Ref NoDA/ENG/2/3/90
TitleConserving Europe's Bees
DescriptionPapers relating to the meeting "Conserving Europe's Bees" held on the 6th to the 7th of April 1995 with the International Bee Research Association. Including:

1. Leaflet. Programme and Registration Form.
2. Leaflet.
3. Programme and Abstracts.
4. Lists of Participants.
5. Two Registration Forms. Names not included in lists of participants.
6. 1991. Display Boards and Displays. General information.
7. 1994 Jun 28. Andrew Mathieson (Director of International Bee Research Association) to John Marsden. Would like full version of corrected draft.
8. 1994 Dec 22. Andrew Mathieson to John Marsden. Encloses final draft of brochure/registration form.
9. 1995 Jan 8. Andrew Mathieson to John Marsden. Encloses changes to titles of some papers.
10. 1995 Jan 19. Hopkin, Ms. M. (Andrew Mathieson's secretary) to Baird, Miss M. Gives full postal address of IBRA..
11. 1995 Jan 24. Andrew Mathieson to Baird, Miss M. Gives addresses of the session convenors.
12. 1995 Jan 27. Price, C. to Linnean Society. Gives his address.
13. 1995 Feb 17. Reginato, R.J. (Area Director, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture) to Andrew Mathieson. About the invitation to Stephen Buchmann and cost of his travel and stay in London.
14. 1995 Feb 20. Bosch, J. to Baird, Miss M. Grateful for information about postal display.
15. 1995 Feb 20. Andrew Mathieson to Gogala, A. Invites him to participate in the meeting.
16. 1995 Mar 7. Reinders,. M. (Elsevier) to Linnean Society. Asks if leaflet for their journal Apidologie could be included in the folder for participants.
17. 1995 Mar 10. Andrew Mathieson to Linnean Society. Gives rough programme for the meeting.
18. 1995 Mar 11. John Marsden to Reinders, M. Happy to distribute the flier to participants.
19. 1995 Mar 21. Hopkin, Ms. M. to Baird, Miss M. Gives names of postal paper authors and complementary speakers. Andrew Mathieson and John Marsden to be advised.
20. 1985 Mar 30. Hopkin, Ms. M. to Baird, Miss M. Gives extra names and further details.
21. 1995 Mar 31. Baird. Miss M. to AM. Encloses list of delegates and speakers.
22. 1995 Apr 3. Pesenko, X. to Baird, Miss M. Gives title of his poster.
23. 1995 Apr 11. Olesen, J.M. to Baird, Miss M. An excellent conference. Asks for copy of receipt for his stay at Linstead Hall.
24. 1995 Apr 18. Scholl, A. to Baird, Miss M. Had cancelled his registration because of sickness. Looks forward to receiving abstract volume.
25. 1995 Apr 20. Vaissiere, B.E. to Baird, Miss M. Personal chatty e-mail.
26. 1995 May 5. Hedtke, C. to Baird, Miss M. Asks for a bill for his hotel accommodation.
27. 1995 May 5. Serini, G.B. to Linnean Society. Asks for letter confirming his £58 registration payment.
28. 1995 May 22. Hoch, H. to Baird, Miss M. Asks for receipt for what had been charged to his credit card.
29. 1995 Sep 15. Vaissiere, B.E. to Baird, Miss M. Informs her about the birth of Juliette Emily Vaissiere.
30. Applicants who sought information about the Symposium but who did not participate. Names in alphabetical order.

Papers relating to the meeting "Conserving Europe's Bees" held on the 6th to the 7th of April 1995. Organized jointly by International Bee Research Association and Linnean Society. Supported by European Commission.

1. Conserving Europe’s Bees: A Proposal
2. 1994 Jun 8. Matheson, A. (International Bee Research Association) to John C. Marsden. Draft for first announcement.
3. 1994 Oct 25. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Encloses programme to date. Asks that as many details as possible be added and returned to him.
4. 1995 Jun. Conserving Europe's Bees. Scientific Synopsis.
5. 1995 Apr 6-7. [Appendix 1 to No. 4] Conserving Europe's Bees. Programme and Abstracts.
6. 1995 Apr 6-7. [Appendix 2 to No. 4] Conserving Europe's Bees. List of Participants.

7. 1994 Sep 29. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Encloses copy of letter and funding proposal he had sent to DG XI.
8. 1994 Oct 5. John C. Marsden to Stearn, W.T. Asks about the possibility of support from the Goulandris Foundation.
9. 1994 Oct 5. John C. Marsden to Bell, Ms. S. Asks if the Royal Horticultural Society would support the meeting.
10. 1994 Oct 5. John C. Marsden to Nowicki, P.L. Asks if the European Centre for Nature Conservation would support the meeting.
11. 1994 Oct 14. Sanderson, Mrs. V. to John C. Marsden. Regrets that Nestle UK cannot help with his request.
12. 1994 Oct 18. Ball, Ms. S. to John C. Marsden. A possibility that the Royal Horticultural Society could offer, at no cost to the Linnean Society, use of their Horticultural Halls Lecture Theatre.
13. 1994 Oct 24. Ebel, Ms. S. to John C. Marsden. Regrets that [PGRI is not in a position to support the Symposium. Suggests he contacts Karl Hammer of the IPK Genebank at Gatersleben. Gives address.
14. 1994 Nov 18. Fasella, P. to John C. Marsden. Encloses an application form for an EC sponsorship grant.
15. 1994 Dec 7. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Had spoken to W. Hebel, who had written letter [No. 14]. Hebei is positive about the meeting and describes their objectives. Encloses text for application form which must be faxed to Hebei tomorrow.
16. 1994 Dec 8. John C. Marsden to Fasella, P. Encloses completed application form for EC sponsorship for the meeting Conserving Europe's Bees.
17. 1994 Dec 13. John C. Marsden to Hammer, K. Institut fiir Pflanzengenetic u. Kulturpflanzenforschung. Asks if the IPK would support the meeting.
18. 1994 Dec 23. Fasella, P. The European Commission DG XII confirms a grant of 75% of the net cost up to a maximum of 25000 ECU, subject to the enclosed declaration of acceptance of the terms of the grant.
19. 1995 Jan 1. Bannister, Ms. E. to John C. Marsden Had spoken to Marguerite Boyd-Howell about the Women's Institute holding a fund-raising function. No comment vet.
20. 1995 Jan 5. Matheson, A. to KM. Suggests the priorities for allocating the money donated by DGXII.
21. 1995 Jan 6. John C. Marsden to Fasella, P.M. Grateful for his support of the bee meeting. Will return the Declaration of Acceptance form when he had consulted with his colleagues who are helping to organize the meeting.
22. 1995 Mar 27. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. He and Ingrid had decided that Symposium funds be used to bring Mand (Estonia) and Bogatyev (Russia) to the meeting.
23. 1995 Aug 14. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Encloses copy of internal (IBRA-Linnean Society) document about distribution of money between the two organizations. Also enclosed is an invoice for IBRA's costs.
24. 1996 Oct 1. John C. Marsden to M. Raynaud. Encloses financial statement. Seeks advice about the grant surplus and how it should be repaid.
25. 1996 Oct 1. John C. Marsden to M. Reynaud. Encloses cash distribution for the meeting. The EEC grant amounted to £17,966.74 sterling. A modest loss on the meeting. £290.91, for which the Linnean Society would be responsible.
26. 1997 Apr 1. Raynaud, Ph. To John C. Marsden. Asks to receive as soon as possible a complete original financial statement. Explains what must be included
27. 1997 May 14. Nithianandang, Y. to Raynaud, Ph. Is not prepared to rewrite the information already provided in a different format but can provide any clarification.
28. 1997 May 15. Nithianandan, Y. to Raymaud, Ph. Agrees there is a difference of £2,030.04 between the two statements. Explains.

Conference Booking and Accommodation
29. 1994 Feb 11. O'Toole, C. to John C. Marsden. Encloses conference booking details for the University Museum and Keble College.
30. 1994 Feb 18. Zehetner, Mrs. R.L. to John C. Marsden. Lists various points about accommodation and services provided by Imperial College.
31. 1994 Feb 18. O'Toole, C. to John C. Marsden. Encloses conference booking details for Lady Margaret Hall.
32. 1994 Feb 22. John C. Marsden to Matheson, A. et al. About accommodation costs. Includes also draft text of a letter to potential participants.

33. 1993 May 14. Purchon, Mrs. V.M. to Matheson, A. Asks if IBRA would be interested in holding a symposium jointly with the Linnean Society on the subject of Honey Bee Biology. A date perhaps in 1995 and the venue to be London or Cardiff.
34. 1993 May 27. Matheson, A. to Purchon, Mrs. V.M. Will discuss her suggestion with colleagues on Council and contact her again in a few months.
35, 1993 Jun 25. John C. Marsden to Heath, L.A.F. Asks if he would undertake the scientific organization of the planned meeting on bees. Also if he knew of other organizations who might join in a joint meeting.
36. 1993 Jul 12. Heath, L.A.F. to John C. Marsden . Gives reasons why he could never again organize a conference. However, he would assist whoever does take it on. Suggests organizations who might be prepared to help.
37. 1993 Jul 14. John C. Marsden to Ball, Ms. B.V. Asks if she had any thoughts on the timeliness of the bee meeting, the scientific programme and if she would consider moving things forward on the scientific front.
38. 1993 Jul 20. Ball, Ms. B.V. and Williams Ms. I.H. to John C. Marsden. They are both willing to help with the organization should it fall within their areas of expertise and interest.
39. 1993 Aug 2. John C. Marsden to Ball, Ms. B.V. and Williams, Ms. I.H. Describes the objectives of the conference and asks if they find them agreeable.
40. 1993 Aug 3. Williams, Ms. I.H. to John C. Marsden. In favour of the main emphasis being on bee ecology and pleased that the Linnean Society welcomes a joint meeting with the IBRA.
41. 1993 Aug 18. Humphries, C.J. to John C. Marsden. Three atems to discuss: Apologies for absence, bees and plant names.
42. Bees for Development. List of books to buy from Bees for Development, December 1993.
44. 1994 Jan 7. John C. Marsden to Hamilton, W.D. Hopes he can join a small group of knowledgeable people at the Linnean Society on l Oth February to give some thought to a programme, title and potential speakers.
45. 1994 Jan 18. Hamilton, W.D. to John C. Marsden. He cannot attend meeting as he will be in the U.S.A. Also, he is too far from social insects and hymenoptera to be an appropriate speaker or chair at a meeting.
46. 1994 Jan 22. Yeo, P.F. to John C. Marsden. Pleased to attend the discussion on 10th February.
47. 1994 Feb 2. Ball, Ms. B.V. to John C. Marsden. Explains why she cannot attend the discussion on 10th February. She would be willing to help in other ways.
48. 1994 Feb 23. Corbet, Ms. S. to Matheson, A. Encloses suggestions made at the meeting by Catherine Williams. Comments on what she considers are three problems.
49. 1994 Feb 23. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Suggests he [Matheson] draws up a draft first circular.
50. 1994 Mar 3. Matheson, A. Symposium Outline.
51. 1994 Mar 7. Buchmann. S. to Matheson, A. Accepts the offer to organize and moderate a session. Explains his presentation and who he will invite. Makes seven immediate comments.
52. 1994 Mar 14. John C. Marsden to Matheson, A. Reserves the entire week, 3-7th April for a longer meeting.
53. 1994 Apr 7. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden et al. IBRA/Linnean Society meeting, April 1995. Comments on suggestions for a longer meeting. Explains the difficulties and suggests a return to Plan A.
54. 1994 May 18. John C. Marsden to Angus, R.B. Explains briefly the planned meeting on 6/7th April 1995. Asks about the need of a flier for the Antenna.
55. 1994 Jun 1. Angus, R.B. to John C. Marsden. Replies to his letter of 12th May.
56. 1994 Jun 6. John C. Marsden to Matheson, A. Thinks the preliminary document is much too long. Suggests an AS-sized document, preferably using only one side.
58. 1994 Jun 10. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Is sending him a hard copy and disc of the first announcement. He does not think it can be cut down any further.
60. 1994 Jun 15. John C. Marsden to Leather, S.R. According to Bob Angus the Linnean Society meeting might be of interest to RES members. Encloses details.
61. 1994 Jun 17. Press Release. New book unlocks hive secrets. IBRA Publication Sales.
62. Press Release. Forage for bees in an agricultural landscape edited by A. Matheson. Published by IBRA.
63. O'Toole, C. Suggested speakers on solitary bee topics.
64. 1994 Aug 11. Bilner, R.M. to Linnean Society. Asks for information about the meeting.
65. 1994 Aug 12. Williams, Ms. C. to John C. Marsden. Asks for more information about the meeting.
66. 1994 Aug 15. Maynard, G. to John C. Marsden. Unable to attend the conference. Would like a copy of the proceedings.
67. 1994 Aug 23. Matheson, A. to Westrich, P. Encloses copies of flyer to publicize next year's meeting. For more information he could contact John C. Marsden.
68. 1994 Aug 23. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Grateful for the flyers. Confirms who will publicize the meeting and where.
69. 1984 Aug 31. Matheson, A. to Williams, Ms. 1. and John C. Marsden. Confirms the meeting on 9th September and who will be present.
70. Proposal for publication of proceedings by Academic Press.
71. 1994 Sep I. Mardin, M. to Linnean Society. Invitation on behalf of BEENET ASIA Secretariat to participate in the Tropical Bees and the Environment conference to be held next March.
72. 1994 Sep 2. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Had distributed a note and agenda for the Friday Meeting. Encloses a very basic outline of a calendar of actions for the Meeting. Asks for John C. Marsden's comments.
73. 1994 Sep 2. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden, O'Toole, C. and Williams, Ms. I. Confirms the Meeting on 9th September of the Working Group.
74. 1994 Sep 2. Calendar of key actions for organization. Already settled: dates, place, broad purpose of meeting, programme outline, venue, first circular.
75. 1994 Sep 9. Meeting of Working Group. Agenda.
76. 1994 Sep 9. Leijs, R. to John C. Marsden. Seeks more information about the Symposium.
77. 1994 Sep 13. Matheson, A. to Session Convenors and Organizers. Encloses notes from the meeting of the Working Group.
78. 1994 Sep 13. Notes from a meeting of the Working Group, 9th September [see No. 77].
79. Flyer for the Meeting.
80. 1994 Oct 11. Donovan, B.J. to John C. Marsden. Seeks more information about the Conference.
80. 1994 Oct 12. [Same page as No. 80] Scott, G. to John C. Marsden Asks for Conference details.
81. 1994 Oct 11. Biswas, Ms. R. to Linnean Society. Seeks information about the Symposium.
82. 1994 Oct 13. Connor, L.J. (BES and Wicwas Press) to John C. Marsden. Seeks information about the Symposium. Also, that Keith Delaplane had nearly finished a book on Pollinator Conservation. Suggests they should coordinate and communicate.
83. 1994 Oct 17. Richford, A. (A.P.) to John C. Marsden. Asks for full list of speakers and titles so that he can look into the feasibility of a publishing plan.
84. 1994 Oct 18. Bolchi Serini, G. to Linnean Society. Seeks information about the Symposium.
85. 1994 Oct 21. Rogers, R. to John C. Marsden. Cannot attend the Conference. Would like to order copy of the published proceedings.
86. 1994 Nov 8. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Encloses publication proposal for Academic Press.
87. 1994 Nov 16 Kasher, Ms. R. to Linnean Society. Seeks information about the Symposium.
88. 1994 Dec 5. Second meeting of Working Group. Agenda.
89. 1994 Dec 7. Stubbs, Ms. C. to John C. Marsden. Seeks further information about the Symposium
90. 1994 Dec.9. Hopkin, Ms. M. to Linnean Society. Asks that Registration Form be looked at and any comments sent to Andrew Matheson by 20th December.
91. 1994 Dec 9. Important Bee Conservation Meeting held soon. News release.
92. 1994 Dec 9. Meeting of the Working Group on 6th December 1994. Minutes
93. 1994 Dec 21. Drivdal, N.J. To whom it may concern. Future for the European Black Bee'?
94. 1994 Dec 23. Bosch, J. to John C. Marsden. Seeks information about the Symposium.
95. 1995 Jan 6. Humphries, C.J. to John C. Marsden. Comments on Burlington House and other matters.
96. 1995 Jan 10. Schaffer, Ms. M. to John C. Marsden. Asks if there is anything about New Zealand at the Meeting. She wishes to purchase copy of the proceedings.
97. 1995 Jan 24. Potts, S.G. to John C. Marsden. Seeks information about the Conference.
98. 1995 Jan 27. Maynard, G. to John C. Marsden. Conservation of Europe's bees. Grateful for his note.
99. 1995 Feb 1. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Requests/notifications for posters. Seeks information.
100. 1995 Feb 3. Connor, L. to John C. Marsden. Asks for list of participants, addresses and e-mail data.
101. 1995 Feb 3. Williams, P. to John C. Marsden. Had posted his Registration Form. Asks about unloading machinery for a computer demonstration.
102. 1995 Feb 3. Stubbs, Ms. C. to John C. Marsden. Booking form not yet arrived. Asks if it includes a call for poster presentations.
103. 1995 Feb 9. Birch, M. to John C. Marsden. Asks for a Registration Form.
104. 1995 Feb 15. Kvvak, M.M. to John C. Marsden. Asks what time the Meeting will start and end. Also about times and travel distances from the airport.
105. 1995 Feb 17. Matheson, A. to John C. Marsden. Asks for count of registrations by 27th February.
106. 1995 Mar 2. Matheson, A. to Session Convenors. Advice on abstracts, registrations, posters, administrative arrangements.
Extent1 file
NotesThe items in this file were listed by volunteers prior to official cataloguing. To maintain the information gained from this listing project they have been catalogued in this order and using this listing as the description. However some listings may contain errors and there may be items missing from files that are mentioned in the listing. Please contact the library at
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