Ref NoDA/ENG/2/3/88
TitleThe Indus River
13 - 15 July 1994
Sponsored by the Linnean Society, British Council, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Unesco, Unilever plc., Handard Foundation, University of Glasgow and University of Bradford.
1. 1993 May. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows. Symposium Proposal.
2. 1993 Jun. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows. Symposium Proposal.
3. Background to Symposium, Topics Covered and Recommendations.
4. 1993 Sep 28. Provisional Budget.
5. 1994 Jan 11. Symposium. Background, Symposium Themes, Publication, Registration Fee.
6. List of contributors who had agreed to give a presentation.
7. Symposium. Printed leaflet with Registration form.
8. President's remarks: Indus River meeting.

9. List of possible sponsors.
10. 1993 Jul 28. Ryland-Jones, Ms. S. (Overseas Development Administration) to John C. Marsden. Regrets but not able to help with funding.
11. 1993 Sep 6. John C. Marsden to Azra Meadows/Peter S. Meadows. Copy of letter to possible sponsor. Asks if it meets with their approval.
12. 1993 Sep 7. John C. Marsden to Claydon, R.F. (Nestle Holdings). Gives names of subsidiary companies, Brooke Bond and Lipton, who might give donation.
13. 1993 Sep 7. John C. Marsden to Morrison, Mrs. S. (General Electric Company). Letter asking for donation.
14. 1993 Sep 7. John C. Marsden to Wilcock, B. (Oxford University Press). Letter asking for donation.
15. 1993 Sep 8. Morrison, Mrs. S. (General Electric Company) to John C. Marsden. Contents of his letter will be conveyed to the Operating Units.
16. 1993 Sep 9. Backers, Ms. N. (Nestle UK) to John C. Marsden. Brooke Bond and Lipton are not Nestle subsidiaries. Regrets Nestle must decline sponsorship.
17. 1993 Sep 10. Bash, Mrs. B. (Smith & Nephew Foundation) to John C. Marsden. Regrets they cannot sponsor.
18. 1993 Sep 13. James Finlay P.L.C. to John C. Marsden. Unable to extend their already extensive list of charitable donations.
19. 1993 Sep 14. John C. Marsden to Backers, N. He had telephoned Brooke Bond and Lipton. Both had said they were subsidiaries of Nestle.
20. 1993 Sep 14. Saltrnarsh, P.D. (Reckitt Colman) to John C. Marsden. Regrets they cannot sponsor.
21. 1993 Sep 15. Foers, Mrs. D.E. (Lucas) to John C. Marsden. Regrets unable to help.
22. 1993 Sep 15. Scott, R.F. (ICL) to John C. Marsden. Regrets they cannot sponsor.
23. 1993 Sep 16. Oxbury, M.D. (Norwich Union) to John C. Marsden. Regrets they are unable to help.
24. 1993 Sep 17. Miller, T. (Boots Charitable Trust) to John C. Marsden. Regrets they are unable to help.
25. 1993 Sep 21. Holland, B.R. (Rothmans International) to John C. Marsden. Regrets they are unable to help.
26. 1993 Sep 21. Sutton, R.V. (Wellcome Foundation) to John C. Marsden. Explains to whom they give donations. If able to help they will contact Linnean Society within three months.
27. 1993 Sep 22. Somerville, S. (Reuter Foundation) to WM Regrets but unable to be of assistance.
28. 1993 Sep 22. Tulip, J.D.W. (Unilever) to John C. Marsden. Will support the Indus River meeting with a gift of £1,500, Will send a cheque in March next) year.
29. 1993 Sep 23. Wilkins. A. (Guardian Royal Exchange) to John C. Marsden. Regrets but unable to help
30. 1993 Sep 24. Rushton, KJ. (ICI) to KM. Regrets but unable to help.
31. 1993 Sep 24. Bailey, M.C. (SmithKline Beecham) to John C. Marsden. Regrets but unable to help.
32. 1993 Sep 24. Hicks, Ms. RE. (Royal Insurance) to John C. Marsden. Regrets but unable to help.
33. 1993 Sep 27. John C. Marsden to Tulip, J.D.W. (Unilever). Gives reasons for TLinnean Society's special gratitude
34. 1993 Sep 30. May, Ms. J. (Oxford University Press) to John C. Marsden. Not their policy to grant funds to Learned Societies for their meetings.
35. 1993 Oct 6. Hopkins.. (HSBC Holdings) to John C. Marsden. Regrets but unable to help.
36. 1993 Oct 12. Buck, Mrs. M. (Commercial Union) to John C. Marsden. Regrets but unable to help.
37 1993 Oct 12. Peri, S. (Charities Aid Foundation) to John C. Marsden. Regrets but unable to help.
38. 1993 Oct 25. Murray. Ms. T. (British Petroleum) to WM. Regrets but unable to help.
39. 1993 Nov 3. Baker. Ms. C.(Thorn EMI) to John C. Marsden. Regrets but unable to help.
40. 1993 Nov 16. Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows to John C. Marsden. Draft letter to British Council. Seeks John C. Marsden’s opinion and advice.
41. 1993 Nov 26. John C. Marsden to Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows. Replies to their draft letter to British Council. Comments and suggestions.
42. 1993 Nov 29. Hamilton, Ms. N. (Lasmo ) to WM. Regrets but unable to help.
43. 1993 Dec 1. Peter S. Meadows to Phillips, L. (British Council). Letter asking for contribution towards cost of air travel of eight senior Pakistani scientists.
44. 1993 Dec 14. John C. Marsden to Starmer, A. (Balfour Maunsell). Asks if he had any ideas about who he [John C. Marsden] should approach for donations. This to help in the costs of about ten Pakistani scientists coming to the Indus River meeting in London.
45. 1993 Dec 23. John C. Marsden to Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows. Asks for comments on draft letter to Hakim Mohammed Said, Hamdard Foundation.
46. 1993 Dec 30. Azra Meadows to John C. Marsden. Approves of draft letter. Encloses copy of positive response from British Council in Islamabad. Suggests he Peter S. Meadows mentions this in his letter.
47. 1994 Jan 4. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows to John C. Marsden. Encloses copy of article on Sir Peter Hobs, who had taken over Chairmanship of Royal Dutch/Shell. Suggest he [John C. Marsden] writes Holmes a personal letter.
48. 1994 Jan 4. John C. Marsden to Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows. Attaches letter to Sir Peter Holmes about the Indus River meeting. Is also chasing up the Pakistan Society.
49. 1994 Jan 11. Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows to Kullenberg, G. (IOC Unesco). Letter asking for advice and possible financial assistance.
50. 1994 Jan 13. John C. Marsden to Hakim Mohammed Said (Handard Foundation). Letter asking for donation. Encloses the Indus River meeting programme.
51. 1994 Jan 27. John C. Marsden to Allchin, R. (Ancient India and Iran Trust). Letter asking for help in securing donation.
52. 1994 Jan 27. John C. Marsden to Ahmed, A.S (Centre of South Asian Studies). Letter asking for help in securing donation.
53. 1994 Jan 27. Kullenberg. G. (IOC Unesco) to Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows. Agrees to supply limited support amounting to 34,000 USD. Asks if stipulated conditions are acceptable.
54. 1994 Feb 28. Ahmed, KS. to John C. Marsden. Will help in any way he can. Thinks the Pakistan High Commissioner may provide or find accommodation.
55. 1994 Mar 2. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows to Kullenberg. G. (IOC Unesco). Gives details about the publicity of sponsorship, names of marine participants from Pakistan, and the cost per person.
56. 1994 Apr 29. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows to Kullenberg, G. (IOC Unesco). Asks that donated funds be paid to Linnean Society.
57. 1994 May 3. Kullenberg, G. (IOC Unesco) to Peter S. Meadows. Encloses contract with instructions.
58. 1994 May 16. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows to Kullenberg. G. (IOC Unesco). Gives cost per person and the names of five scientists.

60. 1989 Aug 25. Copy of title page: Flora of Pakistan, No. 191 Boraginaceae.
61. 1991 May. The Indus River Project. Report to the Pakistan Ministry of Science and Technology and Pakistan Science Foundation.
64. 1992 May 7. Journal of the Geological Society. M.P. Searle & P.J. Treloar, Conference Report. 7th Himilaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop.
66. 1992 Jul 31. Peter S. Meadows to John C. Marsden. Encloses information on the Indus River Project [see No. 67] Delighted to hear that Linnean Society is in principle willing to host a meeting and perhaps contribute to an expedition.
67. 1992 May. Peter S. Meadows. Report to the British Council, Islamabad. Visit to Islamabad - May 1992. Indus River Project [see No. 66].
68. 1992 Nov 9. John C. Marsden to Peter S. Meadows. The Programmes Committee found no difficulty in his proposal for a meeting on The Indus River Project.
69. 1993 May 12. Peter S. Meadows/Azra Meadows to John C. Marsden. General information about their proposal for a symposium on the Indus River, perhaps in April or May 1994.
70. 1993 May. Peter S. Meadows/Azra Meadows. Indus River Symposium. Draft schedule for discussion.
71. 1993 Jun 17. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows to John C. Marsden. Meeting of John C. Marsden, Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows on 11th June 1993. Minutes.
72. 1993 Jun 28. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows to John C. Marsden. Information relating to the Minutes of the meeting on 11th June 1993. [See No. 71.]
73. 1993 Jun 29. John C. Marsden to Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows. Notes that a date had been fixed, 13-14th July 1994.
74. 1993 Jul 15. John C. Marsden to Virk, M.L. Information about the Indus River meeting on 11-14 July 1994. Hopes the High Commission of Pakistan will play an essential role.
75. 1993 Jul 23. Peter S. Meadows to John C. Marsden. Asks his opinion on the draft letter to speakers.
76. 1993 Jul 26. John C. Marsden to Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows. Comments on the draft letter to speakers [No. 75].
77. 1993 Jul 28. Virk, M.L to John C. Marsden. Letter of thanks for lunch. Encloses list of British firms working in Pakistan alongside their addresses in the UK.
78. 1983 Aug 4. Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows. Blank letter of invitation to speakers.
79. 1993 Aug 5. John C. Marsden to Virk, M.L. Confirms 13-14th July 1994 as dates of the Indus River meeting. Invitations had gone out to potential participants. Asks about a possible parliamentary connection between the UK and Pakistan and about an approach to PIA for possible reduced fares.
80. 1993 Aug 17. Roberts, T.J. to Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows. Accepts invitation to be one of the speakers.
81. 1993 Aug 17. Roberts, T.J. to John C. Marsden. Had been asked to present a paper at The Audus River meeting. Had read about the Linnean Society and would like to join. Gives brief No-data.
82. 1993 Aug 22. Hamidi, T.H. to Peter S. Meadows. Had seen his letter to Hakim Mohammed Said. He [Hamidi] had had designed a wooden boat in miniature, the like of which is still used in the Indus. Offers to place the boat at the disposal of the organizers of the Symposium.
83. 1993 Sep 5. Peter S. Meadows to Hamidi, T.H. Thinks the loan of a boat a wonderful idea. Seeks more information.
84. 1993 Sep 13. Hamidi, T.H. to Peter S. Meadows. About the boat. Provides information requested.
85. 1993 Sep 22. Peter S. Meadows to Hamidi, T.H. Grateful for information. Will write to him again when plans for the symposium are finalised.
86. Agenda for symposium meeting on 27th September 1993.
87. Meeting of John C. Marsden, Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows on 27th September 1993. Minutes.
88. 1993 Sep 24. Peter S. Meadows/Azra Meadows to John C. Marsden. List of contributors and titles to date.
89. 1993 Sep 28. John C. Marsden to Virk, NI.L Gives list of speakers who had agreed to contribute and the themes under which they will present invited papers.
90. 1903 Oct 14 John C. Marsden to Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows. About Prof Ali staying at Kew. Also about Kew's thoughts that the Pakistani scientists should solicit support from the British Council.
91. 1993 Dec 22. Peter S. Meadows to John C. Marsden. About Hakim Said.
92. 1994 Jan 5. John C. Marsden to Forster, O.G. Encloses details of the meeting and also of the Linnean Society
93. 1994 Jan 7. Ames, P.L. to Azra Meadows. Asks if there is still space on the programme for a paper by him and Samuel Snedaker.
94. 1994 Jan 12. Forster, O.G. (The Pakistan Society) to John C. Marsden. Cannot help with the worthy venture. Suggests that Akbar S Ahmed and Raymond Alichin might help.
95. 1994 Jan 12. Azra Meadows to John C. Marsden. Encloses sheets which he (John C. Marsden) will forward to Hakim Said. Had a successful session with S.M. Haq.
96. 1994 Jan 12. Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows. Discussion meeting with S.M. Hag (Unesco). Agenda.
97. 1994 Jan 19. Hamaidi, T.H. to John C. Marsden. About the possibility that the British Council may sponsor his visit to London when he brings with him the miniature house boat.
98. 1994 Apr 28. Harnaidi, T.H. to John C. Marsden. Confirms that the poster depicting the ancient and present Indus house-boats is complete. The model boat is in final shape.
99. 1994 Apr 28. John C. Marsden to Peter S. Meadows. Taswir Husain Hamidi is ready to roll. He needs sponsorship advice from Linnean Society. Will inform him we do not have sponsorship advice.
100. 1994 Apr 28. John C. Marsden to Hamidi, T.H. Regrets but the Linnean Society has no funds to enable him to participate in the meeting.
101. List of Pakistan and Pakistan-Related speakers attending the symposium.
102. 1994 Jun 13. Hamidi, T.H. to John C. Marsden. Confirms that the President of the Hamuard Foundation, Pakistan, had agreed to sponsor his visit to London
103. 1994 Jun 15. Martins. R.P. to John C. Marsden. Asks if 12th July would be appropriate for his formal admittance as Fellow.
104. 1994 Jun 15. John C. Marsden to Hamidi, T.H. Delighted to hear he could attend the meeting.
105. 1994 Jun 22. Ali, St to John C. Marsden. Seeks information about a grant that would enable him to visit the UK to continue his research on Flora of Pakistan.
106. 1994 Jun 23. John C. Marsden to Martins, R.P. 12th July not appropriate for admission. 13th or 14th July certainly possible.
107. 1994 Jun 24. Martins, R.P. to John C. Marsden. Suggests lunch hour on 13th July for his admission.
108. 1994 Jun 28. John C. Marsden to Ali, Si. Suggests he gets in touch with the British Council in Karachi and the Royal Society in London.
109. 1994 Jun 28. Hamidi, T.H. to Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows. Happy that he can participate in the symposium. Will submit his paper on arrival. He will bring the miniature boat with him.
110. 1994 Jun 30. Westcoat, J.L. to Azra Meadows and Peter S. Meadows. Regrets he will not be able to present his paper at the symposium. He is ready to produce a version that could be read in his absence.
111. 1994 Jul 1. John C. Marsden to Peter S. Meadows. About Westcott's letter [No. 1101 and copy of his (John C. Marsden's) letter to All [No. 108].
112. 1994 Jun 1. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows to Westcoat, J.L. Regrets he will be unable to attend. Pleased to read out a shortened version of his paper.
113. 1994 Jul 2. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows to Forster, O. Looks forward to seeing him at the symposium and to hear his opening address. Hopes also he will be present at the Official Reception.
114 1994 Jul 6. Peter S. Meadows/Azra Meadows try Hasau, W.S (High Commissioner for Pakistan). Describes the symposium and invites him to attend the Official Reception on the 14th July.
115 1994 Jul 6. Peter S. Meadows/Azra Meadows to Badshah, J. (Education Attache). Invites him to the Opening Session and to the Official Reception. Gives names and brief description of the speakers.
116. 1994 Jul 14. Peter S. Meadows and Azra Meadows to John C. Marsden. Invitees for Official Reception.
117. 1994 Jul 19. Stafford, Mrs. M.J.G. (The Pakistan Society) to Linnean Society. She had look forward to attending the symposium but the rail strike had destroyed her plans. Hopes all went well.
Extent1 file
NotesThe items in this file were listed by volunteers prior to official cataloguing. To maintain the information gained from this listing project they have been catalogued in this order and using this listing as the description. However some listings may contain errors and there may be items missing from files that are mentioned in the listing. Please contact the library at
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