Description | Papers relating to the Conversazione put together for the Bicentenary of the Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace paper reading, held on the 15th of July 1958.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE 1. 1955 Mar 4. Darwin-Wallace and Systema Naturae Celebrations Committee Meeting. Minutes. 2. 1955 Mar 17. Council Meeting. Minutes. 2a. 1955 Apr 15. Linnean Society to Royal Society Suggests the Royal Society and Geological Society join with the Linnean Society in forming a Sub-Committee to consider details of the Darwin-Wallace Centenary and Systema Naturae Bicentenary. 2b. 1955 Apr 15. Linnean Society to Geological Society [Similar letter to No. 2a.] 2c. 1955 May 16. Geological Society W. Campbell Smith and O.M.B. Bulman appointed to serve on Sub-Committee. 2d. 1955 May 19. Royal Society C. Darwin and J.S. Huxley appointed to serve on Sub-Committee. 2e. 1955 Dec 8. Proposals of Darwin-Wallace Celebrations Committee Meeting. 3. 1956 Mar 8. Proposals of Darwin-Wallace Celebrations Committee Meeting 4. 1956 Mar 15. Council Meeting. Minutes. 5. 1956 Apr 6. Notice of Meeting of Council Sub-Committee. Agenda. 6. 1956 Apr 12. List of possible recipients of Darwin-Wallace medals and of authors who might be invited to contribute to the Linnean Society commemoration journals. 7. 1956 Apr 19. Council Meeting. Minutes. 8. 1956 Oct 12. Linnean Society. Suggests a meeting of the Royal Society, Geological Society and Linnean Society to discuss the Darwin-Wallace Centenary. 9. 1956 Nov 22. Royal Society Date of meeting to discuss proposals for joint Conversazione. 10. 1957 Feb 8. Notice of Meeting of Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations Joint Sub-Committee. 11. 1957 Feb 15. Proposals to celebrate 250th anniversary of the birth of Linnaeus and the Darwin-Wallace Centenary. 12. 1957 Feb 25. Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations Committee. Minutes of 21st February meeting. Attached is list of exhibit suggestions. 13. 1957 Mar 7. Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations Committee Meeting. Proposals. 13a. 1957 Mar 25. Linnean Society. Invitation to become member of the Systema Naturae Celebration Committee. [Addressed to Dear Sir (or Madam).] 14. 1957 Jun 12. Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations Committee. Minutes of 6th June meeting. 15. 1957 Oct. Centenary Celebrations in 1958. Details. 16. 1958 Mar 7. Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations Committee to meet 13th March. Agenda. 17. 1958 Mar 12. Confirmation of agreement on 8th November 1956 on the allocation of tickets and wording of the invitation to the Conversazione. 18. 1958 Mar 12. Notes on the position regarding exhibits for the Conversazione, 15th July. 19. 1958 Mar 12. Estimated costs of the Conversazione for 650 guests, £426/5/-. 20. 1958 Mar 20. Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations Committee. Minutes of 13th March meeting. 20a. 1958 May 15. Darwin Anniversary Committee. Brief report on the Committee's activities. 21. 1958 Jun 6. Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations Committee. Minutes of 30th May meeting. 22. 1958 Mar 28. Centenary Celebrations, 1958. Programme and forms of application. 23. 1958 May 23. Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations Committee to meet 30th May. Agenda. 24. 1958 Jul 15. Special Linnaeus-Darwin-Wallace Meeting to be held 15th July at the Royal Geographical Society Programme. 25. 1958 Jul 15. Royal Society, Linnean Society, Geological Society Conversazione.
DARWIN-WALLACE COMMEMORATION MEDALS 26. 1954 Jan 4. John Pinches. Describes the dies of the Darwin-Wallace medal. 27. 1955 Dec 20. Linnean Society to John Pinches. Asks if dates on the medal could be changed and the approximate cost of fresh dies from new designs. 28. 1955 Dec 23. John Pincher. Not possible to alter existing dates. Gives estimate for bronze and silver medals 29. 1956 Mar 16. Linnean Society to John Pinches. Orders 12 silver and 100 bronze Darwin-Wallace medals. Silver medals Society will be returned for the necessary inscription 30. 1956 Mar 19. John Pinches. Order for medals acknowledged. 31. 1956 May 7. Pantin, C. Suggests names for medals. 32. 1957 Apr 4. De Beer, G. Does not feel he could accept Darwin-Wallace medal. Gives reasons and suggests Prof. Camille Arembourg. 33. 1957 Apr 18. President Linnean Society to De Beer, G. Regrets his decision but understands it. 34. 1958 Jan 2. Linnean Society to Hamshaw Thomas, H. Encloses alterations to draft letter awarding medal to named recipients. 35. 1958 Jan 30. Letters to individuals asking if they would accept Commemorative Medal. 36. Stensio, E. Happy to accept the medal. 37. 1958 Feb 1. Huxley, J. Happy to accept the medal. 37a. 1958 Feb 3. Hutchinson, J. Happy to accept the medal. 38. 1958 Feb 3. Fisher, R.A. Happy to accept the medal. 39. 1958 Feb 4. Rensch, B. Happy to accept the medal. 40. 1958 Feb 4. Simpson, G.G. Happy to be awarded the medal but is recovering from an accident and cannot attend the presentation ceremony. 41. 1958 Feb 4. Caullery, M.J.G.C. Happy to accept the medal. 42. 1948 Feb 5. Muller, H.J. Happy to be awarded the medal but could not attend the presentation ceremony. 43. 1958 Feb 6. Van Straelen, V. Happy to accept the medal. 44. 1958 Feb 6. Mayr, E. Happy to accept the medal. 45. 1958 Feb 6. Haldane, J.B.S. Happy to be awarded the medal but unfortunately could not attend the presentation ceremony. 46. 1958 Feb 6. Heim, R. Happy to accept the medal. 47. 1958 Feb 7. Watson, D.M.S. Happy to accept the medal. 48. 1958 Feb 9. Skottsberg, C. Happy to accept the medal. 49. 1958 Feb 10. Turesson, G.V. Happy to be awarded the medal but could not attend the presentation ceremony. 50. 1958 Feb 10. Florin, C.R. Happy to accept the medal. 50a. 1958 Feb 12. Binnerts, Mrs. A. Her father, J.C. Willis, happy to accept medal but will not be able to attend ceremony. 51. 1958 Feb 15. Thomas, H.H. Happy to accept the medal. 51a. 1958 Feb 18. Muller, H.J. He might be able to attend the ceremony. Will confirm. 52. 1958 Feb 19. Pavlovsky, E.N. Happy to accept the medal. Has despatched Russian translation of The Temple of Nature. 53. 1958 Feb 19. Anderson, E. Happy to accept the medal 54. 1958 Apr 23. Linnean Society to John Pinches. Requests an additional eight copies of the Darwin-Wallace medals in silver. 55. 1958 Apr 26. John Pinches. Request acknowledged. 56. 1958 Apr 29. Muller, H.J. Regrets cannot attend presentation ceremony. 57. 1958 May 9. Linnean Society to Swedish Embassy. Asks if a representative can accept the medals on behalf of C.R. Florin, C. Skottsberg, Stensio and C.V. Turesson. 58. 1958 May 9. Linnean Society to U.S. Embassy. Asks if representative can accept medals on behalf of E. Anderson, H.J. Muller and C. Gaylord Simpson. 59. 1958 May 12. Linnean Society to John Pinches. Encloses 12 Darwin-Wallace medals with names for inscription. 60. 1958 May 12. Swedish Embassy. Will send representative for presentation of medals 61. 1958 May 16. John Pinches. Acknowledges receipt of 20 medals in all for engraving. 62. 1958 May 19. U.S. Embassy. Agrees to send representative for presentation of medals. 63. 1958 Jun 3. Linnean Society to Smith, J.M. Haldane unable to be present for presentation of Darwin-Wallace medal. Asks if he, J.M. Smith, could receive medal on his behalf. 64. 1958 Jun 3. XVth Int. Congress of Zoology. Encloses four names of medallists struck out of the Conversazione list and must therefore be included in the Linnean Society list. 65. 1958 Jun 3. Linnean Society to Binnerts, Mrs. A. Asks if she can be present to accept the medal awarded to her father. 66. 1958 Jun 4. Smith, J.M. Will be pleased to receive medal on behalf of Haldane. 67. 1958 Jun 5. Linnean Society to John Pinches. Returns one of the medals with incorrect inscription. 68. 1958 Jun 5. Haldane, J.B.S. Confirms Maynard Smith will act on his behalf. 69. 1958 Jun 5. Linnean Society to French Embassy. Asks if representative can accept medal on behalf of M. Caullery. 70. 1958 Jun 11. Linnean Society to Haldane, J.B.S. Confirms that Maynard Smith will accept medal on his behalf. 71. 1958 Jun. Sociedad Mexicana De Historia Natural. Invitation to attend Special Meeting to celebrate the Darwin-Wallace Centenary. 71a. 1958 Jun 16. Linnean Society to Sociedad Mexicana De Historia Natural. Sends greetings, a bronze medal and copy of the Proceedings of the Celebrations in 1908. 72. 1958 Jun 17. French Embassy. Agrees to send representative for presentation of medal. 72a. 1958 Jun 24. Varin, R. (French Embassy). In the absence of the Ambassador he hopes the Linnean Society will accept him as representative to receive Caullery's medal. 73. 1958 Jul 1. Journals Botany and Zoology. Printed list of naming those who received the Silver Darwin-Wallace Commemoration Medals. 74. 1958 Jul 3. Watson, J. Will be happy to reply for the zoologists at the celebration. 75. 1958 Jul 4. Smith J.M. Asks if would be in order to wear lounge suit when accepting medal on behalf of Haldane. 76. 1958 Jul 29. Muller, H.J. Acknowledges receipt of medal. 77. 1958 Aug 11 Florin, R. Gives thanks for the Darwin-Wallace medal. 78. 1958 Aug 19. Turesson, G. Gives thanks for the Darwin-Wallace medal. 79. 1958 Aug 26. Simpson, G.G. Has received medal and gives thanks. 80. 1958 Sep 12. Fryer, G. Would like to purchase bronze copy of the Darwin-Wallace medal. 81. 1958 Oct 31. Fryer, G. Encloses 35/- for bronze copy of Darwin-Wallace medal. 82. 1958 Nov 3. XVth Int. Congress of Zoology. Encloses cheque for £50/15/- in respect of 20 bronze medals sold during the Congress. 83. 1958 Dec 16 Anderson, M.M. Has received copy of Evolution by Natural Selection but not the medal. 84. 1958 Dec 30. Linnean Society to Anderson, M.M. Medal was despatched to him on 8th September. 85. 1958 Jul 15. Special Linnaeus-Darwin-Wallace Meeting. Outline of the programme. 86. Procedure for medal presentation. 87. List of citations. 88. 1958. Linnaean Bicentenary and Darwin-Wallace Centenary. Description of Special Meeting at the Royal Geographical Society on 15th July to award 20 Darwin-Wallace medals and to hear paper by A. Tindell Hopwood to commemorate publication of Systema Naturae. 89. 1958. Announcement by the President of recipients of the Silver Darwin-Wallace Commemoration Medals. 90. 1958. List of recipients of the Darwin-Wallace medals. 91. Leaflet describing Darwin-Wallace Medals, Darwin-Wallace Centenary Commemoration Journal, reprint of “Evolution by Natural Selection”
CELEBRATION CORRESPONDENCE 92. 1954 Apr 23. Peters, J.A. Encloses memo sheet "A method for bringing Systema Naturae up to date". Asks if the Linnean Society group had anything similar in mind. 93. 1955 Mar 4. De Beer, G.R. to Kendrick, T. Asks if the B.M. undertake the rebinding of the 10th edition of Systema Naturae. 94. 1955 Mar 21. Linnean Society to Uggla, A.H. Asks if he would translate Linnaeus's annotations to appear as an appendix to facsimile reproduction of Systema Naturae. 95. 1955 Mar 28. Linnean Society to Peters, J.A. To commemorate the bicentenary of Systema Naturae, the Linnean Society and British Museum (Natural History) will reproduce Linnaeus's own copy together with all his annotations. 96. 1955 Mar 31. Uggla, S.H. Happy to undertake the translation. Asks if Latin annotations should be translated. 97. 1955 Apr 6. Linnean Society to De Beer, G. Suggests he asks Richardson if the Royal Academy would consent to the placing of a plaque to commemorate the reading of the Darwin-Wallace papers within the Royal Academy. 98. 1955 Apr 7. De Beer, G. to Royal Academy. Asks if they would consider placing a plaque to commemorate reading of the paper by Darwin and Wallace. 99. 1955 May 2. Royal Academy to De Beer, G. Agrees in principle to plaque on the Diploma Gallery but requires further information. 100. 1955 May 12. Linnean Society to Peters, J.A. His letter of 23rd April would go to Council. 101. 1955 May 18. Uggla, S.H. Hopes the King of Sweden would be able to visit the Linnean Society during the Bicentenary. 102. 1955 May 26. De Beer, G. to Royal Academy. Apologizes for not answering their kind letter. Design of the plaque would be entirely in their hands. 103. 1955 Jun 2. De Beer, G. Facsimile of the Linnean Society's copy of Systema Naturae would be so unsatisfactory and expensive that he could not recommend that the money be spent by the British Museum (Natural History) 104. 1955 Dec 12. Linnean Society to Geological Society Asks if they will take part in joint Conversazione with the Linnean Society and Royal Society in the rooms of the three Societies and Royal Academy. 105. 1955 Dec 19. Linnean Society to Hamshaw, H.T. Royal Society not in favour of large jamboree. They prefer to hold a smaller affair of their own. 106. 1956 Jan 2. Linnean Society to Royal Academy. Suggests that the Academy recommends people who would submit designs for the plaque. Linnean Society would pay £200-£300. 108. 1956 Jan 5. Royal Academy. Linnean Society's letter will be considered by Council 24th January. 109. 1956 Jan 5. Linnean Society to Hewer, H.R., Stern, F.C. and President. The Royal Society wishes to discuss the Conversazione and suggests date for meeting. 110. 1956 Jan 24. Linnean Society to Royal Academy. Linnean Society letter of 3rd January be held in suspense. 111. 1956 Jan 24. Linnean Society to Uggla, A.H. Decision made not to publish facsimile of Linnaeus's Systema Naturae but hopes he will continue with translation of the notes which would be published as part of the Bicentenary Celebrations. 112. 1956 Feb 10. De Beer, G. The Zoological Congress will undertake to pay the cost of publishing the Commemorative Volume for the Darwin-Wallace Centenary. 113. 1956 Feb 23. Linnean Society to De Beer, G. Grateful to the Congress and also for the concession that allows Fellows to purchase the proposed volume at cost price. 114. 1956 Mar 28. Uggla, A.H. Astonished at decision not to publish facsimile of Systema Naturae. Cannot go ahead with the notes. Asks for photostat of Systema Morborum, 1741 to 1742. 115. [There is no letter No. 115. Editor's error.] 116. 1956 Jul 14. Uggla, A.H. Not yet received the photostats requested 28th March. 117. 1956 Jul 18. Linnean Society to Uggla, A.H. Regrets delay in replying. The microfilm will be despatched soon. Asks if anybody else could undertake the translation. Chatter. 118. 1956 Oct 4. Elllis, A.E. Asks where a friend of his can obtain information about the celebrations. 119. 1956 Oct 9. Linnean Society to Ellis A.E. Confirms that nothing definite about the celebrations had yet been arranged. 120. 1956 Oct 24. Linnean Society to Evremov, I.A. Invites an article from him to appear in the special celebration volume. 121. 1956 Oct 26. De Beer, G. Happy to contribute to the special volume with his paper on "Darwin's views on the relations between embryology and evolution". 122. 1956 Oct 26. Godwin, H. Is abroad and will return in mid-November. 123. 1956 Oct 26. Pontecorvo, G. Happy to contribute to the Centenary volume. 124. 1956 Oct 29. Manton, I. Happy to contribute to the Centenary volume. Seeks details. 125. 1956 Oct 29. Matthews, L.H. Happy to contribute to the Centenary volume. 126. 1956 Nov 5. Bennet-Clark, T.A. Regrets but he had nothing useful to contribute. 127. 1996 Nov 9. Gibbs, R.D. Happy to contribute to the Centenary volume. 128. 1956 Nov 9. Lack, D. Nothing at the moment to contribute, but perhaps at the end of the year. 129. 1956 Nov 19. Godwin, H. Regrets but cannot contribute because of lack of time. 130. 1956 Nov 19. White, E.I. Happy to contribute to the Centenary volume. 131. 1956 Nov 26. Linnean Society to Lack, D. Council hopes he will be able to contribute. 132. 1956 Dec 13. Peters, J.A. Suggests how the Society for the Study of Evolution could participate with the Linnean Society in the Centenary Celebration. 133. 1956 Dec 15. Efremov, J.A. Describes the two papers he is planning to write. Asks for Linnean Society preference. 134. 1956 Dec 31. Hewer, H.R. Has De Beer's paper [see No. 121] in hand. Asks how many invitations to contribute had been accepted. 135. 1957 Jan 1. Linnean Society to Dony, J.G. Gives details of the Darwin-Wallace celebrations. 136. 1957 Jan 4. Linnean Society to Manton, S.M. Seeks reply to Hon. Secs. invitation to contribute. 137. 1957 Jan 4. Linnean Society to Corner, E.J.H. Seeks reply to Hon Secs. invitation to contribute. 138. 1957 Jan 7. Corner, E.J.H. Hopes somebody else could be found but if not he will feel compelled to write on ""The transference of function"". 139. 1957 Jan 9. Linnean Society to Peters, J.A. His letter of 13th December will be put to Council. 140. 1957 Jan 17 Manton, S.M. Had replied verbally. Confirms she will contribute. 141. 1957 Feb 6. Royal Col. of Surgeons of England. Returns Darwin's vasculum which had been on loan at Down House. 142. 1957 Feb 22. Linnean Society to Royal Geographical Society Asks if their rooms could be used for symposium to commemorate Bicentenary of Linnaeus's Systema Naturae. 143. 1957 Feb 22. Linnean Society to Peters, J.A. Outlines plans for the Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations. His Society would be invited to send representative. 144. 1957 Feb 26. Royal Geographical Society Happy to allow use of rooms subject to payment of overhead expenses. 145. 1957 Mar 1. Royal Society Encloses Minutes of the Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations Committee. Asks that action be taken on the exhibit forms. 146. 1957 Mar 6. Linnean Society to Royal Geographical Society Confirms the date of the booking. 147. 1957 Mar 26. Linnean Society to Ford, E.B. Invites an article from him to appear in the special celebration volume. 148. 1957 Mar 29. Ford, E.B. Happy to contribute to the Centenary volume. 149. 1957 Mar 29. Bulman, O.M.B. If he can think of a suitable subject he will let Linnean Society know 150. 1957 Mar 30. Parrington, T.R. Happy to contribute to the Centenary volume, perhaps on fundamental matters concerning the evolution of the reptiles. 151. 1957 Apr 30. Pearsall, W.H. Would be prepared to write a paper on ecology. 152. 1957 May 17. Sculptured Memorials. Drawing of plaque, with estimates for alternative treatments of the lettering. 153. 1957 May 20. Linnean Society to Pearsall, W.H. Happy to accept an article on the lines he suggests. 154. [There is no letter No. 154. Editor's error] 155. 1957 Jun 5. Sculptured Memorials. Encloses drawing for the plaque, with estimates. 156. 1957 Jun 15. Wedgwood, J. He will be returning this week. Linnean Society letter will be placed before him. 157. 1957 Jul 19. Linnean Society to Sculptured Memorials. With one exception the design of bronze plaque is approved, together with estimate of £55. 158. 1957 Jul 22. Sculptured Memorials. Confirms the order for the bronze plaque. 159. 1957 Jul 26. Linnean Society to Director of Kew. Grateful for the decorations and living specimens provided for the Conversazione on 15th July. 160. 1957 Jul 30. Naturalists Society attached to Estonian Academy of Sciences. Is celebrating Darwin's 150th birthday and the Centenary by special conferences in 1959. Asks about the Jubilee preparations in England. 161. 1957 Aug 29. Linnean Society to Naturalists Society Celebrations to be in 1958, not 1959. 162. 1957 Sep 17. Organizacion de los Estados Americanos. Seeks information about the Centenary to publish in their magazine La Educacion. 163. 1957 Oct 9. Sculptured Memorials Society. Plaque has been completed. Awaits instructions. 164. 1957 Oct 17. Linnean Society to Hopwood, A.T. Suggests he and A.J. Cain each read a paper at a special meeting to be held in the Royal Geographical Society 165. 1957 Oct 17 Linnean Society to Cain, A.J. Suggests that he and A.T. Hopwood each read a paper at a special meeting to be held in the Royal Geographical Society 166. 1957 Oct 21. Linnean Society Open Letter. Asks if those who had accepted invitation to write could possibly submit MSS before the end of December. 167. 1957 Oct 22. Lack, D. A reminder that he had declined the invitation to contribute. 168. 1957 Oct 22. Bulman, O.M.B. Cannot yet decide. Asks for list of palaeontological titles from the other contributors 169. 1957 Oct 22 Linnean Society to Sculptured Memorials. Asks that the plaque be delivered to Linnean Society. 170. 1957 Oct 23 Sculptured Memorials. Confirms that plaque will be delivered to Linnean Society. 171. 1957 Oct 24. Ford, E.B. Will do his best to deliver by the middle of December. 172. 1957 Oct 30. Gibbs, R.D. Will do his best to deliver before the end of December. 173. 1957 Nov 1. Corner, E.J.H. Has sought to do his duty for Celebration number. 174. 1957 Nov 6. Hopwood, A.T. A pleasure to accept the Linnean Society's invitation. 175. 1957 Nov 6. Linnean Society to Bulman, O.M.B. Linnean Society preference would be for a paper on Evolution of the Graphlites. 176. 1957 Nov 9. Bulman, O.M.B. Will try to complete before Christmas. Asks the size of type area for illustrations. 177. 1957 Nov 20. Linnean Society to Naturalists Society attached to Estonian Academy of Sciences. Encloses details of Celebrations in 1958. 178. 1957 Nov 20. Linnean Society to Organizacion de los Estados Americanos. Encloses details of Celebrations in 1958. 179. 1957 Nov 20. Linnean Society to B.M. Asks to borrow some of the Darwin-Wallace correspondence for exhibition at the Conversazione. 180. 1957 Nov 23. Parrington, F.R. Asks if his paper could exceed the 5,000 words originally suggested by the Linnean Society. 181. 1957 Nov 23. Linnean Society to Parrington, F.R. No objection if his paper extends to 7,000 words. 182. 1957 Nov 26. Pontecorvo, G. Enclosers his contribution to the Darwin-Wallace volume. 183. 1957 Nov 27. Sculptured Memorials. Encloses their account for the bronze plaque. 184. 1957 Nov 28. Linnean Society to Cain, A.J. Asks if he knows the whereabouts of the A.J. Wallace Collections. 185. 1957 Nov 29. Linnean Society to Sculptured Memorials. Council very pleased with the Darwin-Wallace plaque. 186. 1957 Nov 29. Linnean Society to Royal Geographical Society Confirms date and time of use of Hall. 187. 1957 Dec 2. British Museum. Encloses application form for loan of Darwin-Wallace correspondence. 188. 1957 Dec 3. Royal Geographical Society Has noted time and date their Hall is required. 189. 1957 Dec 11. Cain, A. Tells what he knows of the whereabouts of Wallace's collection. 190. 1957 Dec 20. Ford, E.B. Encloses his MS for the Centenary publication. 191. 1957 Dec 20. Gibbs, R.D. Encloses his MS for the Centenary publication. 192. 1957 Dec 27. Bulman, O.M.B. Encloses his MS for the Centenary publication. 193. 1957 Dec 29. Manton, S.M. Encloses her MS for the Centenary publication. 194. 1957 Dec 30. Parrington, T.R. Is despatching his MS for the Centenary publication. 195. 1957 Dec 30. Gibbs, R.D. Corrections to his MS for the Centenary publication. 196. 1958 Jan 3. Linnean Society to Manton, 5. Acknowledges receipt of her MS. 197. 1958 Jan 3. Linnean Society to Manton, Irene. Acknowledges receipt of her MS. 198. 1958 Jan 3. Linnean Society to Darnley, R. Acknowledges receipt of his MS. 199. 1958 Jan 3. Linnean Society to Bulman, O.M.B. Acknowledges receipt of his MS. 200. 1958 Jan 3. Linnean Society to Parrington, F.R. Acknowledges receipt of his MS. 201. 1958 Jan 10. Drapers' Company. The Master and Wardens have recommended to the Court that the Hall be loaned to the Linnean Society for a Dinner on 1st July. 202. 1958 Jan 14. Pearsall, W.H. Regrets he cannot submit paper for the proposed volume. 203. 1958 Jan 16. Harland, S.C. Regrets he cannot submit paper for the Darwin-Wallace volume. 204. 1938 Jan 16. Linnean Society to Adlard & Son. Orders 20 copies of attached letter and 10 copies with omission of a paragraph. 205. 1958 Jan 18 Huxley, J. Is writing his address to the Int. Congress of Zoology. Seeks to know the maximum number of words he may submit. 206. 1958 Jan 20. Linnean Society to Huxley, J. No objection to his MS extending to 8,000 words. 207. 1958 Jan 21. Huxley, J. Asks for list of the other contributors with their subjects. 208. 1958 Jan 21. Linnean Society to Adlard & Sons. Encloses eight papers for the Celebration number for issue on 1st July. 209. 1958 Jan 23. Adlard & Son. Lists the eight papers that had been received. 210. 1958 Jan 23. Linnean Society to Stern, F. Encloses letters for signature and quick return. 211. 1958 Jan 23. Stern, F. Has signed all the letters and despatched by registered post. 212. 1958 Feb 23. Matthews, L.H. Regrets the delay in producing enclosed contribution. 213. 1958 Jan 24. Linnean Society to Huxley, J. Encloses list of papers for the Commemoration journal. 214. 1958 Jan 27. Drapers' Company. Court agree on loan of Hall to the Linnean Society on 1st July. 215. 1958 Feb 10. Hollows, W.E. Regrets he cannot attend the Linnean dinner on 1st July. 216. 1958 Feb 11. (?). In favour of the Drapers' Hall for dinner. Uncertain if he can attend. 217. [There is no letter No. 217. Editor's error.] 218. 1958 Feb 13. Linnean Society to Drapers' Hall. Grateful for granting permission for Linnean Society dinner in the Hall on 1st July. 219. 1958 Feb 26. Cain, A.J. Asks if his lecture and that by Hopwood would be published in the special Darwin-Wallace volume. 220. 1958 Mar 2. Barlow, Nora. Happy if various Darwin relics in her possession and that of her sister were to be included among the exhibits at the Conversazione. 221. 1958 Mar 5. Linnean Society to Cain, A.J. Confirms that his lecture during the Systema Naturae Bicentenary will be published in the Linnean Society Proceedings. 222. 1958 Mar 5. Linnean Society to Hopwood, A.T. Confirms that his lecture during the Systema Naturae Bicentenary will be published in the Linnean Society Proceedings. 223. 1958 Mar 6. Cain, A.J. Grateful that his lecture will be published. 224. 1958 Mar 15. Keynes, Margaret. Quotes a letter from Huxley to Darwin with drawing (Huxley kneeling). Gives details of silhouettes of Erasmus Darwin playing chess with his son, and of Erasmus as an old dog dancing to the tune of Mrs. Chandos Pole. 225. 1958 Mar 19. Ring & Brymer. Suggested menus for the Drapers' Hall dinner. 226. 1958 Mar 21. Linnean Society to Royal Geographical Society Encloses list of photographs loaned to Linnean Society. 227. 1958 Mar 22. Stern, F.C. About the July dinner and menu B decision. 228. 1958 Mar 26. Linnean Society to Stern F.C. Will let Ring & Brymer know the menu B decision. 229. 1958 Mar 27. Linnean Society to Ring & Brymer. Accepts menu B at 42/- per head. Will not require the services of Toastmaster nor the supply of cigars and cigarettes 230. 1958 Mar 27. [Same as No. 229.] 231. 1958 Mar 31. Ring & Brymer. Confirms selection of menu B. 232. 1958 Mar 31. Linnean Society to Huxley, J. Acknowledges receipt of MS. 233. 1958 Apr 7. Barlow, Nora. Sends answers to questions on pink slip. Could bring with her Goodwin's two watercolours of Down House. 234. 1958 Apr 10. Hobby, B.M. Encloses cheque for Dinner tickets and Darwin volume. Asks if he should write Killington's obituary notice. 235. 1958 Apr 10. Linnean Society to Barlow, Nora. Watercolours of Down House would be welcome. 236. 1958 Apr 17. Universidad de Puerto Rico. Is celebrating Darwin's Centenary in 1959. Would like information on Linnean Society plans. 237. 1958 Apr 23. Linnean Society to Universidad de Puerto Rico. Enclosed circulars show that the Darwin Celebration in 1958. 238. 1958 Apr 25. Royal Society Quotation for erecting an awning from entrance of Burlington House to the Royal Society's door, £46. 239. 1958 Apr 29. Linnean Society to Manton, Irene. Proof returned as requested. 240. 1958 Apr 29. Linnean Society to Adlard & Son. Encloses corrected galley proofs for Darwin-Wallace Journal. 241. 1958 May 18. Skottsberg, C. Confirms he is unable to attend the Darwin-Wallace Celebration. 242. 1958 May 19. Bulman, O.M.B. Orders 150 reprints of his contribution to Darwin-Wallace Journal. 243. 1958 May 21. Linnean Society to Hopwood, A.T. Asks for title of his paper and delivery time. 244. 1958 May 21. Linnean Society to Cain, A.J. Asks for title of his paper and delivery time. 245. 1958 May 28. Royal Society of Canada. R. Gibbs will represent them during the Celebration. 246. 1958 May 28. Cain, A.J. Gives the title of his paper and his requirements during his lecture. 247. 1958 May 28. Wallace, R.R. Can attend unveiling of the plaque and the Linnean Society dinner. 248. 1958 May 29. (?). Asks when tickets will be issued and the question of dress. 249. 1958 Jun 2. Sociadad Mexicana de Historia Natural. Is celebrating the Darwin-Wallace Centenary and asks if Linnean Society would like to send a message. 250. 1958 Jun 2. Horstadius, S. Would like to attend the special meeting at the Royal Geographical Society on 15th July. 251. 1958 Jun 2. De Beer, G. Encloses 127 stalls for XVth Int. Congress of Zoology. 252. 1958 Jun 2. XVth Int. Congress of Zoology. Passes on letter from R.R. Wallace. 253. 1958 Jun 3. Linnean Society to Darwin, C. and Lady. Invites them to all the functions in the Darwin-Wallace Centenary Celebrations. 254. 1958 Jun 3. Linnean Society to Barlow, A. and Lady B. Invitation as in No. 253. 255. 1958 Jun 4. Darwin, W.R. Happy to attend the functions except the 15th July meetings. 256. 1958 Jun 4. Linnean Society to Keynes, G. and Lady K. Invitation as in No. 253. 257. 1958 Jun 4. Linnean Society to Thomas, R. and Mrs. T. Invitation as in No. 253. 258. 1958 Jun 4. Linnean Society to Mrs. Cornford, F.M. Invitation as in No. 253. 259. 1958 Jun 4. Linnean Society to Wallace, A.J.R. and Mrs. W. Invitation as in No. 253. 260. 1958 Jun 4. Linnean Society to Wallace, R.R. Invitation as in No. 253. 261. 1958 Jun 5. Pantin, C.F.A. The Darwin’s hope to be at the plaque unveiling and the dinner. 262. 1958 Jun 5. Linnean Society to Cain, A.J. Title of his paper and time involved are acceptable. 263. 1958 Jun 6. Sculptured Memorials. Their fixer will erect the plaque as requested. 264. 1958 Jun 6. Darwin, C. He and his wife accept the invitations. 265. 1958 Jun 6. Chatterjee, D. Regrets he cannot attend the Celebrations. 266. 1958 Jun 6. Binnets, Anita. Hopes to accept invitation but if not suggests in her place Margaret Anderson, her father's granddaughter 267. 1958 Jun 7. Barlow, A. and Lady B. can each individually accept part of the invitation. 268. 1958 Jun 7. Hardy, A. and Lady H. accept the invitation. 269. 1958 Jun 8. Thomas, R. and Mrs. T. accept the invitation. 270. 1958 Jun 8. Wallace, D.J. and Mrs. W. accept the invitation 271. 1958 Jun 10 List of invitations honoris causa 272. 1958 Jun 10 Keynes, G. and Lady K. Available only for the Conversazione 273. 1958 Jun 11. Cornford, Mrs. F.M. Regrets but cannot accept the invitation. 274. 1958 Jun 11. Linnean Society to Drapers' Company. Invites the Master to the Linnean Society Dinner. 275. 1958 Jun 11. Linnean Society to Royal Society of Canada. Pleased to welcome R.D. Gibbs as the Society's representative. 276. 1958 Jun 11. Linnean Society to Drapers' Company. Invites H. Farmar to the Linnean Society Dinner. 277. 1958 Jun 11. Linnean Society to Ring & Brymer. Will give definite number of diners on 30th June. 278. 1958 Jun 12. Manton, S.M. Encloses corrected proofs. 279. 1958 Jun 12. Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. Encloses copy of invitations to special meeting in memory of Darwin-Wallace. 280. 1958 Jun 12. Ring & Brymer. 30th June in order for the final number of diners. 281. 1958 Jun 13. Geological Society. President accepts the invitation for the Linnaeus-Darwin-Wallace meeting 282. 1958 Jun 13. R. College of Surgeons. President regrets he cannot accept the invitation. 283. 1958 Jun 13. R. College of Surgeons. President regrets he cannot attend the unveiling of the plaque. 284. 1958 Jun 13. Drapers' Company. The Master regrets he cannot accept the invitation. 285. 1958 Jun 14. Boerman, A.J. Hopes to accept the invitation. Points out his address. 286. 1958 Jun 14. Linnean Society to Huxley, J. and Lady Huxley. Invites them to the Linnean Society Dinner. 287. Collins, K. St. B. Will attend the Conversazione. 288. 1958 Jun 16. Nathan, Lord and Lady. They accept the invitation for the 15th July. 289. 1958 Jun 16. Nathan, Lord and Lady. They regret but cannot accept the invitation for the 1st July. 290. 1958 Jun 16. Linnean Society to Adlard & Son. Asks for proofs of menu card. 291. 1958 Jun 17. Gresson, Jun 17. Accepts the invitation for the 15th July. 292. 1958 Jun 18. Linnean Society to Pantin, C.F.A. Encloses dining table layout together with list of diners and VIP's [see No. 318]. Asks for their placement. 293. 1958 Jun 18. Longhurst, T.J. Gives change of address and asks about parking facilities. 294. 1958 Jun 19. Peterson, J.M. Regrets he is unable to accept invitation. 295. 1958 Jun 19. Linnean Society to Pantin, C.F.A. J. Huxley unable to attend the dinner. 296. 1958 Jun 20. R. Microscopical Society. President accepts the invitation for the 15th July. 297. 1958 Jun 20. R. Microscopical Society. President accepts the invitation for the 1st July 298. 1958 Jun 20. Pantin, C.F.A. Encloses list for seating. Will soon send draft of his speech. 299. 1958 Jun 20. Linnean Society to Longhurst, T.J. No parking restrictions at Drapers' Hall. 300. 1958 Jun 20. Linnean Society to Hewer, H.R. Reminder to ask C. Darwin to reply to Darwin Trust. 301. 1958 Jun 22. Mason, Mrs. U.C. Asks if ticket of invitation is available for a Swedish friend who is staying with her. 302. 1958 Jun 22. Linnean Society to Lady Keynes. Asks if she would send the Huxley letter to the Zoological Secretary. 303. 1958 Jun 23. Smart, J. Second ticket for Conversazione will be used by Mrs. Hughes. 304. 1958 Jun 24. De Beer, G. The Cambridge University Press will send the Linnean Society 120 copies of Evolution by Natural Selection. Asks for cheque, £70/12/6, for the 113 copies ordered. 305. 1958 Jun 24. Chalk, L. Regrets he cannot attend the D-W Dinner. 306. 1958 Jun 25. Darwin, C. He will make a short reply at the dinner. 307. 1958 Jun 26. Pantin, C.F.A. Encloses copies of draft of his address for the unveiling of the plaque. 308. 1958 Jun 26. Linnean Society to Chalk, L. Confirms no reservation made for him for the dinner. 309. 1958 Jun 26. Barlow, Lady N. Asks that the two pictures of Down House be collected. 310. 1958 Jun 27. Binnets, Anita. Asks that her niece, Margaret Anderson, attends the meeting to receive her father's medal. 311. 1958 Jun 28. Martin, D.C. and Mrs. M. He and his wife accept the invitation. 312. 1958 Jun 28. Lambert, C.F. Regrets he is unable to attend the Zoology Congress. 313. 1958 Jul. True Magazine. Photograph of model of H.M.S. Beagle. 314. 1958 Jul 1. Linnean Society. Invitation card for the exhibition of Darwiniana. 315. 1958 Jul 1. Linnean Society. D-W Centenary Dinner. Menu. 316. 1958 Jul 1. Linnean Society. Unveiling of D-W Plaque. List of signatures of those who attended. 317. 1958 Jul 1. D-W Dinner. List of those who attended, together with table number. [Table plan and numbers. Attached is list of diners.] 320. 1958 Jul 1. Martin, D.C. Regrets cannot attend Special Linnaeus-D-W Meeting. 321. [There is no letter No. 321. Editor's error.] 322. 1958 Jun 2. Keystone Press Agency. Encloses copies of photographs. 323. 1958 Jul 2. De Beer, G. to Edmonston, L.D. Grateful that the Darwin letters to his ancestor will be edited by Edward Hindle. 324. 1958 Jul 2. De Beer, G. to Compton, A.W. Grateful for photographs. They will be exhibited at the Conversazione. 325. 1958 Jul 2. Linnean Society to The Times. Enclosed is for favour of announcement. 326. 1958 Jul 3. Linnean Society to Keystone Press Agency. Asks that photographs, with captions, be sent to the Illustrated London News. 327. 1958 Jul 3. Adlard & Son. Acknowledges receipt of the D-W Journal for press. 328. 1958 Jul 4. Keystone Press Agency. Confirms that photographs had been sent to the Illustrated London News. 329. 1958 Jul 4. Royal Society. Letter to the press announcing the D-W Centenary Conversazione. 330. 1958 Jul 4. Pantin, C.F.A. He would like Conversazione tickets to be sent to Paulo Sawaya and wife and to Pasquale Pasquini and wife. 331. 1958 Jul 7. Linnean Society to Adlard & Son. Appreciates the difficulties but hopes that copies will be available for the Conversazioni. Lists reprints required. 332. 1958 Jul 9. Pantin, C.F.A. Encloses draft of his opening address. 333. 1958 Jul 9. Linnean Society to De Beer, G. Encloses cheque for £75 for 120 copies of Evolution by Natural Selection. 334. 1958 Jul 9. Linnean Society to Royal Horticultural Society. Asks for twenty 9 in. flower vases. 335. 1958 Jul 11. Linnean Society to Pikes Ltd. Asks that the Presidential Chair be collected and returned to the Linnean Society. 336. 1958 Jul 12. Linnean Society to Stern, F. Most grateful for his help in obtaining the Drapers' Hall for the D-W Dinner. 337. 1958 Jul 12. Linnean Society to Worshipful Company of Drapers. Grateful for use of their Hall for the D-W Centenary Dinner. 338. 1958 Jul 14. Scott, H. Gives address of Lucien Berland to whom the D-W Volume should be sent. 339. 1958 Jul 14. Keynes, M.E. Has just receivAletter asking for loan of Huxley-Darwin letter. Regrets it is too late for the Conversazione. 340. 1958 Jul 15. Linnean Society. Invitation cardffor the Special Linnaeus-D-W Meeting. 341. 1958 Jul 15. Linnean Society. Conversazion Catalogue of exhibits. 342. 1958 Jul 15. Linnean Society. Signatures of Fellows and Visitors attending the Special Linnaeus D-W Meeting. 343. 1958 Jul 18. Linnean Society. Enclosure for press announcement. 344. 1958 Jul 18. Linnean Society to Royal Geographical Society. Grateful for loan of photographs. 345. 1958 Jul 18. Linnean Society to Royal Horticultural Society. Grateful for loan of vases. 346. 1958 Jul 24. Duncan, G.C. Seeks Linnean Society help in his investigations into details of botanic and physic gardens in the U.K. Also into work by Darwin and/or Wallace relating to drug sources in the botanical field. 347. 1958 Jul 26. Linnean Society to Wallace, R. Grateful for contribution to exhibit of Wallaciana. 348. 1958 Jul 26. Linnean Society to Darwin, C. Grateful for loan of exhibits during the Conversazioni. 349. 1958 Jul 26. Linnean Society to Royal Geographical Society. Grateful for use of their hall. 350. 1958 Jul 26. Linnean Society to Barlow, Lady N. Grateful for loan of pictures, photographs and MSS. 351. 1958 Jul 26. Pantin, C.F.A. Encloses letters of acknowledgement to those who made loans for the Conversazioni. Also letter from John Wallace and the reply. 352. 1958 Jul 26. Linnean Society to Thomas, H.H. Grateful for the loan of specimens, MSS and pictures. 353. 1958 Jul 26. Thomas, H.H. Has unpacked the Darwin mementos which had been returned. Lists the items that were missing. 354. 1958 Jul 29. Linnean Society to Thomas, H.H. Missing Darwin mementos still in Linnean Society rooms. 355. 1958 Jul 29. Thomas, H.H. Acknowledges receipt of photographs and Darwin letters. 356. 1958 Aug 1. Isaac, I. Dept. of Botany, Swansea University is holding exhibition in commemoration of Darwin's work. Asks if Linnean Society has any relevant material they can borrow. 357. 1958 Aug 5. Linnean Society to Muller, H.J. Gives information about the Special Meeting. 358. 1958 Aug 5. Linnean Society to Isaac, I. The Linnean Society owns very little material relating to Darwin. 359. 1958 Aug 6. Linnean Society to Duncan, G.C. Suggests he writes to R.H. Jeffers about botanic and physic gardens of the U.K. Can find no D-W literature relating to drugs. 360. 1958 Aug 7. Duncan, G.C. Grateful to Linnean Society for their help. 361. 1958 Aug 14. Instituto Mexicano de Recursos Naturales Renovables. Outlines plans to commemorate in 1959 the Centenary of the Origin of Species. 362. 1958 Aug 28. Royal Geographical Society. to Street, H.E. Acknowledges safe return of pictures but asks for help in their identification. 363. 1958 Aug 29. Goodman, T.G. Regarding their forthcoming exhibition [see No. 356], asks who at the Linnean Society made the choice of subjects; they would seek his help. 364. 1958 Sep 4. Goodman, G.T. Grateful for Linnean Society's help. 365. 1958 Sep 5. Linnean Society to Goodman, G.T. The list of photographs would be sent to the Royal Geographical Society. [See No. 363.] 366. 1958 Sep 8. Linnean Society to Pantin, C.F.A. Invoice for two D-W dinners. 367. 1958 Oct 3. Linnean Society to Harley, B.H. Copy of Evolution by Natural Selection sent to him in error. Asks that it be returned. 368. 1958 Oct 6. University College of Swansea. Botany Dept. Darwin Centenary Exhibition. List of exhibits. 369. 1958 Oct 17. Goodman, G.T. Returns the D-W Journal, with thanks. 370. 1959 Jan 9. Anderson, M.M. Obvious that the D-W Medal sent to him had been stolen in transit. 371. 1959 Jan 19. Linnean Society to Anderson, M.M. Regrets lost medal had not been insured. Will place matter before Council. 372. 1959 Jan 22. Libreria Nicola Zanichelli. Had not yet received the bronze medal they had requested. 373. 1959 Jan 29. Zoological Society. Asks that enclosed letter be passed on to appropriate person. 374. 1959 Jan 29. Matthews, L.H. to Libreria Nicola Zanichelli. His letter about the bronze medal had been passed to the Registrar of the Congress. 375. 1959 Feb 4. Congress Registrar to Liberia Nicola Zanichelli. Medals held by Linnean Society. 376. 1959 Feb 20. Linnean Society to Anderson, M.M. Council had agreed to send him another medal. 377. 1959 May 7. Bowen, A.E. Encloses cheque, £1/151-, for D-W Centenary Medal. 378. 1959 May 26. Royal Society. The next issue of Notes and Records to be devoted to the principle of Natural Selection. Asks for list of Linnean Society Journal subscribers. 379. 1959 Jul 2. Anderson, M.M. Registered duplicate D-W medal not yet received. 380. 1959 Jul 29. List of those to whom the President had presented the D-W Journal. 381. 1959 Jul 29. Irving, D.J.M. Encloses cheque, £1/151-, for bronze replica which he would present to the Faculty of Science, University of Costa Rica. 382. 1959 Aug 26. Linnean Society to Anderson, M.M. Regrets medal had not been sent. Has now been despatched registered letter post. 383. 1959 Sep 10. American Museum of Natural History Planning an exhibition to commemorate publication of Origin of Species. Asks for photograph of meeting room where original papers were read, and other photostats if available. 384. 1959 Sep 27. Allen, D.E. Asks if the Botanical Society of the British Isles could borrow Darwin's vasculum for exhibition during their Darwinian Centenary Conference. 385. 1959 Sep 29. Linnean Society to Allen, D.E. His request [see No. 384] will be laid before Council. 386. 1959 Sep 30. Linnean Society to American Museum of Natural History. Photographs not possible as the meeting room was no longer in existence. 387. 1959 Oct 15. Cracovia Book Co. Order for a D-W Centenary Medal. 388. 1959 Nov 2. Linnean Society to Allen, D.E. Council approves of loan of Darwin's vasculum. 389. 1959 Nov 24. University of Chicago. Delegate's nomination card. 390. 1960 Sep 3. Phelps, I.R. Encloses cheque, 36/-, for D-W Centenary Medal. 391. 1960 Oct 24. Manchester Museum. Asks if they can borrow any Linnaeus exhibits. 392. 1960 Oct 31. Linnean Society to Manchester Museum. Encloses copy of Proceedings giving details of the Celebrations. 393. 1964 Jun 19. Linnean Society to Associated Redifusion. Encloses three proofs of Meeting Room which should be returned. 394. Original letter. Photograph and enlargement of negative. 395. Appendix I. Recent Chromosome counts in leptosporangiate ferns. 396. Part of paper about the original discovery by Darwin and Wallace. 397. Notice by Linnean Society about the Linnean Bicentenary and D-W Centenary. 398. Application form to attend unveiling ceremony and the dinner. 399. Royal Society. Conversazione. Description of exhibit. 400. Description of the D-W Centenary. 401. Special meeting. Draft address to Fellows welcoming the distinguished guests. 402. D-W Celebrations 1958. List of persons attending various functions. |