AdminHistory | Benjamin Daydon Jackson (1846-1927) was a botanist, taxonomer and fellow of the Linnean Society.
He was born to Benjamin Daydon Jackson (Sr.) and Elizabeth Gaze on 3 April 1846 in Southwark, Surrey and started his career in secretarial and accountancy work. His interest in botany, however, led to his involvement with Kew and the British Museum where he collected specimens for them. At the age of twenty-two he was elected into the Linnean Society in 1868 and became the Society's Botanical Secretary from 1880 to 1902, the General Secretary from 1902 to 1926 and the Curator of Linnean Collections in 1926. He was well known for his literature and works of reference on the subject of Botany including the 'Guide to the Literature of Botany,' 'Vegetable Technology: a Contribution towards a Bibliography of Economic Botany' and the 'Kew Index,' as well as being an authority on Carl Linnaeus. In 1907 he received an honorary Ph.D. and A.M. from Uppsala University, Sweden, and the Order of Knighthood of the Polar Star in recognition of his achievements. Jackson passed away on 12 October 1927 in Westminster Hospital due to injuries he suffered from being hit by a motor-car on Buckingham Palace Road.
The Index Kewensis was published by Jackson between 1893 and 1895. It was intended to be an index recording all the scientific names of flowering plants from the time of Carl Linnaeus to the year 1885 according to their species and genera. The project was directed by Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911), a fellow botanist and director of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew, and funded by Charles Darwin (1809-1882), who had expressed an interest in funding a project devoted to biological science before his death. The first version of the index contained 400,000 names, but further supplements were published to compensate for the addition of new plant names. |
Description | A collection of loose letters, memoranda and other documents by Benjamin Daydon Jackson, T. Durand and others.
Unless otherwise stated all letters are addressed to Jackson. Booksellers are shown alphabetically by the first surname, regardless of Christian names or initials.
BAILEY, CHARLES. 1. Manchester. 1904 Jul 1. Would be glad to apply for the Index. 2. (To Durand) St. Anne's. 1904 Jul 15. Has received three fasciculi and has obtained a purchase.
BIETCHAM, SPENCER H. [?] 2a. Ledbury. 1905 Dec 21. Hopes he can be supplied with Supplement.
BOOKSELLERS. 3. Edw. G. Allen & Son. London. 1904 Dec 7. Requests two copies as soon as possible. 4. Edw. G. Allen & Son. London. Requests Supplement. 5. Asher & Co. London. 1902 Apr 7. Orders three copies of Supplement subject to discount. 6. Bickers & Son. London. Asks for prospectus or terms for Supplement. 7. Bickers & Son. London. 1904 May 11. Orders last volume of Kew Dictionary of Plants. 8. Boyveau & Chevillet. 1905 Nov 26. Orders one copy of Supplement. 9. Boyveau & Chevillet. 1906 May 15. Orders one copy of Supplement. 10. F.A. Brockhaus. Leipzig. 1905 Sep 13. Orders one copy of Supplement. 11. F.A. Brockhaus. Leipzig. 1905 Dec 1. Orders one copy of Supplement. 12. C.D. Cazenove. London. 1904 Jan 15. Orders one copy of Supplement. 13. Hugh Conrad. London. 1904 Apr 13. Has placed order with Durand; no acknowledgement. 13a. Cornish Bros. Birmingham. 1906 Apr 6. Orders one copy of Supplement. 14. William Dawson & Sons. London. 1906 Jan 13. Orders one copy of Supplement. 15. William Dawson & Sons. London. 1906 Jan 24. Orders one copy of Supplement. 16. William Dawson & Sons. London. 1906 Jan 26. Cancels last order. 17. Dulau & Co. London. 1904 May 12. Encloses cheque. Receipt should be sent to Kew. 18. Francis Edwards. London. 1905 Nov 9. Orders for first Supplement and parts of second. 19. A. Eggimann & Co. Geneva. 1906 Aug 17. Asks for price of fourth part of Supplement. 20. H. Grevel & Co. London. 1903 Aug 8. Orders one copy of Supplement. 21. H. Grevel & Co. London. 1903 Oct 15. Has received Pts 1 and 2 but no invoice. 22. H. Grevel & Co. London. 1903 Nov 6. Orders two more copies of Supplement. 23. H. Grevel & Co. London. 1904 Sep 1. Orders one copy of Supplement. 24. H. Grevel & Co. London. 1904 Sep 10. Has received Pts 1, 2 and 3; asks if this completes the first Supplement. 25. H. Grevel & Co. London. 1906 Jun 29. Orders one copy of all Supplements. 26. H. Grevel & Co. London. 1906 Jul 16. Has received three copies of Pt 4 instead of four ordered and paid for. 27. H. Grevel & Co. London. 1906 Jul 24. Four parts arrived yesterday; seeks invoice. 28. H. Grevel & Co. London. 1906 Jul 25. Requires invoice for Supplement, four parts. 29. H. Grevel & Co. London. 1906 Nov 7. Has not yet received Pt 4 of Supplement. 30. W. C. Henderson & Sons. St. Andrews. 1905 Feb 6. Orders one copy of Supplement. 31. Jones, Yarrell & Co. London. 1905 Nov 24. Orders Pts 1, 2, 3 and 4; 1901 and 1903. 31a. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. London. 1905 Dec 30. Have paid for Pt 2 but not yet received it; can Jackson please help. 31b. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co. London. 1906 Jan 1. Thanks Jackson for his help. 32. H. K. Lewis. London. 1904 Dec 8. Orders Pt 1 of Supplement. 33. James Maclehose & Sons. Glasgow. 1904 Nov 12. Orders one copy of Supplement. 34. Maggs Bros. London. 1906 Jul 31. Orders one copy of Supplement. 34a. Maison d'Edition Alfred Castaigne. Asks for return of sheet 60. 35. Maison d'Edition Alfred Castaigne. Brussels. 1905 May 6. About an imperfect copy. 36. John Murdoch & Co. London. 1905 Jan 4. Orders Pt 4; Pts 1 to 3 already supplied. 37. Lovelle Reeve & Co. London. 1905 Dec 4. Asks if Supplement 1 has been published. 38. Jac. G. Robbers. Amsterdam. 1903 Dec 1. Complains about the supply of copies. 39. Sherratt & Hughes. Manchester. 1903 May 16. Orders one copy of Supplement. 40. Sherratt & Hughes. Manchester. 1906 Feb 19. Orders Pts 1, 2 and 3 of Supplement. 41. Simpson Low, Marston & Co. London. 1902 May 27. Asks where they can order the Supplement? 42. B. Seeber. Florence. 1903 Nov 2. Orders one copy of the Supplement. 43. Henry Sotheran & Co. London. 1903 Aug 7. Orders one copy of the Supplement. 44. W. Weber. Berlin. 1904 Dec 12. Orders Pt and Fasc. 4 separately. 45. Williams & Norgate. London. 1903 May 6. Asks for the price of the Supplement. 45a. Wood, Henry. Bath. 1906 Feb 8. Seeks Pt 4 of first Supplement; already paid for. 46. Henry Young & Sons. Liverpool. 1905 Nov 6. Asks if Supplement can be provided at price quoted by Frowde. 47. Henry Young & Sons. Liverpool. 1905 Nov 9. Did not place an order; only asked the price. 48. Henry Young & Sons. Liverpool. 1905 Dec 6. Orders one copy of the Supplement. 49. Bücher-Zettel. Berlin. 1903 Nov 12. Orders one copy of Supplement. 50. Zahn & Talusch. Cresden. 1904 Nov 17. Orders 1, 2 and 3 of Supplement.
BOTTING HEMSLEY, W. 51. Kew. 1902 Sep 2. Encloses copy of letter from Pearson to Thiselton-Dyer.
BRITTEN, JAMES. 52. London. 1901 Oct 1. Cannot see Cycas Taiwaniana on p. 120. 53. London. 1906 Jan 21. Criticises the Supplement but considers that nine-tenths information is better than none.
CARTER PATERSON & CO. 54. London. 1904 Jan 22. Receipt for 5/- paid by Jackson.
DOUGLAS, JAMES. 55. Great Bookham. 1902 Nov 26. Wishes to purchase the Supplement.
DURAND, THÉOPHILE ALEXIZ. [Letters and postcards all in French] 56. Brussels. 1894 May 3. About the Index Kewensis and the Supplement. 57. Brussels. 1901 Jul 19. Sending samples to Grevel, but not certain of his requirements. 58. Brussels. 1902 Jul 3. Has corrected sheet 23 and is awaiting Jackson's corrections. 59. Brussels. 1902 Jul 24. Not very happy about OUP [Oxford University Press] and their prices. 60. Brussels. 1902 Sep 20. Seeks reply to his queries; [file copy of reply by Jackson on verso]. 61. Brussels. 1903 June 2. About sheet 36. 62. Brussels. 1903 Sep 16. About sheet 41. 63. Brussels. 1903 Sep 26. About contents of the Supplement. 64. Brussels. 1903 Nov 9. Has despatched Pt 3 to Grevel and Pts 1, 2 and 3 to Kew. 65. Brussels. 1903 Nov 14. About new Rosa in Braun's monograph. 66. Brussels. 1903 Nov 19. Asks if Jackson has received postcard about despatch of Pt 3. 67. Brussels. 1903 May 12. Has sent proof to Jackson to be corrected. 68. Brussels. 1903 Dec 12. About Rosa. 69. Brussels. 1904 Feb 2. About Rubus. 70. Brussels. 1904 Apr 13. Death of Durand's father; grateful for Jackson's kind words. 71. Brussels. 1904 Mar 31. Death of Durand's father; printed notice about Memorial Service. 72. Brussels. 1904 May 11. Corrections to sheet 49. 73. Brussels. 1904 May 20. About sheet 50. 74. Brussels. 1904 Jun 24. About corrections to sheet 52. 75. Brussels. 1904 Jul 1. About sheet 52. 76. Brussels. 1904 Jul 2. About the price of Parts. 77. Brussels. 1904 Jul 7. Asks if errors and omissions can be corrected in Second Supplement. 78. Brussels. 1904 Sep 2. Asks urgently for more copy. 79. Brussels. 1904 Sep 5. About contents of sheet 53. 80. Brussels. 1904 Oct 5. Asks if Jackson has received sheet 54. 81. Brussels. 1904 Oct 6. Sheet lost in post; is sending replacement. 82. Brussels. 1904 Oct 20. Awaiting reply about corrections in Second Supplement. 83. Brussels. 1905 Jan 21. About sheet 57. 84. Brussels. 1905 Mar 9. Has sent first note about additions and corrections 85. Brussels. 1905 Mar 20. Embarrassed about the printing of Curae posteriocés; asks why Dyer does not provide the corrections and additions. 86. Brussels. 1905 Mar 28. Understands he can print after the additions and corrections. 87. Brussels. 1905 Mar 30. About additions and corrections. 88. Brussels. 1905 May 4. Gastoigne refers him to Jackson. 89. Brussels. 1905 Jun 3. Will be leaving Brussels for Vienna and returning 27th June; letters can be sent to Gastoigne. 90. Brussels. 1905 Jul 2. Will distribute Pt 4 on Friday. 91. Brussels. 1905 Jul 12. Trip to Germany, Hungary and Switzerland. 92. Brussels. 1905 Aug 1. The delay in receiving corrected proofs. 93. Brussels. 1905 Aug 10. Corrections to proof. 94. Brussels. 1905 Aug 17. Concerned about Jackson's health; hopes he is on vacation. 95. Brussels. 1906 Jan 7. Encloses copy of letter he wrote to Kegan, Paul, Trench & Co. 96. Brussels. 1906 Feb 27. Has received proofs; to save time he asks questions. 97. Brussels. 1906 Mar 30. Does not understand Jackson's request; can he please explain. 98. Brussels. 1906 Apr 2. Is despatching Rosa fiches. 99. Brussels. 1906 Apr 11. Has been waiting a long time for an answer to his questions. 100. Brussels. 1906 May 1. Asks for quick return of proofs. 101. Brussels. 1906 Jun 7. Is despatching proofs of book and preface. 102. Brussels. 1906 July 5. About supply of 500 copies of the Supplement. 103. Brussels. 1906 Jul 11. Has sent eleven copies of the Supplement to the Linnean Society. 104. Brussels. 1906 Jul 14. Has despatched copies; also to Kew. 105. Brussels. 1906 Jul 26. About the 500 copies and payment.
ELLLACOMBE, CANON. 106. Bristol. 1906 Jul 19. Congratulates Jackson on completion of the Supplement.
HARRASSOWITZ, OTTO. 107. Leipzig. 1904 Nov 15. Asks for copy of the Supplement.
HARRISON, ROBERT. 108. London. 1902 Mar 14. Hopes the Royal Soc. [Society] will be given a free copy of the Supplement.
HOEPLI, ULRICO. 109. Milan. 1903 Oct 27. Orders three copies of the Supplement.
JACKSON, BENJAMIN DAYDON. 110. London. 1902 Nov 10. (To Prof. Miers) Assumes past correspondence still holds good. 111. London. 1902 Nov 22. (To Macoun, J.M.) Has forwarded letter to colleague in Brussels. 112. London. 1903 Jan 29. (To Prof. Macfarlane, J.M.) Has forwarded letter to Brussels. 113. London. 1904 Apr 14. (To Conrad, G.) Will refer him to his colleague. 114. London. 1904 Sep 12. (To Grevel) There will be a fourth, perhaps fifth, fascicule to complete the Supplement. 115. London. 1905 Dec 30. (To Kegan Paul) Will send copy of their letter to Durand; delay probably due to an oversight. 116. London. 1906 Jul 16. (To Grevel) The entire stock is with Durand; will pass on their letter. 117. London. 1906 Jul 25. (To Grevel) Has received payment for three copies. 118. London. 1906 Jul 31. (To Maggs). Gives price of the Supplement; stock is with colleague. [Letter Nos. 119-190 are addressed to Durand, T.A.] 119. London. 1902 May 21. Encloses order; takes up new duties at the Linn. Soc. on May 26. 120. London. 1902 May 23. Encloses order; the constant orders are highly inconvenient. 121. London. 1902 Jun 18. Encloses two orders; happy at the Linn., but misses Kew library. 122. London. 1902 Jul 5. Answers Durand's questions; heavily engaged at the Linn.; cannot easily visit the Kew library. 123. London. 1902 Jul 25. Encloses copy of letter from the Clarendon Press. 124. London. 1902 Aug 5. Supports Durand on the sales arrangement with OUP; has received two copies of sheet 25. 125. London. 1902 Nov 22. Encloses copies of two requests to purchase the Supplement. 126. London. 1902 Dec 2. Delighted to receive copy of Fasc. 2; asks for ten more. 127. London. 1902 Dec 4. Parcel to Kew should have been acknowledged in the absence of Thiselton-Dyer; asks again for ten copies for the Linn. 128. London. 1902 Dec 18. Durand to send Fasc. 2 to Nature and the editor of the Athenaeum. 129. London. 1903 Jan 29. Encloses request from Philadelphia for unbound copy of Supplement. 130. London. 1903 Jun 5. Apologizes for delay in returning the last sheet. 131. London. 1903 Aug 10. Has received order from Grevel for Supplement with invoice. 132. London. 1903 Sept 28. Explains why Noorlin's paper was excluded from the Index. 133. London. 1903 Oct 1. Has returned sheet 42; answers questions put by Durand. 134. London. 1903 Oct 30. Orders from Grevel to be fulfilled; Hoepli is ordering three copies. 135. London. 1903 Nov 6. Grevel orders more copies and encloses cheque. 136. London. 1903 Nov 16. About the contents of the Supplement and the errors. 137. London. 1903 Nov 17. Copies that have to arrive at the Linn. 138. London. 1903 Nov 20. The ten copies of Fasc. 3 have arrived; gives thanks. 139. London. 1903 Dec 25. Explains how the names of certain species should be included. 140. London. 1904 Feb 3. Has received proof of Rubus; what should be included. 141. London. 1904 Apr 14. Conrad complains he cannot obtain the Supplement from Durand on trade terms; Jackson knows nothing about Conrad. 142. London. 1904 Apr 19. Conrad has paid in advance for his copy; Durand should despatch. 143. London. 1904 May 12. Answers questions. 144. London. 1904 Jun 2. Returned proof yesterday; passes on order for Supplement. 145. London. 1904 Jul 1. Is sending corrected sheet 52; about Fasc. 4 and subscribers. 146. London. 1904 Jul 4. Happy to leave publication in Durand's control. 147. London. 1904 Jul 9. Durand to decide on whether to publish four or five fascicules. 148. London. 1904 Sep 2. Back home again and will soon return new sheet. 149. London. 1904 Sep 6. Has despatched sheet 53; answers questions. 150. London. 1904 Oct 5. Order from OUP for six copies of Supplement; asks if printing has stopped. 151. London. 1904 Oct 16. Letter from OUP and his reply; all about payment for Pts 1, 2, 3. 152. London. 1904 Oct 24. Thiselton-Dyer will not add errata to second Supplement; Durand must therefore add Curae posteriores at the end of Fasc. 4. 153. London. 1904 Nov 19. Harrassowitz orders copy of first Supplement; Jackson pestered by people applying for Fasc. 4 and they think he is responsible for the delay. 154. London. 1904 Dec 3. Complains about the bad condition of the proofs when they reach him. 155. London. 1904 Dec 6. Sheet 56 returned; asks in which order he should send errata. 156. London. 1905 Jan 20. Returning the last sheet in his possession; will send more errata. 157. London. 1905 Feb 7. Henderson has ordered copy of the Supplement. 158. London. 1905 Mar 30. The Curae should appear as the last article in the Supplement. 159. London. 1905 Mar 31. About the Curae. 160. London. 1905 Apr 15. Suggests what should appear in capital letters. 161. London. 1905 Jul 15. Clad that Durand has had a pleasant holiday; complains about delay in printing; OUP about to issue the second Supplement, and "ours" is still unfinished. 162. [?] 1905 Aug 20. Not ill but on vacation; will despatch proofs on his return. 163. [There is no letter dated 163. Editor's error.] 164. London. 1905 Oct 9. Has paid hurried visit to Kew and has dealt with the queries. 165. London. 1905 Nov 5. Encloses few notes on the proof he has just received. 166. London. 1905 Dec 30. Passes on complaint from Kegan Paul. 167. London. 1906 Jan 25. Passes on order from Dawson. 168. London. 1906 Feb 7. OUP order more copies; asks if they can have seven copies for the price of six. 169. London. 1906 Feb 9. Passes on order from Wood. 170. London. 1906 Feb 27. Frowde, of OUP, explains the meaning of his request. 171. London. 1906 Mar 1. About contents of the Supplement. 172. London. 1906 Mar 29. Complaint by OUP that they have not yet received copies ordered. 173. London. 1906 Apr 2. Has received packet and cards; returned the cards. 174. London. 1906 Apr 12. Suggests Durand should carry on without looking up authorities. 175. London. 1906 May 2. Does not understand; all proofs have been returned. 176. London. 1906 Jun 7. Has explained everything to Frowde of OUP. 177. London. 1906 Jul 16. Complaint from Grevel; he had received only three of the four copies ordered. 178. London. 1906 Jul 16. Confusion with numbers ordered; Jackson's work on Index Kewensis now complete. 179. London. 1906 Jul 18. About a provisional agreement with the OUP regarding disposal of stock. 180. London. 1906 Jul 28. About payment by OUP. 181. London. 1906 Oct 18. The joint account and the offer by OUP. 182. London. 1906 Nov 24. OUP ready to discuss terms but the joint account must first be settled. 183. [Undated] Frowde on holiday; has not heard from Milford. 184. [Undated] Grevel acknowledges receipt of copies and now asks for an invoice. 185. [Undated] A correction, if possible, to Primula cottia. 186. [Undated] Has not received sheets 62 and 63. 187. [Undated] Has received slips but cannot correct without original manuscript. 188. [Undated] Encloses first part of Curae posteriores. 189. [Undated] Has received order from Koehler. 190. [Undated] No. 58 was the last sheet received; overwhelmed with work. [Letter Nos 191-202 are addressed to Oxford University Press.] 190a. London. 1902 Jul 25. (To Cannan, C.) Sending copy of Cannan's letter to Durand. 190b. London. 1902 Aug 5. (To Cannan, C.) Quotes Durand's reply. 191. London. 1904 Jan 6. (To Frowde, H.) Is despatching Fasc. 1-3 of first Supplement. 192. London. 1904 Jan 9. (To Frowde, H.) Will replace damaged copy. 193. London. 1904 Jan 13. (To Frowde, H.) Is despatching another copy of Fasc. 2 with invoice. 194. London. 1904 Oct 13. (To Frowde, H.) No objection if payment be made to Durand. 195. London. 1905 Feb 27. (To Frowde, H.) Has asked Durand to send OUP a further six copies. 196. London. 1905 Jul 12. (To Frowde, H.) Gives reasons for delay in publishing Supplement. 197. London. 1906 Jul 7. (To Frowde, H.) About OUP's proposition to purchase 500 copies. 198. London. 1906 Jul 18. (To Milford, H.S.) Suggests that OUP negotiates with Durand. 199. London. 1906 Jul 20. (To Frowde, H.) Despatching 3 copies of Fasc. 4. 200. London. 1906 Jul 27. (To Frowde, H.) Has just heard from Durand that he wishes Jackson to negotiate with OUP for the sale of 500 copies. 201. London. 1906 Jul 28. (To Milford, H.S.) Confirms that he is negotiating with Frowde for the sale of 500 copies. 202. London. 1906 Sep 3. (To Cannan, C.) Acknowledges letter of the 31st ult. 202a. London. 1904 Oct 22. (To Thiselton-Dyer, W.) Durand suggests that corrections and additions be pooled and printed at end of the second Supplement. 203. London. 1906 Feb 9. (To Wood, H.) Gives reasons for delay in publishing the Supplement.
LYNCH, R. IRWIN. 204. Cambridge. 1902 Jun 4. Asks for copy of Supplement with bill.
JONES, MALCUSE. 205. Salt Lake City. 1903 Mar 13. Wishes to order Index, Supplement and Flora of Mexico.
KIRK T. 206. Wellington. 1896 Sep 7. Clematis Australis was included in Student's Handbook of the New Zealand Flora, circulated in 1890; title changed to Student's Flora of New Zealand [specimen copy enclosed]. 207. Wellington. 1896 Dec 24. Asks for list of species of Phormium published since completion of the Index.
LESTER, FRANCIS E. 208. [?] 1905 Jul 17. Wishes to order the first Supplement.
MACOUN, JAMES M. 209. Ottawa. 1902 Nov 10. Wishes to order the Supplement.
MARTELLI, UGOLINO. 210. Florence. 1903 Sep 1. Orders the two parts of the Supplement.
MACFARLANE, JOHN M. 211. Pennsylvania. 1903 Jan 19. Wishes to order the Supplements.
O'BRIEN [O'BRIAN?], JAMES. 212. Harrow. 1903 Jan 7. (To Watson) Wishes to purchases parts of the Supplement. 213. Harrow. 1903 Jan 9. Has ordered copies for himself and Walter Rothschild.
OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS. 214. Cannan, C. Oxford. 1902. Jul 24. About taking over the stock of Supplements. 215. Cannan, C. Oxford. 1906 Aug 31. Negotiations for the purchase of 500 copies. 216. Frowde, H. London. 1902 Jan 5. (To Macfarlane, J.) Refers order to Jackson. 217. Frowde, H. London. 1904 Jan 6. Orders three copies of Supplement I. 218. Frowde, H. London. 1904 Jan 7. Encloses cheque for the three copies delivered. 219. Frowde, H. London. 1904 Jan 9. One of the copies received was damaged. 220. Frowde, H. London. 1904 Jan 11. Damage was due to the Carriers. 221. Frowde, H. London. 1904 Jan 14. Replacement arrived safely. 222. Frowde, H. London. 1904 Oct 4. Orders six copies of Supplement I. 223. Frowde, H. London. 1904 Oct 14. Durand asks that payment be made to him. 224. Frowde, H. London. 1905 Dec 28. Orders six copies of Supplement I. 225. Frowde, H. London. 1906 Feb 5. Asks for seven copies of Pts 1, 2 and 3 at price of six. 226. Frowde, H. London. 1906 Feb 26. Asks Jackson to tell Durand to send six more copies of Pts 1, 2 and 3; this will make thirteen copies to be charged at the price of twelve. 227. Frowde, H. London. 1906 Feb 26. Orders six copies of Pts 1, 2 and 3. 228. Frowde, H. London. 1906 Mar 28. Additional six copies not yet received from Durand. 229. Frowde, H. London. 1906 Jul 9. Will make a direct offer to Durand for remaining parts. 230. Milford, H.S. Oxford. 1905 Jul 10. Second Supplement is nearly ready for publication; asks when the fourth and last part of Supplement I will be published. 231. Milford, H.S. Oxford. 1906 Jul 17. Asks about the condition of the 500 copies and how they are packed.
RICHARDSON, E.C. 232. Princeton. 1902 Jun 27. Orders copy of first Supplement.
STEVENS, B.F. & BROWN. 233. London. 1902 Nov 25. Orders copy of the Supplement.
THISELTON-DYER, W. 234. Kew. 1904 Oct 24. In no circumstances will he have anything to do with Durand.
WATT, GEORGE. 235. Calcutta. 1897 Jan 18. Finds that the Index changes many of the synonymy of the Flora of British India; seeks Jackson's help.
WRIGHT, C.H. 236. Kew. 1905 Oct 11. Has completed the references but waits to talk to Cordon, Editor of the Gard.
PREFACE TO FIRST SUPPLEMENT. 237. Durand. Brussels. 1906 May 29. Encloses draft of Preface in French; asks about the conditions for selling the 500 copies to OUP. 238. Jackson to Durand. London. 1906 May 21. Thinks the Preface be signed by Durand; in French, perhaps also in Latin but the latter not necessary in an English version; Frowde anxious to come to terms for the purchase of the 500 copies. 239. Durand. Brussels. 1906 Jun 1. Does not think it necessary to translate into Latin. 240. Durand. Brussels. 1906 Jun 2. Asks Jackson to provide an English translation. 241. BDJ. London. 1906 Jun 2. Does not think it necessary to publish Preface in Latin; will gladly translate into English [attached is draft of Preface in English together with revised copy].
MISCELLANEOUS [circa 71 items] Includes the alphabet in Russian and English, printer's proofs, printed explanation of the system in the catalogue and other papers. |