Ref NoMS/270
TitleCorrespondence of William Swainson: A - C
AdminHistoryWilliam John Swainson (1789-1855), FLS FRS, naturalist and scientific illustrator was the oldest son of John Timothy Swainson, a founder Fellow of the Linnean Society. William travelled to Sicily, Malta, Greece and mainland Italy where he collected large numbers of specimens. In 1815, he brought his specimen collection to England and became a Fellow of the Linnean Society. Swainson travelled to Brazil with Koster, 1816-1818, and amassed another collection of birds. His published works include Zoological Illustrations (1820-3), eleven volumes in Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaediam and three volumes in Sir William Jardine's Naturalist's Library. He adopted a quinary system based on the circular system of William Sharp MacLeay [also spelt McLeay or M'Leay]. In 1837 he emigrated to New Zealand and died there.
DescriptionCorrespondence is numbered and arranged in alphabetical order by sender. A dash appears where the summary of the letter is unknown/unrecorded/illegible.


1. ABBOT, John., to Swainson, Savannah, dated 20.12.1816. In reply to S's enquiry, A. offers drawings of insects- with answer from S's father.
2. SWAINSON, J.T., to Abbot, No origin, No date.
3. SWAINSON, to Abbot, Bahia, dated 25.10.1817. S. answers ordering as many as his means will allow.
4. SWAINSON, to Abbot, Bahia, dated 26.2.1818. S. offers in part payment Brazillian Birds and Insects. (Duplicate.)
5. ABBOT, John., to Swainson, Savannah, dated 1.5.1818. A. has made a consignment to S.; loss of wife renders him homeless.
6. ABBOT, John., to Swainson, Ballock Co., dated 10.11.1818. Accepts S's offer of exchange - deplores deterioration of Georgian Fauna - wants S's advice as to preservatives.
7. SWAINSON, to Abbot, Elm Grove, dated 28.1.1819. S's reply to letter 6; he is not well satisfied with Abbot's consignment and reduces price - further offers of exchange. (Added to letter 6.)
8. ABBOT, John., to Swainson, Savannah, dated 7.6.1819. Agrees to exchange of specimens, but drawings are to be paid for. (Letter in duplicate.)
9. ABBOT, John., to Swainson, Savannah, dated 16.6.1819. Partial duplicate of letter 8.
10. ABBOT, John., to Swainson, Ballock Co., dated 12.7.1819. Reference to a series of drawings sent by A. to Zurich. (Different partial duplicate of letter 8.)
11. ABBOT, John., to Swainson, Savannah, dated 15.12.1819. Ditto. A has lost large collections by fire.
12. ABBOT, John., to Swainson, Savannah, dated 15.1.1820. End of a letter with a bill for 900 insects and 104 drawings.
13. ABBOT, John., to Swainson, No origin, No date. Fragment with account.
14. ALLEN, Th., to Swainson, Malta, dated 3.9.1814. Purely personal.
15. ALLEN, Th., to Swainson, Osilar?l, dated 17.1.1815. Purely personal.
16. ANDERSON, George., to Swainson, London, dated 5.2.1810. Thanks for present of living Sicilian plants.
17. ANNESLEY, George., 1st Earl of Mountnorris, to Swainson, Mountnorris, dated 1.1.20. About shells.
18. ARROSTO, Ant., to Swainson, No origin, dated 30.9.1812. Miscellanous botanical subjects (Letter in Italian.)
19. ARROSTO, Ant., to Swainson, Messina, dated 21.12.1812. Miscellanous botanical subjects (Letter in Italian.)
20. ARROSTO, Ant., to Swainson, Messina, dated 5.7.1815. Miscellanous botanical subjects (Letter in Italian.)
21. ARROSTO, Ant., to Swainson, No origin, dated No date. Miscellanous botanical subjects (Letter in Italian.)
22. ARROSTO, Ant., to Swainson, No origin, dated No date. Miscellanous botanical subjects (Letter in Italian.)
23. ARROSTO, Ant., to Swainson, No origin, dated No date. Miscellanous botanical subjects (Letter in Italian.)
24. AUDUBON, John., James, to Swainson, London, dated 9.4.1828. In reply to an offer by S to view his works for a copy of them at cost-price, A agrees, although his publications cost him twice the sale price-Habits of Lanius excubitor.
25. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated -.4.1828.
26. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 18.4.1828. A proposes to meet S.
27. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 1.5.1828. A most effusive letter of thanks for S's review-His plan of publishing a work on British Birds does not meet with favour from any one.
28. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 16.6.1828. Another letter in high flown language. His method of composing the picture of the Eagle and the Lamb.
29. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 1.7.1828. On the same and other picture composed or improved in London from various materials.
30. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated -.7.1828. A hopes the "Eagle and Lamb" will go to Windsor Castle. S abstained from offering an opinion on the merits of the picture.
31. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated -.8.1828. Despondent about domestic affairs; proposes to S a visit to Paris.
32. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 21.8.1828. About the arrangements for the journey. Has received from Vigors the offer of £10 10s. Od.p. sheet for a paper for the Zoological Journal.
33. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 22.8.1828. About the arrangements for the journey. Has received from Vigors the offer of £10 10s. Od.p. sheet for a paper for the Zoological Journal.
34. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 25.8.1828. About the arrangements for the journey. Has received from Vigors the offer of £10 10s. Od.p. sheet for a paper for the Zoological Journal.
35. AUDUBON, J.J., to Mrs Swainson, London, dated 27.8.1828. To Mrs S, who joins the party in Paris.
36. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 1.11.1828. A has returned from Paris where he got 14 subscribers to his work, which raises the whole list of subscribers to 144.
37. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 7.11.1828. A has sold his picture of the Blue Jays for 10gs; he has presented his work to the Linnean Society, without receiving an acknowledgement.
38. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 10.11.1828. -
39. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 20.12.1828. -
40. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 25.12.1828. A mentions that the skeleton of the Elephant from Exeter 'Change fetched £400.
41. AUDUBON, J.J., to Mrs Swainson, London, dated 11.7.1829.
42. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, New Jersey, dated 14.9.1829. Private affairs.
43. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 28.4.1830. A has returned to England, visits Paris again, sends S copy of the first volume of Ornith. Biography; disapproves of S's engaging in controversial matters in his article on "French Naturalists".
44. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 5.5.1830. About his mammoth publication; is greatly elated by his election into the Royal Society, and the recognition for his works by the US Government.
45. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, Manchester, dated 26.7.1830. Considers a new Woodpecker named by S to be the young of a well-known species; gives 30 birds to the British Museum.
46. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 22.8.1830. About the same Woodpecker-A proposes to S the perparation of a new work, A giving ideas, S putting them into a pleasing shape, both authors joining their households during the progress of their work.
47. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 6.6.1831. A returns to America for collecting purposes.
48. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 6.12.1837. A asks for loan of some birds.
49. AUDUBON, J.J., to Swainson, London, dated 11.1.1838. About Prince Bonaparte-Cygnus bewickii and other Northern Birds.
50. AUDUBON, Victor. Gifford., to Swainson, London, dated 8.5.1824. Expects his father to arrive in England.


51. BABBAGE, Charles., to Swainson, London, dated 31.1.1832. On the decline of science.
52. BAINBRIDGE, G.C., to Swainson, [?], dated [?]. "Sturnus praedatorius"-"Emberiza erythrophthalma."
53. BALDWIN, R, to Swainson, London, dated 17.10.1820. -
54. BANKS, Sir Joseph., to Swainson, Hounslow, dated 27.3.1816. Returns thanks for present of seeds.
55. SWAINSON., to Banks, Liverpool, dated 20.11.1816. Asks for official letters of introduction to Portugese Governor in Brazil, but decline to undertake any duties beyond sending living plants to R. Gardens at Kew.
56. SWAINSON., to Banks, Liverpool, dated '181.'. S having returned from Brazil, has sent another lot of seeds to Banks.
57. BANKS., to Swainson, London, dated 16.2.1819. B has failed to obtain the desired assistance; he has sent the seeds to Kew.
58. BARCLAY, Robert., to Swainson, Cheltenham, dated 3.5.1828. Exchange of greenhouse-plants.
59. BARCLAY, R., to Swainson, Buryhill, dated 28.5.1828. Exchange of greenhouse-plants.
60. BARNARD, Markland., to Swainson, London, dated 27.5.1829. On the origin of human races.
61. BATHURST, C., to Swainson, Sandrock, dated 22.2.1838. -
62. BATHURST, C., to Swainson, Fareham, dated 23.4.1838. -
63. BELL, Thomas., to Swainson, London, dated 28.3.1827. Illegible.
64. BELL, Thomas., to Swainson, London, dated 28.3.1827. (Transcript of no.64 almost illegible)
65. BELL, Thomas., to Swainson, London, dated -.4.1831. Bell has the real Testudo rugosa of Shaw.
66. BELL, Thomas., to Swainson, London, dated 9.4.1838. Apology for having kept specimens belonging to S for 10 years.
67. BENNETT, Edward Turner., to Swainson, London, dated 22.10.1822. With PS. by Vigors.
68. BENNETT, E.T., to Swainson, London, dated 2.7.1828. Asks for continuation of paper on Laniidae in Zoological Journal and S declines. SWAINSON., to Bennett, St Albans, dated 3.7.1828. Reply
69. BENNETT, E.T., to Swainson, London, dated 11.1828. Zoological Club of Linnean Society Ray. commemoration dinner. Printed formal invitation
70. BENNETT, E.T., to Swainson, London, dated 18.12.1828. Ditto.
71. BERNARDI, Antonio Bivona, to Swainson, Palermo, dated 7.1810. On orchids. (In Italian)
72. BERNARDI, A.B., to Swainson, Palermo, dated 27.6.1811. On collecting plants for S. (In Italian)
73. BERNARDI, A.B., to Swainson, Palermo, dated 27,6.1811. Translation of letter no 72.
74. BERNARDI, A.B., to Swainson, Palermo, dated 18.7.1811. Translation [No original]
75. MCLEAY., to Bemardi, London, dated 19.12.1815. Letter of thanks from the Linnean Society for publications.
76. BICHENO, James Ebenezer., to Swainson, London, dated 14.11.1827. As to access to the library of the Society.
77. BICHENO, J.E., to Swainson, London, dated 7.5.1828. Society declines to give plates from the Transactions to S.
78. BLACKWALL, John., to Swainson, Cumpsall Hall, dated 26.8.1829. On Muscicapa atricapilla and Lanius excubitor.
79. BLOMFIELD, Sir Th., to Swainson, Shooters Hill, dated 11.4.1823. On Promerops.
80. BLOXAM, Andrew., to Swainson, Volparaiso, dated 18.9.1825. Has visited the Sandwich Islands; fauna very poor; the "yellow winged birds"(Moho) nearly exterminated and cost 1 dollar each; has found very little at the Galapagos Islands.
81. BLOXAM, A., to Swainson, Rugby, dated March 1826. Has returned to England; cannot part with his collections which belong to Admiralty; but may get some specimens from a shipmate, and will communicate his notes to S.
82. BLOXAM, A., to Swainson, Rugby, dated 26.3.1826. -
83. BLOXAM, A., to Swainson, Rugby?, dated 18.4.1826. Sends S some shells from Sandwich Islands.
84. BLOXAM, A., to Swainson, Rugby, dated 19.4.1826. Enters the Church: about S's proposal to sell Brazil. Birds to Oxford Museum.
85. BLOXAM,A., to Swainson, Oxford, dated 24.4.1826. On the same matter. Has noticed a very strange bird.
86. BIEN & REINKE., to Swainson, Rotterdam, dated 15.4.1823. About lithographic stones.
87. BOHN, John., to Swainson, London, dated 22.4.1839. About S's proposal to sell his collection of drawings.
88. BOHN, J., to Swainson, London, dated 18.8.1839. About S's proposal to sell his collection of drawings.
89. BONAPARTE, C. Lucien, Jules Laurent, Prince, to Swainson, Florence, dated 30.7.1829. About his movements-notes on S's Mexican Birds-has little faith in Audubon's drawings.
90. BONAPARTE, to Swainson, Rome, dated 24.7.1830. About exchange of publications-notes on various Birds-Museums in Italy-Are there two Golden-crested Wrens?
91. BONAPARTE, to Swainson, Rome, dated 4.4.1832. Agrees to S's charge of three guineas for each drawing plate; also to the purchase of a copy of his Arctic birds-On Cinclus.
92. BONAPARTE, to Swainson, London, dated -.11.1837. Proposes to visit S.
93. BONAPARTE, to Swainson, London, dated 5.12.1837. A request for the loan of some birds.
94. BONAPARTE, to Swainson, Leghorn, dated 19.7.1838. Proposes to S to reside with him in Rome, for the object of jointly writing a general work on all the birds known, estimated at 7000-8000 species.-A list of errors in Bonaparte's geographical comparative list.-Agrilorhinus.
95. SWAINSON, to Bonaparte, St. Albans, dated -.8.1838. Extract.
96. BOOTH, J., to Swainson, London, dated 1.3.1819. About Wood's "Conchology".
97. BOSTOCK, John, Dr., to Swainson, London, dated 20.12.1825. Remuneration for an article.
98. BOSTOCK, J., to Swainson, Dorking, dated 29.6.1829. On matter.
99. BOSTOCK, J., to Swainson, London, dated 22.11.1832. Discontinues "Illustrations".
100. BOSTOCK, J., to Swainson, London, dated 7.1.1833. Discontinues "Illustrations".
101. BRANDE, William Thomas., to Swainson, London, dated 25.10.1822. About S's contributions to Quarterly Journal; remuneration to be £8 per sheet.
102. BRANDE, W.T., to Swainson, London, dated 8.12.1822. About S's contributions to Quarterly Journal; remuneration to be £8 per sheet.
103. BRANDE, W.T., to Swainson, London, dated 31.1.1827. About S's contributions to Quarterly Journal; remuneration to be £8 per sheet.
104. BRANDE, W.T., to Swainson, London, dated 17.8.1827. About S's contributions to Quarterly Journal; remuneration to be £8 per sheet.
105. BRANDE, W.T., to Swainson, London, dated 6.1.1830. With a reply from S.
106. BREWSTER, David, Sir., to Swainson, Edinburgh, dated 19.1.1820. Reply to S's offer of literary work.
107. BRIGHTWELL, Thomas., to Swainson, Norwich, dated 18.7.1821. Offers to S unpublished drawings of insects by Wilkin, also insects from his own collection.
108. BRIGHTWELL, T., to Swainson, London?, dated 17.8.1821. Agrion.
109. BRODERIP, William John., to Swainson, London, dated 1.11.1820. On "Mermaids".
110. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 12.11.1820. About Exotic Conchology-about shells-Aporrhais.
111. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 20.10.1821. Letter refers to proof-sheets submitted to B for revision; he remonstrates with S about his carelessness in nomenclature, spelling and style, and gives him much friendly and patient advice.
112. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 21.10.1821. Ditto.
113. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 31.10.1821. Ditto.
114. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 5.11.1821. Ditto.
115. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 16.11.1821. Ditto.
116. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 11.12.1821. Ditto.
117. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 11.12.1821. Ditto.
118. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 1821?. Ditto.
119. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 2.1.1822. Ditto.
120. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 7.1.1822. Ditto.
121. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 12.1.1822. Ditto.
122. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 4.10.1822. Ditto.
123. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 9.12.1822. Ditto.
124. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 12.9.1822. On Cypraea lactea.
125. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, date unknown. S breaks off his friendly relations with B.
126. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 17.3.18-. S breaks off his friendly relations with B.
127. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, date unknown. S breaks off his friendly relations with B.
128. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 8.7.1824. On Bullock's Mexican Exhibition-New Avicula-New Humming-birds.
129. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 12.10.1827. -
130. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 10.3.1827. B discretely declines to interfere with S's differences with Vigors. About Voluta lyriformis. The new edition of the Zoological Journal. Vigors presents his birds to the Zool. Soc., and probably his insects.
131. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 9.10.1827. About the delay in the publication of one of S's contributions in the Zoological Journal.
132. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 3.11.1830. Referring to affairs of the Royal Society - Agitation in favour of Herschel.
133. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 22.10.1830. Referring to affairs of the Royal Society - Agitation in favour of Herschel.
134. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 20.5.1839. British Museum declines to purchase S's collections of drawings and specimens.
135. BRODERIP, W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 1840. Sound advice about engaging in controversy about Thelidomus.
136. BROOKES, Joshua., to Swainson, Theatre of Anatomy, dated 27.5.1819. Offers 5 guineas for a specimen of the Great headed Goatsucker (Podargus). With business card.
137. BROWN, Robert., to Swainson, London, dated 4.7.1820. Official letter from the Linnean Society allowing to S free use of their specimens of Shells and Insects.
138. BROWN, Thomas., to Swainson, London, dated 9.8.1819. Exchange of shells.
139. BULLOCK, William, to Swainson, London, dated 22.1.1818. Preparing to sell his museum by auction.
140. BULLOCK, William, to Swainson, London, dated 12.3.1819. About the sale.
141. BULLOCK, William, to Swainson, London, dated 15.12.1820. Offers to sell S's shells-Leach hopelessly ill.
142. BULLOCK, William, to Swainson, London, dated 12.2.1824. About an offer by S to describe the new species in B's possesion.
143. BULWER, J., to Swainson, Dublin, dated 23.3.1824. A wealthy collector of shells; about exchange with S.
144. BULWER, J., to Swainson, Dublin, dated 21.9.1824. A wealthy collector of shells; about exchange with S.
145. BULWER, J., to Swainson, Dublin, dated -.10.1824 . A wealthy collector of shells; about exchange with S.
146. BULWER, J., to Swainson, Dublin, dated 1.12.1824. A wealthy collector of shells; about exchange with S.
147. BUNTING, J., to Swainson, London, dated 21.4.1840. About missionary work in New Zealand.
148. BUNTING & BEECHAM., to Swainson, London, dated 11.11.1840. A letter of introduction to missionaries in New Zealand.
149. BUNTING & BEECHAM., to Swainson, London, dated 11.11.1840. A letter of introduction to missionaries in New Zealand.
150. BURCHELL, William John., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 22.3.1819. In reply to a request by S, B states that his Insects have been deposited in the British Museum, and that his Birds are packed up.
151. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 27.9.1819. In reply to a request by S, B states that his Insects have been deposited in the British Museum, and that his Birds are packed up.
152. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 17.8.1824. Is travelling through England.
153. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 10.9.1824. S has established more friendly relations with B who, however, still witholds his collection of Birds.-Malaconotus atrocyaneus.
154. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 13.11.1824. S has established more friendly relations with B who, however, still witholds his collection of Birds.-Malaconotus atrocyaneus.
155. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 11.12.1824. S has established more friendly relations with B who, however, still witholds his collection of Birds.-Malaconotus atrocyaneus.
156. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 15.2.1825. Preparing for an exhibition to Brazil.
157. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 22.2.1825. Preparing for an exhibition to Brazil.
158. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 5.3.1825. Preparing for an exhibition to Brazil.
159. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Rio de Janeiro, dated 31.8.1825. B informs S that Langsdorff sends S 600 Birds for £65; also Insects. L is collecting in the interest for the Russian Government. B prepares for his journey into the interior.
160. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 15.9.1830. Sends S African plants, and promises to open his boxes of birds.
161. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 23.10.1830. Invitations and meetings of B and S.
162. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 1.11.1830. Ditto.
163. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 11.11.1830. Ditto.
164. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 24.1.1831. About B's enormous collections which are still to be worked out-about collecting Cleoptera in papers.
165. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 28.2.1831. Habits of Nectarinia-generic names for Wood-peckers-is favourable to S's proposal, of jointly working out his birds-about S's vindication of certain French authors (Lesson & Desmarest).
166. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 21.4.1831. Mentions the head and painting of the Dodo at Oxford.
167. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 25.5.1831. B is ill and unable to make a journey to
168. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 18.9.1832. Goes to Paris.
169. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 6.8.1838. About S's intention to emigrate.
170. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 29.1.1839. Conveys information as to the advantages of Tasmania for intending emigrants; dissuades S from leaving England.
171. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 8.6.1839. About family affairs.
172. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 23.8.1839. About family affairs.
173. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 3.10.1839. About family affairs.
174. BURCHELL, W.J., to Swainson, Fulham, dated 30.5.1840. About family affairs.
None. BYRNE, A., to Swainson, London, dated 7.7.1821. Order for a drawing of raspberries.
175. SWAINSON., to Canterbury, dated 5.7.1840. Copy.


176. CANTERBURY, Archbishop of [William Howley]., to Swainson, Canterbury, dated 4.3.1840. Copy of S's application for the Keepership of the Zoological Department of the British Museum - Archbishop's acknowledgement of receipt.
177. Swainson, to CANTERBURY, London, dated 3.3.1840. Copy.
178. CANTOR, Theodore Edward., to Swainson, London, dated 22.5.1838. Describes his zoological work in India, and offers S certain specimens.
179. CANTOR, T.E., to Swainson, London, dated 28.7.1838. Gives S duplicate insects, but reserves his ichthyological material to himself.
180. CANTOR, T.E., to Swainson, London, dated 14.8.1838. Gives S duplicate insects, but reserves his ichthyological material to himself.
181. CANTOR, T.E., to Swainson, London, dated 20.8.1838. Gives S duplicate insects, but reserves his ichthyological material to himself.
182. CHARLESWORTH, Edward., to Swainson, London, dated 11.7.1838. The Magazine of Natural History is quite open to receive communications from S.
183. CHARLESWORTH, E., to Swainson, London, dated 19.11.1838. The Magazine of Natural History is quite open to receive communications from S.
184. CHILDREN, John George., to Swainson, London, dated 15.1.1831. About Mr Drummond.
185. SWAINSON, to Children, St Albans, dated 4.6.1831. Draft of a letter from S joining issue with Ch about systems in Natural History.
186. CHILDREN, J.G., to Swainson, London, dated 11.7.1831. Ch's reply-referring particularly to the system of Lamarck.
187. CHILDREN, J.G., to Swainson, London, dated 6.3.1840. Declines to support S's candidature for the Keepership in the Zoological Department of the British Museum, and regards J.E Gray to be the best qualified for the post.
188. CLIFFORD, J.D., to Swainson, Lexington, dated 17.4.1820. Offers fossils for exchange.
189. COATES, D., to Swainson, London, dated 27.3.1840. About Mission work in New Zealand.
190. COOPER, William., to Swainson, New York, dated 10.6.1830. Sends S fresh-water shells.
191. COOPER, W., to Swainson, New York, dated 30.6.1830. Sends S fresh-water shells.
192. CORRIE, Mrs., to Swainson, dated 13.12.1827. Illegible.
193. CORRIE, Mrs., to Swainson, Birmingham, dated 8.10.1828. -
194. CORRIE, Mrs., to Swainson, date unknown. Griffith's collection of shells-Strombus hemionus, L.
195. COTTON, E.S., to Swainson, Genoa, dated 8.4.1815. Contents political and social.
196. COTTON, E.S., to Swainson, London, dated 10.10.1838. Contents religious.
197. COTTON, E.S., to Swainson, London, dated 14.1.1840. Contents religious.
198. CUMING, Hugh., to Swainson, London, dated 24.11.1840. Business transaction.
199. CUNNINGHAM, Allan., to Swainson, HMS Bathurst, dated 25.5.1821. His botanical collectins are sent to Kew but he may give insects to S. Is aquainted with Langsdorff.
200. CUNNINGHAM, A., to Swainson, Parramatta, dated 6.2.1828. Sends S birds from N. S. Wales.
201. CUNNINGHAM, A., to Swainson, Brentford, dated 3.10.1831. About Australian birds which he had offered to S.
202. CUNNINGHAM, A., to Swainson, Clerkenwell?, dated 3.11.1833. About Australian birds which he had offered to S.
203. CUNNINGHAM, R., to Swainson, Sydney, dated 9.11.1833. Promises to occasionally make entomological observations and collections for S.
204. CURTIS, John., to Swainson, London, dated -.8.1820. Referring to a dispute about plates coloured by C for S. Seven letters and and two drafts of S's replies.
205. CURTIS, John., to Swainson, London, dated 25.9.1820. Referring to a dispute about plates coloured by C for S. Seven letters and and two drafts of S's replies.
206. CURTIS, John., to Swainson, London, dated 15.10.1820. Referring to a dispute about plates coloured by C for S. Seven letters and and two drafts of S's replies.
207. CURTIS, John., to Swainson, London, dated 24.11.1820. Referring to a dispute about plates coloured by C for S. Seven letters and and two drafts of S's replies.
208. CURTIS, John., to Swainson, London, dated 29.11.1820. Referring to a dispute about plates coloured by C for S. Seven letters and and two drafts of S's replies.
209. SWAINSON., to Curtis, Liverpool, dated 2.12.1820. (Draft, 5th page on back of invitation).
209/6. LAITEDALE, to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 2.12.[1820]. Invitation.
210. CURTIS, to Swainson, London, dated 8.12.1820. Estimates regarding coloured plates.
211. SWAINSON, to Curtis, Liverpool, dated 11.12.1820. Copy.
212. CURTIS, to Swainson, London, dated 14.12.1820. Regarding a parcel.

*Two original coloured drawings of butterfiles.
Extent1 volume
Creator NameSwainson, William John
GB/110/1/453Swainson; William (1789-1855); naturalist and artist1789-1855
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