St.Andrews. 1884, Jul 14. M thanked for hospitality. London a perfect sink for money. 504. St.Andrews. 1884, Dec 16. Court case delayed until January. M to forward portmanteau. 505. St.Andrews. 1884, Dec 22. Portmanteau received. M should see Dr. Brunton about condition of stomach. 506. St.Andrews. 1885, Feb 1. Very successful Jubilee. At lunch were one Marquis, four earls, one Lord, two baronets. 507. St.Andrews. 1885, Apr 20. Commiserates with M about his resignation from Lin. 508. St.Andrews. 1885, May 1. Waiting to hear about reaction to M's resignation. 509. St.Andrews. 1885, Aug 10. Invites M to visit St. Andrews. 510. St.Andrews. 1886, Jan 29. Principalship went to non-medical doctor. 511. St.Andrews. 1886, Feb 16. Must go to London to canvass for Principalship. 512. St.Andrews. 1886, Feb 23. M to write to Shuttleworth in India Office about 513. St.Andrews. 1886, Feb 26. writer's claims. M to see Lubbocks about writer's claims. 514. St.Andrews. 1886, Apr 2. Being made Hon LL.D of Glasgow. M to write about him for publication in Nature. 515. St.Andrews. 1886, Sep 22. General chat. 516. St.Andrews. 1886, Nov 2. General chat. 517. St.Andrews. 1886, Nov 24. M thanked for hospitality. 518. St.Andrews. 1887, Dec 26. Sorry to hear about M's teeth and stomach. Aitkins's son a spendthrift. 519. St.Andrews. 1887, Apr. 25. Soon visiting London. 520. St.Andrews. 1887, May 21. M thanked for hospitality. 521. St.Andrews. 1887, July 10. M invited to St. Andrews. 522. St.Andrews. 1887, Dec 29 Approves of M's resignation from the Lin. Pleased about the £100 per annum pension. 523. St.Andrews. 1888. Feb 16. Sorry that M was living and working under such conditions at the Lin. 524. St.Andrews. 1888, May 3. Suggestions about M's academic future. 525. St.Andrews. 1888, May 20. About to visit London. Hopes to see M. 526. St.Andrews. 1888, Sep 15. Hopes M can join him to visit the Forth Bridge, the greatest wonder of the age.
ROMANES, C.J. 527. London. 1884, Jan 30. Testimonial to M for Linnean Librarian ship.
SALVIN, Osbert 528. Bakewell. 1881, Mar 14. Very sad about death of Alston. 529. [No place name]. 1881, Mar 15. Receipt for Appendix and part intro to Mammalia.
SLADEN, W. Percy 530. Halifax. 1878, Nov 4. Hopes to receive Korean paper before going abroad. 531. Halifax. 1881, May 28. Apologies for not attending Anniversary Meeting. 532. Halifax. 1881, Oct 21. Asks M not to make any public mention of it. 533. Halifax. 1881, Dec 1. M asked for Perrier's Statistics of Blake Expedition. 534. Halifax. 1881, Dec 2. Confirms that four volumes have been returned. 535. Halifax. 1881, Dec 3. Seeks early publication of his Challenger paper. 536. Ewell. 1884, Mar 26 Visiting London. M invited to dinner. 537. Ewell. 1884, May 17. Refuses to stand against Council member whose re-election is recommended by Council. 538. Ewell. 1885, Apr 7. Presses M not to take unhappy view of events. 539. Ewell. 1885, Jun 22. Thinks there will be a delay in reply from Naples. 540. Ewell. 1885, Jul 18. Encloses two sheets of journal. 541. Ewell. 1885, Jul 27. Encloses journal and notes for M's amusement. 542. Ewell. 1885, Nov 9. Miss Crane does not need remuneration for her work. 543. Ewell. 1886, Apr 26. Regrets he cannot attend Council Meeting. 544. Ewell. 1886, Dec 21. Has sent Anderson copies of letters. M to do also. 545. Ewell. [no date] Corrections to article left for attention of M. M not to be despondent about current events.
SOLLAS, W.J. 546. Bristol. 1882, Feb 28. Seeks information about the anatomy of the rabbit.
SORBY, H.C. 547. Sheffield. 1881, Apr 12. Will pay two guineas towards the Darwin portrait. 548. Gosport. 1881, Aug 18. Found what may be a new British sponge 549. Harwich. 1881, Sep 12. Prof. Sollas thinks it is a new British sponge. 550. Sheffield.1881, Dec 29. Proposes Mr. Dallinger for Fellowship to the Linnean. 551. Greenhithe. 1884, May 24. M invited to tea to meet with Prof. Jones. 552. Aldborough. 1884, Aug 18. The year's delay in preparing paper fully justified. 553. Sheffield. 1885, Feb 2. Reasons spelt out for delay in preparing paper.
SOUTHWELL, T. 554. Norwich. Sep 1. Has M taken steps to procure woodcuts from Cassells. 555. Norwich. Mar 23. Asks M about migration in spring and autumn. 556. Norwich. Sep 20. No news yet about woodcuts. Can M help. 557. Norwich. Sep 1. Wishes to borrow from Cassells illustrations of whales and seals.
SOMERVILLE, A. 558. Montreux. 1882, Feb 23. M thanked for lending books to writer's brother. 559. Glasgow. 1882, Apr 27. Complaint about not receiving the Transactions.
STEPHENS, H. 560. London. 1883, Apr 14. Arrangements made for M to visit in Finchley. 561. London. 1883, Apr 19. Invites Pettigrew to visit in Finchley.
STEVENS, F.W. 562. New York. 1880, Dec 17. Long chatter about living in New York.
STEWART, A. Young 563. London. 1881, Nov 27. Chatter.
STEWART, C. 564. London. 1872, Apr 3. Testimonial to M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll.
STIRLING, A.B. 565. [No place name or year] Nov 12. Has received £1-17-6. Chatter. 566. London. 1887, Feb 23. Uncertain whether to ask £30 or £30 guineas for Ibis. 567. London. 1887, Mar 17. Hopes the Ibis received safely. 568. London. 1887, Apr 10. Willing to dispose of Ibis for £35. 569. London. 1888, Mar 10. M to return Ibis unless Mr. Bidwell pays 28 guineas. 570. London. 1888, Apr 10. Will Mr. Bidwell pay £29-8-0 for Ibis or will he not. 571. London. 1888, May 10. £28 for Ibis refused. M to return cheque to Bidwell.
STRUTHERS, John 572. Aberdeen. 1872, Apr 3. Testimonial to M's application for Chair at Vet Coll. 573. Aberdeen. 1873, May 17. Happy that M is joining the Edinburgh School. 574. Aberdeen. 1873, Jul 12. Will talk to M about the Vet. School.
SUTTON, John C. 575. London. 1882, Sep 2.
SWAINSON, George 576. Bolton. 1888. Jan 27. Regrets that M is retiring from Librarianship.
TEGETMUIR, W.R. 577. London. 1872, Apr 4. Considers that M's work on Com. Anat. and Physiol, is better testimonial than that which writer sent.
TEGIMAR, S. 578. London. 1885, Jan 24. Memoirs of Japanese University sent to M. Asks for exchange of publications.
THOMSON, A. 579. Glasgow. 1872, Apr 2. Testimonial to M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll. 580. Sevenoaks. 1874, Sep 2. M should apply for appointment at London University 581. Sevenoaks. 1874, Sep 7. Invites M to lunch at writer's cost. 582. Sevenoaks. 1874, Sep 16. Mr. Berjeau to make sketch for engraving. 583. [No place name of year] Oct 12. Thanks M for help. Encloses cash towards expenses. 584. Glasgow. 1874, Oct 28. Chat on Morphology of the Bones. Has rheumatism. 585. Glasgow. 1874, Nov 2. Welcomes information on Morphology of the Muscles. 586. Glasgow. 1875, Jan 31. Asks if M has worked on Morphology of the Muscles. 587. London. 1887, May 27. Missed seeing M. Encloses cash towards purchase of small bookcase or cabinet for M's drawing room.
THOMSON, Wyville 588. Edinburgh. 1872, Apr 2. Testimonial to M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll.
THORNE, Isabel 589. London. 1878, Nov 19. M invited to draw up scheme of lectures on Comp. Anat. or Zool. for University of London. 590. Sevenoaks. 1879, Feb 7. M reminded about submitting scheme of lectures. 591. Lewes. 1880, Jun 3. M asked about progress of pupils in Biological class. 592. London. 1880, Jul 15. Students fees and number of students. 593. London. 1881, Sep 29. Would M undertake course on Biology for ladies without guarantee. 594. London. 1881, Oct 7. Regrets there will not be students for Biology course. 595. Lewes. 1888, Apr 23. Can M obtain information on weight of brain in larger animals.
THUM, E.F. von 596. Brit. Guiana. 1887, June 8. Apologies to Council for publishing in "Timeless" before the Transactions.
TIMS, F.W. 597. Paris. 1884, Apr 4. M thanked for help. Did not know London men worked so hard! (Editor's exclamation mark.)
TRAIL, James W.H. 598. Aberdeen. 1886, May 14. Chat about Transactions of local Societies. 599. Aberdeen. 1887, Jul 21. Cannot recommend that Mr. Auld be elected Fellow.
TRIMEN, Henry 600. London. 1876, Dec 15. Asks M if W.J.J.D has been elevated to peerage. 601. London. 1879, Jan 9. Can M supply copy of Mr. Bentham's last paper.
TURNER, James S. 602. London. 1872, Apr 2. Testimonial to M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll.
TURNER, William 603. Edinburgh. 1872, Apr 3. Testimonial to M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll. 604. Edinburgh. 1872, Nov 7. Has posted electrolyte of block showing blood vessels. 605. Edinburgh. 1882, Sep 26. M being sent proof of list of Rolleston's writings. 606. Edinburgh. 1882, Oct 8. Discusses Rolleston's Memoirs with M. 607. Edinburgh. Jan 31. M thanked for reference. 608. Edinburgh. May 3. Books for M will be forwarded by rail. 609. Edinburgh. Jul 28. To Pettigrew. £50 cheque for M. 610. Edinburgh. 1884, Feb 21. Explains rules for D.G.Elliot being elected to Royal Society.
TYLER, Herbert W. 610a. London. 1886, Jul 13. Wishes to sell collection of Wild Ferns of Natal, £15
VAIZEY, J. Reynolds 611. Broxbourne. [no date] Asks to see lettering on plates before printing 612. Broxbourne. 1887, Apr 3. No objection to Figs being reduced in size. 613. Cambridge. 1887, May 19. Will or will not the Linnean publish extra diagrams. 614. Broxbourne. 1887, Jul 26. Returned from Norway so can now correct proofs. 615. Broxbourne. 1887, Aug 2. Complaint that M has not replied to letter. 616. Broxbourne. 1887, Aug 29. M asked for three sets of proofs. 617. Broxbourne. 1887, Sep 15. Acknowledges receipt of some of the proofs. 618. Llanfairfechan.1887, Sep 21. Sends abstract. Explains corrections in proofs. 619. Broxbourne. 1887, Sep 28. Reasons given for changing text at proof stage. 620. Cambridge. 1887, Oct 20. M asked for copies of two plates. 621. Cambridge. 1887, Dec 4. Moving to Broxbourne. 622. [No place name or date] M asked for cost of extra copies of paper.
WADEY, H. 623. London. May 10. Cannot meet McIntosh at the Lin on suggested date.
V., A. 624. [No place name] 1881, Nov 17. No copies available for further distribution.
WALLACE, Alfred R. 625. Grays. 1872, Apr 4. Testimonial for M'S application for Chair at Vet. Coll. 626. Godalming. 1881, Jun 29. Questions return of Jones's Botany of the Bermudas. 627. Godalming. 1888, Mar 28. Zool. Council will send testimonial to Vet. Coll.
WALSHE. 628. [No place name]. 1872, Apr 3. Testimonial for M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll.
WATERHOUSE, George R. 629. London. 1872, Apr 3. Testimonial for M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll.
WATERS, Arthur W. 630. Rapallo. 1881, Mar 7. Books returned to M. Chat about papers. 631. Alderley Edge. 1881, Jul 4. M thanked for sending Cassell's Magazine. 632. Davos. 1881, Sep 1. Discussion about Society Secretaryship. 633. Davos. 1881, Nov 3. M invited to visit Switzerland as a guest. 634. Davos. 1887, Aug 5. Arranges for 10/- to be paid to M. 635. Alderley Edge. 1878, Mar 22. M to withdraw paper in view of Dr. Burk's criticisms
WATERS, M. 636. [No place name or year], Oct 27. Proofs returned. Acceptable but only just. 637. Edinburgh. 1872, Apr 2. Testimonial to M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll.
WATSON, R. Boog 638. Cardross. 1881, Mar 26. Acknowledges receipt of the Lin. Soc Journal. 639. Cardross. 1881, May 9. Encloses five more descriptions of the Neurotomidae. 640. Cardross. 1885, Feb 19. Death of Gwyn Jeffreys a great loss. Box of specimens enclosed. 641. Cardross. 1885, Jul 17. Discussion about quality of proofs. 642. Cardross. 1885, Jul 20. Discussion about quality of plates and proofs. 643. [No place name or date] Sketch plate returned.
WATT, George 644. Kew. 1880, Oct 18. Well on with his list of plates.
WATT INSTITUTION 645. Edinburgh. 1874, Sep 29. Testimonial to M as Lecturer on Physiology
WEIR, J.J. 646. London. 1883, Jun 20. Wishes to recommend Philip Crawley to be Fellow.
WEST, James 647. London. 1878, Dec 27. Concerned with the health of Mr. Kippist and M's responsibility should Kippist die. 648. London. 1878, Jul 15. Prof. Brandt of St. Petersburg anxious to meet M.
WHISTER, R. 649. Stirling. 1883, May 20. General chat.
WHITE, Charles F. 650. London. 1888, Apr 9. Sad that M is no longer with the Linnean Society.
WHITE, E. Buchanan 651. Perth. 1888, Jan 27. Sorry that M is retiring.
WHITEFORD, W. 652. London. 1878, Oct 17. Alternative date for visit of M and Pettigrew. 653. London. 1873, May 20. General chat.
WICKHAM, William 654. Alton. Jun 18. Will bring flowers and arrive about 5.30 p.m.
WILLIAMS, W.J. 655. London. 1888, Apr 21. General chat about weather and fitness.
WILSON, A. Stephen 656. Aberdeen. 1879, Nov 17. Discussion about Club-Root fungus. Writing a paper 657. Aberdeen. 1882, Jan 3. More discussion about Club-Root fungus.
WILSON, E.W. 658. London. 1888, Feb 7. Sorry that M has resigned.
WILSON, H.S. 659. Cambridge. 1875, Oct 27. Gives reasons for resigning from Anatomical School, Cambridge.
WILSON, Robert 660. London. 1881, Jun 27. Making plans for M's visit. 661. London. 1881, Aug 3. Introduces an American cousin to M. 662. London. [no date]. Regret that M could not join party at Leigh.
WINTER, James 663. London. 1884, Jan 21. M asked about gold medal for Robert Collett.
WIPPELL, P.H.P. 664. London. 1887, Aug 5. His name wrongly listed. Correction enclosed.
WOOD, John 665. London. 1872, Apr 3. Testimonial to M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll.
WOODWARD, Henry 666. London. 1872, March 30. Testimonial to M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll.
YOUNG, Peter 667. Edinburgh. 1873, Jul 17. Council will not change the authority of Professors.
ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY 668. London. 1872, Apr 3. Testimonial to M's application for Chair at Vet. Coll. |