Ref NoMS/275
TitleCorrespondence of John Ellis: A - H
AdminHistoryJohn Ellis FRS (1714-1776) was a British linen merchant and naturalist. He was the first to publish a written description of the Venus flytrap in a pamphlet entitled "Directions for Bringing over Seeds and Plants from the East Indies and Other Distant Countries" (1770). He imported numerous American seeds and was particularly interested in the problems connected with the transportation of plants and seeds. The "Natural History of Many Uncommon and Curious Zoophytes", written with Daniel Solander, was posthumously published in 1786. Ellis was a correspondent of Carl Linnaeus who described him as "a bright star of natural history".
DescriptionThe first volume of bound correspondence of John Ellis, containing letters of correspondents whose surname start with the letters A-H. Letters are pasted on folio sheets which are individually numbered.

Folio 1: 1 letter, AEPINUS to John Ellis, in French, dated May 1771. Regarding the Mud Iguana and the Hart-Wurm.

Folios 2-4: 3 letters, AITON W, dated between 1769 and 1775:
Folio 2: January 1769. Sends Ellis 2 cones of the Frankincense Pine and apologises for not being able to send more from Mr Hamilton's Garden. Promises to send Coronilla and thanks Ellis for the honour he did him in his letter to the Royal Society. "Please to inform me what sort of seeds you think most proper to be sent to Linnaeus, & will get them ready & send them to you for to send to that Great good man, which will give me great pleasure."
Folio 3: Kew, October 14, 1770. Informs Ellis that he sent him three plants of Illicium and congratulates him on his appointment as Agent for Dominica.
Folio 4: Kew, July 21, 1775. Thanks Ellis for plant specimens of Jalap and Convolvulus panduratus. Discusses a fine sample of Convolulus panduratus at Kew Gardens but points out that it is different from the sample sent him by Ellis.

Folios 5-6: 2 letters, ALCHOME, S. dated 1774:
Folio 5: August 25, 1774. Sends Ellis results of experiment on the weight of coffee berries requested by him and carried out on his behalf.
Folio 6: May 1, 1774. Sends Ellis details and results of an experiment on the weight of Jalap requested by him.

Folios 7-11: 5 letters, ALLAMAND J. N. S, in French, dated 1755-1758:
Folios 7-9: Leide, June 27, July 15, and September 12, 1755. Arrangements for the French translation of the "Essay". That of September 12 refers also to making sea-water drinkable.
Folio 10: Leide, January 15. Arrangements for the French translation of the "Essay"; also, asking for a Coralline picture.
Folio 11: Leide, June 29. Arrangements for the French translation of the "Essay". The Coralline "pictures" sent have been lost at sea.

Folio 12: 1 letter, ALLEN, Joseph, Dulwich, dated May 7, 1776. Thanks Ellis for sending him a printed copy of his letters on the Nature of the Gorgonia. The remainder of the letter regards Bread Fruit in the Island of Tinian. Dr Allen accompanied Commodore Anson to the Island of Tinian.
Folio 13: 1 letter, ASCANIUS, in French, Copenhagen, dated September 20, 1758: Has met Donati in Turin, and de Balliou and de Moll in Vienna.

Folios 14-17: 5 letters, BADENACH, James, dated 1769-1771:
Folio 14: 2 letters, Paris, May 10, 1769. Regarding Ellis's experiments on vegetable putrefaction; Nasmythia articulata; his own studies in Paris; Paris Museum; criticism of Linnaeus; Ellis's Collections reffered to; and his future plans.
Folio 15: 1 letter, Paris, July 26, 1769. Regarding Ellis's design of publishing his Zoophytologia. Also refers to T. Pennant, Dr Leith, and Sir J. Pringle.
Folio 16: 1 letter, Madras, July 30, 1770. Has collected seeds on the Island of Joanna. Informs Ellis of sailing to Malacca where he hopes to bring home the seeds of the Mangosteen and of the Anacardium Orienti.
Folio 17: 1 letter, Ship Princess Royal, July 8, 1771. On board the Ship Princess Royal, arrived at Brighthelmstone at the time of when the letter was written. Remarks that Mr Banks was very well and that his own collections were spolit during the voyage home. Some Chinese things for Dr Fothergill.

Folio 18: 1 letter, BARRINGTON, Daniel, no date. Includes leaf specimens pasted onto the letter. Regarding drawings of the plants of the Cape of Good Hope, Madeira, and Cape Verde.
Folio 19: 1 letter, BEAUCLERK, T., April 15, no year recorded. Presents his comments to Ellis and sends many thanks for his seeds.

Folios 20-22: 3 letters, BLACKBURNE, Anna, dated 1770:
Folio 20: May 28, 1770. Sends thanks for plant seeds of Solanum mamillosum, Ipomoea spicata, Pontederia, and Illicium anisatum. Comments on her tea tree plant and its progress.
Folio 21: Oxford, October 5, 1770. Has spent eight weeks touring in Scotland. Expects Pennant. Mr Knowlton and Dr Fothergill have been visitors.
Folio 22: Oxford, January 14, 1771. Providing information in relation to Gudgeons.

Folios 23-26: 6 letters, BLAKE, J. B, dated 1770-1772:
Folio 23: Canton, February 12, 1770. Informs of the lack of availability of tea seeds and sends seeds of Gardenia and Star aniseed.
Folios 24-26: January 15, 1772, and three undated notes: Sends seeds of Croton sebiferum, Tallow tree. Remarks on the true Cinnamon.

Folio 27: 1 letter, BLOMMORT, John, Pensacola, dated March 19, 1767. An account of the present state of the Province of Pensacola.

Folios 28-41: 16 letters, BORLASE, William, dated 1752-1754:
Folio 28: Ludgvan, February 15, 1752. Sends Ellis a small box of spars, mundicks (yellow ore mixed with tin), and branching coral (that he might contribute his mite to Ellis's Grotto-work). Encloses the shoot of a shrub which he believes to be of the Cyprus kind and asks for the English and Latin names for it.
Folio 29: Ludgvan, June 15, 1752. Encloses specimens of sea weeds picked up from different shores whilst on his travels.
Folio 30: Ludgvan, March 20, 1754. Has not received the picture of seaweeds which Ellis mentioned in his previous letter.
Folio 31: Ludgvan, May 25, 1754. Requests the Latin and English names for hortus siccus of the marine kind. Comments on a part of a leaf and a drawing of the Gallopavon [sic.]. Mrs Borlase will send Mrs Ellis a few Cornish shells.
Folio 32: Ludgvan, January 1, 1755. Discovery of a cobalt mine in Cornwall.
Folio 32: Ludgvan, July 18, 1755. Discusses the death of his father and two sisters, and the illness of his wife.
Folio 33: no date. Regarding coral hunting inspired by Ellis.
Folio 34: Ludgvan, September 15, 1755. Thanks for the plate of Corallines. Discusses Dr Schlosser's visit and his discovery "that the Seathongs shoot from the middle of the cup".
Folio 35: Ludgvan, September 16, 1756. Sends his drawings of marine finds and describes one in particular.
Folio 36: Ludgvan, August 10, 1757. Mentions he received Ellis's letter in the presence of Mr Heywood of Austin-friers, who remembered Ellis with great pleasure. He hopes to call on Ellis after Christmas. Informs that he will send drawings of sponges (which he will not publish if they happen to be of any use to Ellis) from Oxford.
Folio 37: Ludgvan, August 4, 1758. Hopes the small basked [basket?] he sent by the Turnpenny Tin Ship a forthnight ago. Sends deep condolences on the death of Ellis's wife.
Folio 38: 2 letters:
Ludgvan, November 25, 1758. Cannot find Sibthorpia. Remarks that he is glad that Linnaeus is his convert as he does great honour to whatever side he espouses.
Ludgvan, June 28, 1759. Enquiry about a herbarium specimen enclosed, called Dye-wood. Has been visited by Collinson & Demidoff; also Sibthorp.
Folio 39: Ludgvan, 1759. Regarding sea creatures observed by him.
Folio 40: Ludgvan, March 19, 1759. Thanks for plate of barnacles and encloses a drawing of a barnacle (present). In Preserving Seeds (Linnaeus & Collinson mentioned). Cannot find the Cornish Pennywort (Sibthorpia) for Mr Hudson of the Museum.
Folio 41: Ludgvan, February 22, 1764. Regarding the description of sea plants.

Folio 42: 1 letter, BOYD, Robert, dated September 27, 1773. Business letter.
Folio 43: 1 letter, BRITISH MUSEUM, London, dated August 26, 1768. Letter of thanks from the Standing Committee for the "Present of the Siren".

Folios 44-57: 14 letters, BROWNRIGG, William, FRS, dated 1750-1771:
Folio 44: Whitehaven, July 22, 1750. Regarding his illness and his "worthy relation Mr Quin." Aks Ellis to take charge of copies of his books, with copper plates.
Folio 45: Whitehaven, October 20, 1752. Sending Ellis sea plants. Sends a plan of his small garden (not present). Asks for plants and send his compliments to Dr Hales.
Folio 46: Whitehaven, June 15, 1753. Thanks Ellis for seeds and informs that he will send some sea mosses. Remarks on Ellis's paper to the Royal Society.
Folio 47: Whitehaven, March 1, 1754. J. E's election as FRS. His own scientific writings.
Folio 48: Whitehaven, December 4, 1754. On Ellis's paper on various marine bodies. His views on Ellis's theory that corallines are animals. Asks for a microscope "of yr Invention". Sends platina for Mr Shelvocke, secretary to the Post Office. His native place is Keswick.
Folio 49: Whitehaven, February 17, 1755. Quotes a passage from the letter of a friend "of great learning" at Oxford. Refers to his dear departed friend and fellow student Dr Isaac Lawson, Physician General to the Army in Flanders, and excellent Natural Historian & most consummate chemist. The whereabouts of Lawson's Collections of fossils and numerous manuscripts is unknown. Mendes da Costa and his History of Fossils. Has been examining "polpusses". Collecting fossils, some of plants from "Coal Works".
Folio 50: 2 letters: Whitehaven, May 18, 1756 Comments on how Ellis's discoveries and contributions to the field of Natural History will make him respected by posterity, as a man of genius, and a useful member of society. Remarks on Dr Huxham receiving the Royal Society Medal.
Whitehaven, June 19, 1756. Recommending an architect and inventor Mr Myers, who had failed, to Ellis's kindness.
Folio 51: Whitehaven, March 17, 1764. Collecting sea-productions for Ellis. Regrets on his recent visit to London. Solander.
Folio 52: Ormathwaite, Vlae of Keswick, June 27, 1766. Mud Iguana. Has sent Ellis marine plants from the Isle of Man. Brownrigg invites Ellis to his estate in Ormathwaite. Dr Fothergill and the cultivation of foreign plants. Refers to "one Cary a Baronet in Surrey", who had a garden for exotics.
Folio 53: Ormathwaite near Keswick, June 18, 1769. Sends seeds of Echium maritimum and some specimens of wild flowers. Describes a small village near Keswick.
Folio 54: Ormathwaite, March 22, 1770. Preservation of seeds. Refers to Ellis's discoveries in zoophytes.
Folio 55: Westminster, May 12, 1770. Is staying with the Dean of Westminster and both will visit Ellis.
Folio 56: Ormathwaite, May 13, 1771. Arrival of the "Endeavour". Labrador tea plant. Cinnamon tree at Madeira. Sends a Conferva from Keswick Lake.
Folio 57: Ormathwaite, December 7, 1771. Bad floods in his district. On the treasures brought back by Banks and Solander. Hemp. Paper Mulberry tree.

Folios 58-60: 3 letters, BRUCE, Alex, dated 1758-9:
Folio 58: Barbados, May 29 1758. Discusses Gum of the Cashoe tree, the poison tree, and locust tree. Remarks that he is expecting specimens from South America from Dr Westley Hall. Sends a specimen of resin - "Observe the Ant embalmed". The P.S. states that he has heard from Dr Hall, who "discovered the Cochineal, and a fine Silk Worm much superior to any yet known."
Folio 59: Barbados, July 17, 1759. Sending productions of Barbados by a friend.
Folio 60: Hilsea barraks [sic.] near Portsmouth, February 1, 1771. Aks Ellis to give him a plan of a green house flue for a friend.

Folio 61: 1 letter, BRUNNICH, M., Thomas, Sheer Ness, May 4, 1766. On his collections at Sheerness of Corallines. A quaint letter, full of misspellings.
Folios 62-3: 1 letter, BUETTNER, D.S.A, Paris, 6 April 1753. Asks Ellis to get seeds and plants from Gordon, Miller, or some other person for Jussieu and Richard the Queen's Gardener. Encloses catalogue of plants desired (on folio 63). Sends Ellis some seeds.
Folio 64: 1 letter, BURMAN, Jan, to Chr. Klynhoff, surgeon in the hospital, Batavia 1756. Enclosed in letter from Dr Schlosser 27 December 1756. [A translation, by Professor G. J. Renier, of University College, London, of this Dutch letter can be found on page 14 of the "Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of the Linnean Society of London, Part IV-Calendar of the Ellis Manuscripts" by Spencer Savage.]

Folio 65: CARLETON, Guy, 1 letter, Quebeck, July 17, 1770. Informs Ellis that he has received the rhubarbs seeds which he intends to distribute.

Folios 66-67: 1 letter and enclosed excerpt on folio 67, COLLINSON, Peter, London, November 24 1757. In regard to an Indian plant which is said to dissolve stones in the bladder. Asks Ellis to get some seeds from Madras.
Folio 68: 1 letter, DA COSTA, Emanuel Mendes, April 17, 1755. Giving an extract from a letter from Mr Needham, Paris, Arpil 8.
Folio 69: 1 letter, COWLY, Thomas, Dublin, 14 December 1752. Regarding a gold watch of his being repaired, and a chagrin case made. Is laying out his grounds at Butterstone.
Folios 70-73: 4 letters, DE BRAHM, William, dated 1759-1764:
Folio 70: 1 letter, Anaugusta, 28 December, 1759. Details of plants collected by him and sent to Ellis - "Yallow pine", Spruce, "Chinquapins", Great laurel or Magnolia, "Loblawlly", tree Sassafras Laurel, Papajos, " Gum anime", Tulip tree, "Halsea minor", Savannah Locust, Hony locust.
Folio 71: 1 letter, Savannah, October 2, 1764. Encloses some seeds (Chestnut, Georgian lily, Asphodel, "Georgian White Elebor", and Phytolacca), and four drawings of plants (on folios 72 and 73), and also gives his receipt for distilling sea water into drinking water.
Folios 74-75: 1 letter, DE CORDUS, J. W. F, Fuerth, near Nuremburg, October 29, 1755. [Letter in Dutch but with an Enligsh translation attached on folio 75.]
Folio 76: 1 letter, DE LA CHERRIS, Sam, Lisburn, 21 October 1754 [but due to illegibility it could also be 1751]. Thanking Ellis for endeavouring to find a place for his son.
Folio 77: 1 letter, DELVES, R., Busbridge, 1769. Thanks Ellis for sending Magnolias.
Folio 78: 1 letter, DEMAINBRAY, S., Panton Street, near the Hay Market, August 20 1756. Is going to lecture in London on natural history. Asks for microscope sliders of coralines, & c (Ellis gave him some plates in 1755). Asks if Ellis will make some sliders if they were to be made by Mr Cuff.
Folios 79-81: 1 letter, DE PONTHIEU, H., Dominica, dated September 6, 1776. Addressed: Agent for the Island of Dominica & for West Florida, Hampstead, near London. Apparently redirected: Miss Ellis no 45 Hatton Garden or at Mrs Butlers in Leather Lane. [Note: Ellis died 15 October ,1776.] Is sending his botanical specimens to Mr Banks. Giving account of his difficulties in collecting plants in the forests. Turkeys inferior to English ones. Gives a graphic account of the state of the Island generally. Asks for more boxes for sending back live plants for Dr Pitcairn and the King's Garden. His calculations of the taxes of the coffee.
Folio 82: 1 letter, DUHAMEL DE MONCEAU, Paris, May 22, 1757. Refers to the return of natural history specimens from ships captured during the war.
Folio 83: 1 letter, DUNGANNON, Lord, Dublin, May 3, 1768. Acknowledges Ellis's letter and that Ellis did service to the Ireland linen trade in 1766.

Folios 84-86: 3 letters, DUNTZE, Arnold, Dr, dated 1754-1767:
Folio 84: Rotterdam, January 20, 1759. Sends one of his inaugural disserations, and asks Ellis for his treatise.
Folio 85: Bremen, September 30, 1754. Sends a Sertularia. Asks for a copy of the "Essay".
Folio 86: Bremen, February 2, 1756. Thanks for copy of the "Essay". Sends a piece of a "sea tree", a "sea tree" from Norway and pieces of coral from the farthest North. Asks for fossils.

Folio 87: 1 letter, DURNFORD, Elias, Lt. Governor, Pensacola [West Florida], May 30, 1770. Is sending Ellis specimens of the Starry aniseed and will send a sketch of it.

Folios 88-90: 3 letters, EHRET, George Dionysius, dated 1753-1754:
Folio 88: Oxford, November 10, 1751. Sending copy of a letter from Sibthorp concerning his dispute with him whilst gardener at the Oxford Botanic Garden.
Folio 89: August 4, 1753. The letter is to Peter Collinson - Collinson had the letter re-directed to Ellis. Discusses a specimen of "Climbing apocynum" [Collinson-"Periploca virginiana"]; also names a Cotyledon in P. C's garden.
Folio 90: Oxford, 21 July, 1754. Patrick Browne's curiosities. About his illustrationg Browne's History of Jamaica.

Folio 91: 1 letter, ELIOT, Edward, Port Eliot, March 21, 1773. About a specimen of Quercus Aegilops he had sent for His Majesty's Garden.
Folios 92-95: 1 letter, ELLIS, John, Governor, dated 1772-1774:
Folio 92: Green Castle, Jamaica, 26 July 1772. Plants & c collected by Mr Robins and himself. Sends seeds of the Wild ginger. Considers Patrick Browne a mere complier. Refers to blast of the sugar cane, for which fumes of sulphur are used to kill the insects. Raising tropical plants in England.
Folio 93: November 10, 1774, Wimpole Street, November 10, 1774. Will bring Robinson's drawing of the chocolate which is very exact; also one of the Tallow Tree by Robins.
Folio 94: 1 letter, ELLIS, L.G, Lieut, Philadelphia, November 16, 1772. Sends part of a grinder from the Salt Licks, on the Ohio, w't a bit of petrified Wood.
Folio 95: 1 letter, ELLIS, Martha, Southampton, September 20, 1769. Informs Ellis of her stay in Southampton.

Folios 96-97: 2 letters, ELLIS, Welbore, Rt. Hon, dated 1774-1775:
Folio 96: 1 letter, February 24, 1775. Thanks for copy of book on the Mangostan. Will send the other 5 books to India, as requested.
Folio 97: 1 letter, March 22, 1774. Thanks for seeds from Jamaica.

Folio 98: 1 letter, FIRBY, John, Pensacola, September 26, 1770. Addressed Agent for West Florida. Has sent two small parcels, one to HRH The Princess Dowager of Wales, one to The Earl of Hillsborough, containing seeds of the star aniseed and an apple of the Swamp magnolia.
Folio 99: 1 letter, FLETCHER, Andrew, London, August 28, 1756. Halesia. Sends seeds of the Portugal Yellow Broom. Mentions the "Gardens at Whitton".

Folios 100-105: 6 letters, FORD, John, dated 1745-1770:
Folio 100: Ouderkirk, November 22, 1745. The letter is addressed to George Whatley at Mr John Ellis's Merch in Lawrence Lane, London. The letter is in bad Dutch and endorsed by Whatley that it was answered in Ellis's letter of December 10.
Folio 101: Leghorn, October 14, 1746. His experiences of bad weather at sea. It took him two months to reach Leghorn from Holland.
Folio 102: Leghorn, January 11, 1747. Describes the Italian gardens. Wishes to learn music. Gives a list of tulip bulbs etc. he is sending to Ellis.
Folio 103: Leghorn, August 12, 1748. Gradening in Leghorn. Refers to his brother Roger. Visits Pisa Physic Garden to get plants for Ellis.
Folio 104: Dublin, October 19, 1752. Consults Ellis as to his future.
Folio 105: Dublin, December 8, 1770. Letter addressed to Mrs Anne Nevill in Park Street, Westminster, London. Telling his aunt how he is being "noosed" into marriage. Has spent much time in his mother's company, reading to her, who he avers has succeeded in getting him.
Folio 106: Dublin, October 20, 1763. Letter is from Ellis's sister. Her daughter Hetty (who married Mr Joshua Leathly).

Folio 107: 1 letter, FORD, Roger, Monaghan, July 7, 1750. Roger Ford was Ellis's nephew and apparently sent Ellis linen and other goods from Ireland "before they get to your Ware House."
Folio 108-109: 2 letters, FOSTER, Anthony, dated 1763-1764.
Folio 108: Dublin, May 12, 1763. Discusses the linen business.
Folio 109: near Dublin, March 25, 1764. Has built two stoves-one for pines and one for grapes. Matters of linen board business. The linen has just been transmitted to Great Britain by the Lord Lieutenant. Hopes Ellis will meet his son at the Grecian Coffee House, Temple Bar.

Folios 110-119: 13 letters, FOSTER, John, (son of Anthony Foster), dated 1768-1771:
Folio 110: Dublin, October 12, 1768. Thanks for account and plate of the new sensation plant (Dionaea) and asking for seeds from America.
Folio 111: Dublin, July 27, 1769. Thanks for seeds. Asks for more seeds of forest trees fom America - will pay ten or twelve guineas. Gives details of his plantings.
Folio 112-113: Dublin, December 16, 1769. Asks for more seeds of trees. Encloses a description of the Aphernousli Pine. Linen board business.
Folio 114: Dublin, February 4, 1770. Asks for more seeds of trees. MS list in Ellis's hand with letter.
Folio 115: Dublin, March 17, 1770. Letter of thanks.
Folio 116-116a: Dublin, September 10, 1770. Aks for more seeds and fruit trees. Notes on the progress of his garden.
Folio 117: Collon near Dublin, October 16, 1770. Sends 'A list of evergreens in my possesion according to Miller (6 pages) and discusses some of them.
Folio 118: Dublin, March 4, 1771. Linen Board business. James Godon's box of seeds mentioned. Asks opinion of Miller's figures of plants. Desiderata.

Folio 119-131: 13 letters, FOTHERGILL, John, largely not dated. The dates are approximations only:
Folio 119: Harpur Street, 5th inst, 1774.About correcting and returning a sheet.
Folio 120: 27 inst, no year. Asking for a draft of the proposal of West India Merchants for a premium. The Aletris fragrans is about to flower in his stove.
Folio 121: Gray's Inn, January 28, 1775. Draft of advertisement (m. Fothergilli) with John Ellis's name to it, about the Mangostan and Bread Fruit.
Folio 121: 29th at night. Enclosing draft of an address to Ld. S, 1st Lord of the Admiralty.
Folio 122: The Square, Hampstead. 26 inst. Sends £34 to pay for a pamphlet.
Folio 123: 26 June, no year. Letter declining a dedication to a pamphlet and giving his reasons.
Folio 124: Harpur Street, 25 inst, no date. Mentions De Ponthieu. Returning a sheet corrected.
Folio 125: Gray's Inn, 23 inst. Regarding specimens of West Indian Madrepores & Millepores, collected by Clark, a clergyman who contributed largely to Sir Hans Sloane's museum.
Folio 126; Regarding publication.
Folio 127: The Square, Hampstead, 18 inst. Regarding his receiving of a sheet.
Folio 128: Near Middlewick, Cheshire, 7 m[onth], 14 [1776]. His perusal of the MS on Bread Fruit and Mangostan and his comments on the work.
Folio 129: Lea Hall, 16 inst. Informs that he received the plate and recommends Ellis an excursion to the sea side.
Folio 130: Harpur Street, 12 inst. Invitation to dine with him.
Folio 131: Harpur Street, 20 inst. Sending J. Miller's sketch of the Coffee, and the several parts of fructification.

Folios 132-133: 2 letters, FRANKLIN, Benjamin, dated 1773-1774:
Folio 132: Craven Street, December 26, 1773. Returns book Ellis lent him.
Folio 133: Craven Street, January 12, 1774. Presents his compliments to Ellis, and sends him all the information he has concerning coffee.

Folios 134-152: 6 letters, GARDEN, Alexander, dated 1771-1758:
Folio 134: Charlestown, 30 November, 1758. Marked "For Linnaeus inclosed to the care of John Ellis Esqr". Sending Ellis a copy of his letter to Linnaeus to be forwarded to Linnaeus. This copy was kept by Ellis and is present. He also asks for the latest works of Linnaeus to be sent to him.
Folio 135: 1758. Copy of a letter sent by Garden to Linnaeus. Transcript printed by Smith.
Folio 136: undated. A letter introducing to Ellis, Garden's friend, Daniel Blake, Esquire.
Folios 137-144: undated. Duplicate Latin descriptions of Ellisia (sent to Ellis undated), Beuronia, Tetrapteris, Halesia, Ellisiana, Palm sp, Syngonevia, Anonymous Diandria Monogynia.
Folio 145-151: undated. Eight lists of seeds sent to Ellis, one with a Bill of Landing. One list dated 1760.
Folio 152: June 20, 1771. [Not published in Smith Correspondence Linn.] His gratitude both to Linnaeus and Ellis. Complains of the hot climate.

Folios 153-155: 3 letters, GORDON, Reverend, William, dated 1774:
Folio 153: undated. Regarding guns with rifle-barrels.
Folio 154: (6 pages labelled as 154), Mobile, Florida, 1774. A very long and detailed letter giving an account of the Province of West Florida.
Folio155: undated. Note on Hebrew of Psalm 2.

Folio 156: 1 letter, GOSSELIN, Joshua, Guernsey, September 15, 1760. Is sending sea plants requested by Ellis and a book with bits of plants stuck in for Ellis to identify. Asks for purple oyster green and foreign corallines.

Folios 157-158: GREG, John, FRS, 2 letters, dated 1760-1764:
Folio 157: Charleston, 7 February 1760. Addressed to Ellis at his house in Ivey Lane near Guild Hall London. Mentions Dr A. Garden.
Folio 158: Charlestown, c. 1764. Sends a box of plants and some corals from St. Vincent. Has sent plants, pods, and flowers of Cacao.

Folios 159-160: 2 letters, HALIFAX, Lord, dated 1769-1752:
Folio 159: Horton, August 30, 1752. Concerning a box from Captain Ellis.
Folio 160: Greenhouse, May 1, 1769. Thanks for present of boxes from Governor Ellis to Miss Montagu.

Folio 161: 1 letter, HAVILAND, Thomas, September 27, 1755. Schlosser "a very ingenious Gentleman". Offers a Vetch he thinks new and fossils (pholas sacculus).

Folios 162-164: 4 letters, HILLSBOROUGH, Marq. of., dated 1763-1765:
Folio 162: August 5, no year. Asks for "six of each of the two sorts" of Katmias.
Folio 163: May 1765, Ellis to Hillsborough. About buying orange and lemon trees for Lord H.
Folio 164: Hanover Square, no date, 1763. Instructs him to send Kalamias to Belfast.

Folios 165-167: 3 letters, HYDE, Dr John, dated:
Folio 165: Edinburgh, December 21, 1765. Sending Mr Duncan's collection of Fuci for Ellis to name. Offers to get Dr Ramsay to collect specimens of seaweed from the Mediterranean. Mr Bradenach Surgeon of an Indiaman will present himself to Ellis. Will send marine plants from the Western Isles.
Folio 166: Edinburgh, January 12, 1766. Remarks on Linnaeus and his naming of the Fucus varieties. He hopes to search for it and send it to Ellis.
Folio 167: Edinburgh, August 20, 1768. Sends seeds of Rheum palmatum.
Folio 168: September 16, 1768. Inviting J. E to call his friend Captain Blake and his son who has been in China and brought back many Chinese plant paintings. Blake's son is going abroad and would get J. E anything he wants.

Folio 169: 1 letter, HOFFMAN, John Frederick, Sangerhouse, August 12, 1757. Appreciation of Ellis's Essay on corallines. The writer a year previously taught himself English.
Folio 170: 1 letter, HOGARTH, Willaim, Chiswick, November 28, 1757. Praising an engraving of corallines sent by Ellis.
Extent1 (of 2) volumes
Related MaterialMS/276
NotesThe letters included in this volume are those put aside by Sir James Edward Smith when editing his 'Selection of the Correspondence of Linnaeus'. The other letters to John Ellis will be found in the "Supplement" guard book of the Linnaean Correspondence. In volume 2 (MS/276) a certain number of the smaller miscellaneous MSS of John Ellis follow the letters.
Both volumes are now placed with the Linnaean Correspondence on account of the considerable number of letters having contemporary references to Linnaeus. The volume contains 1 loose letter in folder, inside labelled "Linnaean".
Publn_NoteFull transcriptions of all letters within the volume are available in the "Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of the Linnean Society of London, Part IV, Calendar of the Ellis Manuscripts (The Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers of John Ellis)" by Spencer Savage.
Creator NameEllis, John
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