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HEIN - Margot Heinemann papers
1 - Margot Heinemann: correspondence
2 - Margot Heinemann: literary, political and historical notes
3 - Margot Heinemann: conference papers
4 - Margot Heinemann: papers relating to publications
1 - Margot Heinemann, Britain’s Coal (London: Gollancz, 1944)
2 - Margot Heinemann, The Adventurers (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1960)
3 - Noreen Branson and Margot Heinemann, Britain in the 1930s (London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1971): correspondence; magazine and newspaper reviews
4 - Jon Clark, Margot Heinemann, David Margolies, Carole Snee (eds), Culture and Crisis in Britain in the Thirties (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1980)
5 - Margot Heinemann, ‘The People’s Front and the Intellectuals', in Jim Fyrth (ed.), Britain, Fascism and the Popular Front (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987)
6 - Margot Heinemann, ‘Left Review, New Writing and the broad alliance against Fascism’: in Edward Timms and Peter Collier (eds), Visions and Blueprints: Avant-garde Culture and Radical Politics in Early Twentieth-century Europe (Manchester: MUP 1988)
7 - Margot Heinemann, review of Margaret Crosland, Beyond the Lighthouse: English Women Novelists in the Twentieth Century (London: Constable, 1981)
8 - Margot Heinemann, review of John McVeagh, Tradefull Merchants: The portrayal of the Capitalist in Literature (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981)
9 - Margot Heinemann and William Thompson (eds), History and the Imagination: selected essays of AL Morton (London: Lawrence and Wishart 1990)
10 - Margot Heinemann: Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, published Weimar lectures
11 - Margot Heinemann, ‘How Brecht read Shakespeare’, in Political Shakespeare: New Essays in Cultural Imperialism, ed. Jonathan Dollimore and Alan Sinfield (Manchester University Press 1985)
12 - Margot Heinemann, ‘Modern Brecht’—review of James Lyon, Bertolt Brecht in America (Princeton University Press 1981); Betty Weber and Hubert Heinen (eds), Bertolt Brecht: Political Theory and Literary Practice (Manchester University Press 1981); Jan Needs and Peter Thomson, Brecht (London: Blackwell 1981) in London Review of Books, 5-18 August 1982
13 - Margot Heinemann, ‘Brecht’s New Age’—review of John Willett, Brecht in Context: Comparative Approaches (London: Methuen 1983) and Ronald Hayman, Brecht: a Biography (London: Weidenfeld 1983) in London Review of Books, 1-14 March 1984
14 - Margot Heinemann, ‘Popular Drama and Leveller Style—Richard Overton and John Harris’, in Maurice Campbell Cornforth (ed.), Rebels and their Causes: essays in honour of AL Morton (London: Lawrence and Wishart 1978)
15 - Margot Heinemann, Puritanism and Theatre: Thomas Middleton and Opposition Drama under the Early Stuarts (Cambridge University Press 1980)
16 - Margot Heinemann, ‘”God Help the Poor; the Rich can Shift”: The World turned Upside-Down and the Popular Tradition in the Theatre’, in Gordon McMullan and Jonathan Hope (eds), The Politics of Tragicomedy: Shakespeare and After (London: Routledge 1992)
17 - Margot Heinemann, ‘Political Drama’ in Albert R. Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway (eds), The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama (Cambridge University Press 1990)
18 - Margot Heinemann, ‘Drama and Opinion in the 1620s: Middleton and Massinger’ ‘Drama and Politics in the Crisis of the 1620s’), in JR Mulryne and Margaret Shewing (eds), Theatre and Government under the Early Stuarts (Cambridge University Press 1990)
19 - Margot Heinemann, ‘Middleton’s A Game at Chess: Parliamentary-Puritans and Opposition Drama’, English Literary Renaissance, vol. 5 no. 2 (Spring 1975)
20 - Margot Heinemann, ‘Rebel Lords, Popular Playwrights and Political Culture: Notes on the Jacobean Patronage of the Earl of Southampton’, Yearbook of English Studies, vol. 21 (1991)
21 - Margot Heinemann, review of John G. Demaray, Milton’s Theatrical Epic: The Invention and Design of Paradise Lost (Harvard University Press 1980), Modern Language Review July 1983
22 - Margot Heinemann, review of Jerzy Limon, Dangerous Matter: English Drama and Politics 1623-1624 (Cambridge University Press 1986), Renaissance Quarterly Spring 1988
23 - Proposal for a volume of essays edited by David Bevington, David L. Smith and Richard Strier, published as The Theatrical City: Culture, Theatre and Politics in London, 1576-1649 (Cambridge 1995)
24 - Proposed book later published as Douglas Howard (ed.), Philip Massinger: A Critical Reappraisal (Cambridge 1983)
5 - Margot Heinemann: papers relating to 20th century social, political and cultural history
6 - Margot Heinemann: collected 20th century writing
7 - Margot Heinemann: papers relating to communism and communists
8 - Margot Heinemann: papers relating to Bertolt Brecht and his work
9 - Margot Heinemann: collected writing on Shakespeare
10 - Margot Heinemann: collected writings on 16th and 17th century history and literature
11 - Margot Heinemann: unpublished work and related papers
12 - Margot Heinemann: papers relating to television and theatre productions
13 - Margot Heinemann: collected writings about the Spanish Civil War
14 - Margot Heinemann: writing on herself and family
15 - Margot Heinemann: sundry items and artefacts
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