AdminHistory | Mrs Isabella James was the widow of Thomas Potts James (1803-1882), bryologist; collaborator of Leo Lesquereux; lived at Philadelphia 1803-1869; at Cambridge, Massachusetts 1869-1882. Little else is known about Isabella James. |
Description | The inside of the volume states the following:
"The letters and portraits in this volume were selected and arranged by Mrs. Isabella James, widow of Thomas Potts James, Bryologist, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America."
When addressee is known the name is shown in square brackets. Numbers in the first column are page numbers in the bound book. Missing page numbers indicate that the pages are blank.
AFZELIUS, ADAM 1. 1807 Jun 29. Upsala. [To Mr. Peck] Happy to receive letter after so long a silence; he is organizing centenary celebration of Linne's date of birth; also forming a Linnean Institute; would like to hear from his friends in London.
AGARDH, JAKOB GEORG 2. 1844 Oct 20. Lund. [To Darlington, W.] Has received beautiful collection of plants; so grateful that he is sending a box by return.
ALEXANDER, RICHARD CHANDLER (PRIOR) 3. 1850 Aug 2. Jamaica. Enquires about box of plants he sent to Mr Sergent.
AUDLEY, JAMES 4. 1842 Jun 4. Geneva. [To Torrey, J.] Plants received; he encloses Fr.22 to meet balance of account.
BALDWIN, WILLIAM 5. 1819 Feb 4. Wilmington. [To Darlington, W.] Botanical chatter.
BARTRAM, JOHN 6. 1760 Sep 17. [To Marshall, H.] Asks [his cousin] for tree seeds.
BASTARD, C. 7. 1836 Sep 26. Chalonnes. [To Durand, E.] Botanical chatter; desiderate. [Fr.]
BIGELOW, JACOB 8. Jan 30. Boston. [To Prof. Gray.] Introduces W.H. Spooner, gardener at Mount Auburn.
BUREAU, LOUIS EDOUARD 9. 1869 Nov 14. Paris. About Bignoniaceae Metvanoe, [Fr.]
BORY DE SAINT VINCENT, JEAN BAPTISTE GENEVIEVE MARCELLIN. 10. 1844 Jul 19. Paris. Botanical chatter. [Fr.]
CAREY, JOHN 11. 1851 Jun 10. New York. [To Alexander, R.C.] Personal; desiderata.
CLINTON, De WITT 12. 1826 Mar 18. Albany. [To the Senate] Encloses Resolutions of the Legislature of the State of Louisiana.
CURTIS, MOSES ASHLEY 13. 1853 Feb 9. S. Carolina. [To Durand, E.] Encloses two species of Fern, of a genus hitherto unknown in the U.S.
DECAISNE, JOSEPH 14. 1865 Jan 7. [To Torrey, J.] Introduces and recommends M. Guerineau, a gardener. [Fr.]
CANDOLLE, AUGUSTIN PYRAMUS DE 15. 1821 Feb 4. Geneva. [To Darlington, W.] Botanical chatter.
DELESSERT, JULES PAUL BENJAMIN 16. 1843 Jul 31. Paris. [To Gray, A.] Has not received Botanical Expt book but has received Flora of North America. [Fr.]
DESFONTAINES, RENÉ LOUICHE 17. 1814 Oct 5. Paris. Chatter. [Fr.]
DESVAUX, AUGUSTE NICOISE (AUGUSTIN) 18. If Hooker cannot call on the following morning, he will send the journal and book to London.
DE VISIANI, ROBERTO 19. 1843 Dec. 23. Padua. [To Alexander, R.C.] [Ital.]
DOWNING, ANDREW JACKSON 20. Nov 6. Newburgh. Obliged to Miss Batchelder for her notes to him on gardens near Philadelphia.
EMORY, W.H. 21. 1851 Sep 25. New Orleans. [Torrey, J.] Has requested the Secretary of the Interior to appoint Le Conte to draw up a zoological report on Emory's part of the boundary.
FENDLER, AUGUSTUS 22. 1856 May 2. Philadelphia. Acknowledges receipt of $14 on account of Dr. Gray.
FERDINANCE, MEYEN-FRANZ JULIUS 23. 1835 Sep 4. Berlin. [German]
FISCHER, FRIEDRICH ERNST LUDWIG VON 24. 1854 Apr 27. St. Petersburg. [To Gray, A.] Sorry not to have seen him when he was in Europe; nothing more to do with the Imp. Botanic Garden but is still interested in botany.
GREENE, BENJAMIN DANIEL 25. 1837 Aug 15. Boston. [To Dr. Darlington] Has Boston Journal and Nitchcock's catalogues; sorry saw so little of him.
GUSSONE, GIOVANNI. 26. 1846. Sep 30. Naples. [Ital.] 27. 1849 Jun 14. Naples. [To Alexander, R.C.] [Ital.]
HORNEMANN, JENS WILKEN 28. 1822 Dec 27. Has sent his latest catalogue and would like to know his desiderata.
HORSACK, DAVID 29. 1812 Oct 24. New York. [To Peck, W.D.] Would have written sooner but had been waiting to hear from his nephew who knows about the plant in question; grateful for the seeds.
GAY, JACQUES 30. 1860 Sep 27. Paris. Asks the addressee to post letter when he arrives in America; does he know the American "meridian frontier" of Trientalis Americana. [Fr.]
LACASGA, MARIONO 31. 1803 Apr 8. Madrid. [To Mr. Koenig] [Ital.] LAMOUROUX, JEAN VINCENT FELIX 32. 1815 Sep 10. Caen. Botanical chatter. [Fr.]
LATRELLE, P.A. 33. 1814 Jul 14. Paris. [To Peck, W.D.] [Fr.]
LEAVENWORTH, (?) 34. 1833 Sep 4. Opelousas. About his appointment as Assistant Surgeon.
LUDWIG, FRIEDRICH (?) 35. [Germ.]
MACFADYAN, W. 36. 1850 Apr 22. [To Alexander, R.C.] Acknowledges receipt of parcel; plant sent with letter is probably Heterotrichum.
MERTENS, FRANS CARL 37. 1818 Apr. Bremen. [To Peck, W.D.] Sorry to have received only one letter; has sent him some phanerogamous plants, hopes Peck can send him Marine Algae.
MIRBEL, CHARLES FRANCOIS BRISSEAU DE 38. 1849 Mar 12. Has found the letter but not the packet sent to him by Schleiden.
MITCHILL, SAMUEL LATHAM 39. 1826 Aug 3. New York. [To Darlington, W.] Congratulates both the Chester County Cabinet of Natural Science and Darlington's address to the Society.
MICHAUX, FRANCOIS ANDRE 40. 1810 Mar 13. Paris. [To Bartram, W.] Grateful for letter; botanical chatter.
MONTACNE, JEAN PIERRE FRANCOIS CAMILLE 41. 1851 Aug 18. Paris, Has received book and the letter for his friend.
MUHLENBERG, COTTHILF HENRY ERNEST 42. 1812 May 19. Lancaster. Grateful for the specimens, which he lists; strange about Barton who will not let him [Muhlenberg] visit his Herbarium.
NEES VON ESENBECK, CHRISTIAN GOTTFRIED DANIEL 43. 1855 Oct 31. Breslau. [To Gray, A.] Encloses publications of the Leopoldinisch- Carolinische Acadamie der Naturforscher.
NEWHAM, I.S.(?) 44. 1859 Mar 17. Washington. [to Torrey, J.] Asks to have drawings made of new plants, and forward plants and catalogue as soon as possible.
NUTTALL, THOMAS 45. 1839 Dec 29. Philadelphia. Botanical chatter.
PERSOON, CHRISTIAN HENDRICK 46. 1809 Oct 24. Paris. [To Muhlenberg, G.H.E.] [German]
PICKERING, CHARLES 47. 1831 Nov 30. Philadelphia. About Boott and Hooker; Baldwin's herbarium.
REICHENBACH, LUDWIG 48. [Name and title spelt out, presumably for including in a botanical list]
RIDDELL, J.L. 49. 1834 Apr 2. Columbus. [To Torrey, J.] Has despatched some of the plants requested.
ROMER, JOHANN JACOB 50. 1814 Oct 31. Zurich. [To Ziegler and Son] [German]
SCHOTT, ARTHUR CARL VICTOR 51. 1858 Nov 2. Georgetown. [To Torrey, J.] Reason for delay in receiving plants; chatter.
SCHULTES, JOSEPH AUGUSTE 52. 1821 Nov 24. [To Ritter, J.] [German]
SCHRADER, HEINRICH ADOLF 53. 1806 Feb 4. Gottingen. [German]
SCHWEINITZ, LEWIS DAVID VON 54. 1825 Mar 20. Bethlehem. [To Darlington, W.] Apologizes for not anwering his letter; will do so; he will also help in procuring the books requested.
SCHWARTZ, OLAF PETER 56. 1816 Apr 3. Stockholm. [To Peck, W.] General chat; Peck appointed Foreign Correspondent of the Academy.
TENORE, MICHELE 57. 1826 Apr 12. Naples. About exchange of grains for the gardens, and desiderata. 58. 1838 Oct 30. Naples. [To Durand, E.] Received package; chatter.
THUNBERC, CARL PETER 59. 1814 Mar 6, Upsala. [To Peck, W.] Suggests an exchange of this, that and the other. [Fr.]
TINEA, VINCENZO 60. 1845 Jun 23. Palermo. [To Alexander, R.C.] [Ital.]
TREVIRANUS, LUDOLF CHRISTIAN 61. 1849 Oct 5. Bonn. [To Lippert, J.J.] [German]
WISTAR, CASPAR 62. 1815 Feb 13. Was mistaken when he said he had not seen Miss Baimbridge; has now seen her with Dr. Rush; regrets that her complaint is very obstinate.
ZACH, FRANCIS VON 63. 1796 31 Aug. Hamburg. [Name and history spelt out, presumably for publication in a printed list. Described as a "distinguished Astronomer". Included is a letter in German]
HOFFMANSEGG, JOHANN CENTURIUS (CRAF) VON. 65. 1806 Mar 31. Berlin. [German]
THURBER, GEORGE 66. 1860 Oct 26. Detroit. [To Torrey, J.] Explains why he is in Detroit, to help separate the botanical collections of Pitsher and Houghton; will soon be returning to New York.
DEWEY, CHESTER 67. 1858 Apr 26. Rochester. Chatter |